Letting people through while in a comp?


Deleted member 23270

Guys, it's really very simple, there is no need for all this twoing and froing, if you are on the course playing golf and a group behind you comes up and is quicker, let them through! It's exactly as simple as that. No need to point out about being in a comp or not, it's not relevant. It's really as simple as that. The end.

No it's not as simple as that. I have seen numerous occasions where club or competition rules state a priority for a competition. My club championship has the leaders going out last on the 2nd day, if you were in that group would you let a casual single player or 2ball through?

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Mentioned last nights little fiasco to a work mate this morning and got the reply 'competitions do not have superiority over a single player, simple as' and as it turns out the 4-ball in front of me weren't playing a 'Babbage' anyway so I would have been quite within my rites to play through, turns out I was rite then, they are just a bunch of 'arrogant hand-crankers' so look out next time I catch'em up !... :thup:

Deleted member 23270

I now have a vision in my head of a load of people milling around the 1st tee waiting for their tee times but then all the singles going out first followed by the 2 balls then 3 balls and finally the 4 balls going off last :rolleyes:


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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No it's not as simple as that. I have seen numerous occasions where club or competition rules state a priority for a competition. My club championship has the leaders going out last on the 2nd day, if you were in that group would you let a casual single player or 2ball through?

yes i would let them through. why does it matter to that your in a comp? . will you play badly if you let the two ball through? you're more likely to play worse knowing you have a 2 ball up your ass.

the only time i would consider not letting them through is of there isn't anywhere for them to go. even then i would take the time to explain this to the quicker group behind

Deleted member 23270

yes i would let them through. why does it matter to that your in a comp? . will you play badly if you let the two ball through? you're more likely to play worse knowing you have a 2 ball up your ass.

the only time i would consider not letting them through is of there isn't anywhere for them to go. even then i would take the time to explain this to the quicker group behind

Chances are in the situation I described there wouldn't be.

Another situation......Your club is hosting local qualifying for the Open. Chances are the course would be completely closed all day so that nobody interferes with those playing in the competition but on the very slight chance casual players are allowed on at the end of the day, would you expect them to be called through?


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
No it's not as simple as that. I have seen numerous occasions where club or competition rules state a priority for a competition. My club championship has the leaders going out last on the 2nd day, if you were in that group would you let a casual single player or 2ball through?

I think if its the club championship it would be stupid of the club letting people play close to that group. And yes, if there was a faster group I would let them through. no issue.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Chances are in the situation I described there wouldn't be.

Another situation......Your club is hosting local qualifying for the Open. Chances are the course would be completely closed all day so that nobody interferes with those playing in the competition but on the very slight chance casual players are allowed on at the end of the day, would you expect them to be called through?

Hypothetical drivel..........a club holding open qualifying allowing casual play. Its this kind of rubbish that gives players the reason for not playing by simple rules like this.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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No it's not as simple as that. I have seen numerous occasions where club or competition rules state a priority for a competition. My club championship has the leaders going out last on the 2nd day, if you were in that group would you let a casual single player or 2ball through?

Casual players should respect as competition. For a main competition there should be s significant gap after the last group before the tee is released for casual play. And even then, casual play should understand that the competition play has priority if the casual play catches the comp. Casual play should not get entangled with any competition for which the tee was reserved.

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Casual players should respect as competition. For a main competition there should be s significant gap after the last group before the tee is released for casual play. And even then, casual play should understand that the competition play has priority if the casual play catches the comp. Casual play should not get entangled with any competition for which the tee was reserved.

But 'unless stated otherwise' a comp doesn't have priority, that's the point... :thup:


Medal Winner
May 21, 2012
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Casual players should respect as competition. For a main competition there should be s significant gap after the last group before the tee is released for casual play. And even then, casual play should understand that the competition play has priority if the casual play catches the comp. Casual play should not get entangled with any competition for which the tee was reserved.

