Letting people through while in a comp?


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I've not got a problem with people not playing in Comps, but they shouldn't expect to push through slower groups who are in the Comp.
The Comp players should have priority over a friendly game, yes?

no they shouldn't. being in a comp bares no relevance. if your slower and the group behind is faster then let them through. how is that going to effect your comp? personally i prefer to let people through as i can relax more when i know I'm not holding people up. that's called CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS

people are so wrapped up in their own self importance that basic manners seems to have gone out the window. your not playing for a green jacket so get over yourself
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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We only have drawn tee times for our captains and Presidents day. Other than that, as long as there is light you can enter the comp.

I wouldnt use the "i am in a comp" line to either push past or hold up others.

If i was racing against the light i may add it to a request to play through a slow group who are possibly not playing a full round. This would be a rare occasion.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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When you are a member of a club you sign up to accept that it is not all about you and what you want - however much you have paid - no matter what you think you are due; deserve or should be able to do. If you don't like how the club and it's members organise things, then you can stand for a committee position to influence change - or go elsewhere.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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no they shouldn't. being in a comp bares no relevance. if your slower and the group behind is faster then let them through. how is that going to effect your comp? personally i prefer to let people through as i can relax more when i know I'm not holding people up. that's called CONSIDERATION FOR OTHERS

people are so wrapped up in their own self importance that basic manners seems to have gone out the window. your not playing for a green jacket so get over yourself

we said, i totally agree.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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Both the R&A and the USGA say no.

Is that actually in the rule book? Got a link?
This is a question I asked a few weeks ago and nobody seems to have any evidence to either side of the argument. Iv always though the competition holds priority
Personally Iv never really heard of bounce games rattling into the back of a competition and playing through. If I'm out playing a bounce game I certainly wouldn't bash up the back of the last group in a competition and expect to be let through. Our ladies have the tee blocked from 4-6 on a Thursday despite there only being 20 of them or something and they won't dream of letting you through if you caught up with them because that's "their time" and they're in a competition.
The last group could have went out last as they were beginners and knew they'd be a bit slower, thinking if they played last there would be no-one behind them so they could relax a bit and try and score without holding anyone up, getting more stressed and harassed by having to stand aside all the time to let players through. some people actually do try and score rather than just time their round.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Why am I?:confused:
Why would you turn up for a friendly knock with a mate on a Comp day?:rolleyes:
Why not enter the Comp in the first place?
You know the course will be rammed with groups on every hole and yet you'd expect to be let through?
There's only one idiot and troll on this thread, pal.:thup:
Glad we agree on something. :D

Obviously people can play golf whenever they like. I can't be expected to know when every course in the local area is having all of their competitions, let alone care. If the course accepts your booking and you pay your money then you play your round like anyone else. Overall this thread comes down to common decency, anyone playing for any reason should be letting people through if they are being held up.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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I'd avoid going out behind a competition at my course. But, if I turned up at an away course to play on my own (or even with a mate) and a competition had just gone out with a field rammed with 3 balls, then I wouldn't want to be let through, even if I was asked. Effectively, I'd be rushing the whole way round. I'd try and make up with someone so we played the same pace as the field, or, if no one else was around, i'd do some chipping and putting after finishing a hole etc.  

I couldn't think of anything worse than playing through a full field of golfers like speedy gonzales. I'd be pretty relaxed about it. I am outdoors, not at work but doing something I enjoy.  

That said...... a lot of clubs I know block out some tee times after the competition to act as a bit of a buffer.
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duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Is that actually in the rule book? Got a link?
This is a question I asked a few weeks ago and nobody seems to have any evidence to either side of the argument. Iv always though the competition holds priority
Personally Iv never really heard of bounce games rattling into the back of a competition and playing through. If I'm out playing a bounce game I certainly wouldn't bash up the back of the last group in a competition and expect to be let through. Our ladies have the tee blocked from 4-6 on a Thursday despite there only being 20 of them or something and they won't dream of letting you through if you caught up with them because that's "their time" and they're in a competition.
The last group could have went out last as they were beginners and knew they'd be a bit slower, thinking if they played last there would be no-one behind them so they could relax a bit and try and score without holding anyone up, getting more stressed and harassed by having to stand aside all the time to let players through. some people actually do try and score rather than just time their round.

See post #42 in this thread which references earlier rules versions and quotes the current ones.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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I'd avoid going out behind a competition at my course. But, if I turned up at an away course to play on my own (or even with a mate) and a competition had just gone out with a field rammed with 3 balls, then I wouldn't want to be let through, even if I was asked. Effectively, I'd be rushing the whole way round. I'd try and make up with someone so we played the same pace as the field, or, if no one else was around, i'd do some chipping and putting after finishing a hole etc.  

