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      Albo reacted to Canary_Yellow's post in the thread Bad Advice with Like Like.
      Most high handicap golfers would do well to ignore par and just play what they are faced with. To your point though, do you mean bad...
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      Albo replied to the thread Bad Advice.
      I just pretty much ignore all advice and row my own boat. Re going or not for a par 5 in 3 shots, there are some situations where it is...
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      Albo reacted to HPIMG's post in the thread Driver problems and pro lessons with Like Like.
      I’ve been beating my handicap pretty consistently for a while now, last cards I put in were September last year and I’ve been improving...
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      Albo replied to the thread Driver problems and pro lessons.
      Hang on, you hit your 3w 250-260 and after 4 lessons you’re beating your handicap 9 times out of 10, that pro must be working wonders...
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      Albo reacted to Orikoru's post in the thread Clothing & Footwear - 12 years on with Like Like.
      Luckily for you, it's not compulsory to wear those things. More choice is never a bad thing. :) The shoe advancement is the best thing...
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      Given the way equipment is at the moment I don’t think we will see one single player dominate like Tiger over the long term, it will...
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      Albo reacted to Orikoru's post in the thread Golf Course Closed again with Like Like.
      Same day I think. Snow in the morning, heatwave the afternoon. Back to rain the following day.
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      Albo reacted to Voyager EMH's post in the thread I bought today..... with Like Like.
      Ever wondered where our money ends up when we buy golf stuff? Its not easy trying to figure out who the ultimate owner of these...
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      When missing a 2fter you need to know how whippy the shaft is to ensure the putter throw is perfect
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      Albo reacted to Slab's post in the thread I’ve done a boo boo - putter lengthening with Like Like.
      Now that you have all the sensible advise ... When you get to the green just take your shoes/socks off and putt barefoot. This saves...
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      Albo replied to the thread Playing handicap.
      Yes have seen both
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      Albo replied to the thread Membership cost increase.
      I’m a member at 2 courses, both option 1 as far as I’m aware one members club, one privately owned. I have no idea how the members feel...
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      Albo replied to the thread Golf Season 2024.
      The weather is just horrific
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      Albo replied to the thread Range finders.
      Nope I never ever enter comps I’m sure there is a way to switch off the functions to make the things competition ready, if someone wished
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      Albo replied to the thread Orange Ball Anyone?.
      Ha I missed the memo given I was reading it on the 3rd, though in fairness I’d probably have missed it even if I had read it on Monday.
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