Letting people through while in a comp?


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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No complaints from me mate, it's better than Coronation Street our place. I was only asking about being let through during a comp out of interest mate, if I'm not entered into it I wouldn't even contemplate bothering those who are competing.

Problem is
Some members think coz they're playing a comp they then have the right to take as long as they wish, like it's the Ryder cup or something, or own the place, when they still need to maintain pace of play

See you in a week and a half when we can laugh at Craig in a suit😂😂

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Once upon a time the etiquette section of the Rules was worded very differently. Amongst other things it included priority to those playing in a competition and stated that a single player had absolutely no status on the course at any time ever, ever...

Things have moved on significantly -

"It is a group's responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it loses a clear hole and it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the group behind to play through, irrespective of the number of players in that group. Where a group has not lost a clear hole, but it is apparent that the group behind can play faster, it should invite the faster moving group to play through."

So, to paraphrase, all golfers are created equal, except some will always claim otherwise when it suits them...both here and on the course.

One day :cheers:


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Problem is
Some members think coz they're playing a comp they then have the right to take as long as they wish, like it's the Ryder cup or something, or own the place, when they still need to maintain pace of play

See you in a week and a half when we can laugh at Craig in a suit😂😂

In which case a polite 'I see you are playing a match and I don't want to be seen to be pushing and hence adding pressure - so you won't mind if I/we just play through?'


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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Now you're just being an idiot. :D Bloody hell, some of the trolls in this place.

Why am I?:confused:
Why would you turn up for a friendly knock with a mate on a Comp day?:rolleyes:
Why not enter the Comp in the first place?
You know the course will be rammed with groups on every hole and yet you'd expect to be let through?
There's only one idiot and troll on this thread, pal.:thup:


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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Why am I?:confused:
Why would you turn up for a friendly knock with a mate on a Comp day?:rolleyes:
Why not enter the Comp in the first place?
You know the course will be rammed with groups on every hole and yet you'd expect to be let through?
There's only one idiot and troll on this thread, pal.:thup:

have you ever stopped to think that people dont live to play golf competitions? perhaps they're working on something, perhaps they enjoy their golf more when playing a non competitive round.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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have you ever stopped to think that people dont live to play golf competitions? perhaps they're working on something, perhaps they enjoy their golf more when playing a non competitive round.

So play when it isn't a Comp day, simples.:thup:

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Why am I?:confused:
Why would you turn up for a friendly knock with a mate on a Comp day?:rolleyes:
Why not enter the Comp in the first place?
You know the course will be rammed with groups on every hole and yet you'd expect to be let through?
There's only one idiot and troll on this thread, pal.:thup:

Why wouldn't you turn up for a friendly knock about with yer mates on a comp day, why should a comp day dictate when you can and can't play, after all 'you've paid yer subscription' the same as everyone else...

Problem is that the 'life of today' is very much different to 20, 30 even 40yrs ago when yer average working week was Monday to Friday 8-5 and the weekend was the weekend, lots of people now work (willingly or otherwise) 6 and 7 day weeks and only get the chance to have a round every once in a while, last thing they want is to be told they can't play cos there's a comp on, I don't know about you but I'd be seriously pi**ed if I were told that on my only day off in the last fortnight...

Food for thought maybe... :thup:


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I wonder if people are really as obdurate on the course and real life as they appear in text?
Lifes too short to be like that.


Club Champion
Sep 26, 2016
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I sometimes go out on my own after a comp as I might not have 4+ hours to play that day otherwise I would be in the comp. However, I leave a gap of at least one hole and spend time on extra putting,chipping and looking for golf balls.

Would not dream of pushing up at the back of the comp players and trying to get through regardless of how slow they are.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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I sometimes go out on my own after a comp as I might not have 4+ hours to play that day otherwise I would be in the comp. However, I leave a gap of at least one hole and spend time on extra putting,chipping and looking for golf balls.

Would not dream of pushing up at the back of the comp players and trying to get through regardless of how slow they are.

Hurrah!!! At last, Thank you.:cheers::clap::whoo:


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Hurrah!!! At last, Thank you.:cheers::clap::whoo:

It seems you want to be antagonistic.

What's wrong with allowing the Club to manage the Tee times? If you're allowed to book a Tee and play then you can expect to enjoy all the normal benefits and operate under the R&A rules.

If the club wants its competition participants total use of the course then 'close' the course and/or block certain Tee times.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
Why would you turn up for a friendly knock with a mate on a Comp day?:rolleyes:
Why not enter the Comp in the first place?

Apart from the personal time restrictions already mentioned, it simply could be a comp you are not eligible to enter, because you have not qualified for it, or because it is a juniors comp, a seniors comp, a ladies or gents only comp, some official club team comp etc etc

We do have quite a few comps at our club that I could not enter, even if I wanted to. And since I am basically restricted to play on weekends, I will normally try to find a time when I can tee off after it (or before it if I can be bothered to get up really early).


Assistant Pro
Jul 8, 2012
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It seems that the people who would like to play when there are free tee times on a comp day,out number the people who would like to have the course to themselves to play in a comp and take as long as they want regardless of the full paying members wishes. Got to love living in a democracy 🤣🤣🤣


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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I've not got a problem with people not playing in Comps, but they shouldn't expect to push through slower groups who are in the Comp.
The Comp players should have priority over a friendly game, yes?