I couldn't think of anything worse than playing through a full field of golfers like speedy gonzales. I'd be pretty relaxed about it. I am outdoors, not at work but doing something I enjoy.  

That said...... a lot of clubs I know block out some tee times after the competition to act as a bit of a buffer.

Excellent post, well said.:thup:


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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Is that actually in the rule book? Got a link?
This is a question I asked a few weeks ago and nobody seems to have any evidence to either side of the argument. Iv always though the competition holds priority
Personally Iv never really heard of bounce games rattling into the back of a competition and playing through. If I'm out playing a bounce game I certainly wouldn't bash up the back of the last group in a competition and expect to be let through. Our ladies have the tee blocked from 4-6 on a Thursday despite there only being 20 of them or something and they won't dream of letting you through if you caught up with them because that's "their time" and they're in a competition.
The last group could have went out last as they were beginners and knew they'd be a bit slower, thinking if they played last there would be no-one behind them so they could relax a bit and try and score without holding anyone up, getting more stressed and harassed by having to stand aside all the time to let players through. some people actually do try and score rather than just time their round.

Another golfer showing consideration to the Comp golfers. Well said.:thup:


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Another golfer showing consideration to the Comp golfers. Well said.:thup:

What about those in the comps that show consideration for ALL golfers?
Why would i not let someone through just because I'm putting pencil to card?
Why would I ruin someone's day?

If if I played with someone who refused to let a group through I wouldn't be marking his card for much longer. I'll take my point one back and explain to the group behind that there's a prick in front.

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Had this very same scenario this evening, four ball in front of me for the back 7 playing off of whites so presumably they were playing in the 'Babbage' so I didn't bother asking to go through but I do have to say they were a bunch of arrogant feckers and were certainly taking their time over it (one in particular is renowned for it, thinks he's gods gift, bit of a hand cranker) so spent the evening playing 3, 4 and even 5 balls, chipping, putting and trying out the clubs I don't usually hit, discovered I can actually hit my 5i at last 'so' all in all an evening well spent... :thup:
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have drawn times for our weekend comps and so the tee is effectively closed to non-comp golfers who can still tee off the 10th. After the drawn times, players can still roll up but they have no additional standing on the course just because they are in the event. Of course, most will trot the "I'm in a comp" line but I'd argue, as others have rightly said that quicker groups should be allowed through. It's keeps the pace of the course nice and even and in the longer term makes the round flow better for the majority. It's about education and sadly there is an elelment of most clubs that are so stuck in their ways and won't under any circumstance embrace new directives from the R&A


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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What about those in the comps that show consideration for ALL golfers?
Why would i not let someone through just because I'm putting pencil to card?
Why would I ruin someone's day?

If if I played with someone who refused to let a group through I wouldn't be marking his card for much longer. I'll take my point one back and explain to the group behind that there's a prick in front.
Where's the same consideration being shown from the bounce group for the guys playing the comp?
How about maybe the bounce group is about to ruin a newcomer to the game/new member to the clubs first medal by battering up the back of them wanting let through despite them going out to play knowing full well there was a competition on. Instead of hanging back and maybe thinking, this guy might have lost a bit ground but he could be making a good score, I'm just out for a knockabout I'm not bothered what I score, I'll just leave him be.
Like I said maybe the the last group went out deliberately at that time to avoid this exact scenario.
Good manners and consideration for others works in both directions.


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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Guys, it's really very simple, there is no need for all this twoing and froing, if you are on the course playing golf and a group behind you comes up and is quicker, let them through! It's exactly as simple as that. No need to point out about being in a comp or not, it's not relevant. It's really as simple as that. The end.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Guys, it's really very simple, there is no need for all this twoing and froing, if you are on the course playing golf and a group behind you comes up and is quicker, let them through! It's exactly as simple as that. No need to point out about being in a comp or not, it's not relevant. It's really as simple as that. The end.



Q-School Graduate
Oct 6, 2015
Taunton, UK
Got caught behind a comp yesterday at Axe Cliff. I was visiting. There was no mention of the comp when I booked. The last group of the comp teed off 2 hours before I did. There was 1 2-ball ahead of me. By the 11th I'd caught up with the 2-ball and I wasn't rushing. They very kindly offered to let me through, but warned me they were being held up by the last group in the comp, so I declined. They weren't playing much slower than I was anyway.
I was waiting 10 minutes plus per shot. The comp group were painful to watch. One guy was hitting it 50 odd yards per shot, couldn't putt for toffee. They weren't doing anything to keep pace with the course. Marking cards on the green, cleaning clubs on the green, leaving bags and trolleys on the wrong side of the green, etc. It was painful. In the end the 2-ball behind me and the 1-ball behind them grouped up and had a nice chat and some fun. But they gave up on 16 and went home.
The last group of the comp finished 3 holes behind the next group.
The only icing on the cake for me was stiffing it on the 18th to within 3 feet.