What utter rubbish, why should captain slow and his playing partners ruin everyone's weekend, keep your place on the course or stand aside.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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No it's not as simple as that. I have seen numerous occasions where club or competition rules state a priority for a competition. My club championship has the leaders going out last on the 2nd day
My club does the same, as do most probably nearly all clubs.
Anyone who goes out after them knows the situation and respects the competition and those playing it.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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What utter rubbish, why should captain slow and his playing partners ruin everyone's weekend, keep your place on the course or stand aside.

Because IMO casual golf should respect a competition - though I'm thinking specifically about competitions where the tee has been booked for a period and a load of groups have gone off in succession.

There should ideally be a buffer behind the last tee off time in the competition to protect the last group in the comp from casual play. Even then - when you go out in casual play soon after such a comp IMO you should accept that your group may be held up. If you can't hack that then just wait an hour or more before going out after a comp.

For the last group in a comp to let a casual play group through is going to almost inevitably cause further problems as the casual group catches the next comp group and so on. Meanwhile a second casual group catches the tail-end comp group - as it has been waiting letting the first group through - and again it is likely that the casual group is faster. Do they get through as well? A recipe for a mess and lots of very unhappy competition players. All because a group of casual golfers choose to think more of themselves than those in a comp and choose to not respect and accept the fact that competition golf is almost inevitably going to be slower than casual golf.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Funny old game, golf

Riddled with slow play , yet nobody puts their hand up and admits to it
Everybody condones it

Yet here we are
On a thread , discussing a situation where a group has lost 2 clear holes.....
Yet, it's deemed OK , as they are in a Comp....!!!

So signing your name on a card and entering a comp allows you to hold up the course, take 30 practice swings ( as in opener ) and behave like its the Ryder cup or some other 6hrs round they've seen on TV

It's no excuse


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Funny old game, golf

Riddled with slow play , yet nobody puts their hand up and admits to it
Everybody condones it

Yet here we are
On a thread , discussing a situation where a group has lost 2 clear holes.....
Yet, it's deemed OK , as they are in a Comp....!!!

So signing your name on a card and entering a comp allows you to hold up the course, take 30 practice swings ( as in opener ) and behave like its the Ryder cup or some other 6hrs round they've seen on TV

It's no excuse

Its hilarious isn’t it!?
The self importance of some folk!
Poxy few quid entry and its all about them! Laughable.

i’ll pay my entry fee tomorrow. Play with my swing that costs me £50ph to learn and I’ll let people through if they are faster than my group regardless. Courtesy.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Its hilarious isn’t it!?
The self importance of some folk!
Poxy few quid entry and its all about them! Laughable.

i’ll pay my entry fee tomorrow. Play with my swing that costs me £50ph to learn and I’ll let people through if they are faster than my group regardless. Courtesy.

If a group in a comp has lost two holes to the group in front then yes I agree - they should let a faster following group through - even if that group is casual golf. My thinking was in respect of comp groups all playing to the speed of the comp with no gaps - and an inevitably faster casual group catching the last group of the comp.

But even then the casual group should recognise that the tail-end group is in a comp - and therefore they might hang back a bit.


Q-School Graduate
Oct 6, 2015
Taunton, UK
When you tee off as a visitor over an hour after the last group of a comp, with no mention of the comp at time of booking, or at time of arrival, then I'd say you have every reason to be frustrated to get stuck behind said group who are 2-3 holes back on the next group! ;)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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When you tee off as a visitor over an hour after the last group of a comp, with no mention of the comp at time of booking, or at time of arrival, then I'd say you have every reason to be frustrated to get stuck behind said group who are 2-3 holes back on the next group! ;)

And I'd say they should definitely let you through. But don't expect to get through the next group if they are tight against the group in front - even though you might be faster than the comp. That doesn't mean they won't. I know the faster group should always get waved through - but still have a feeling that it is right that a formal club comp should not be disrupted by casual players pressing to play through.