Letting people through while in a comp?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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We dont generally have tee times and most comps/medals are play with who you want when you want so a quicker 2 ball would normally be called through whetherplaying the comp or not,since there are no tee restrictions.
If however it's a comp or match (ie inter club) that has had the tee reserved for a window then in all likelyhood they wouldnt be called through.

Deleted member 23270

They were 2 holes behind the group in front Really? Come on. Comp or no comp. they should get on with it

Maybe the committee put them out last because they are slow and never call anyone through :whistle:


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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reading some of the comments on this thread are comical. people really think they own the course. if you're holding up another group regardless of whether you in a comp or not then let them through.

its just typical golfers thinking they are the epicentre of the world. get over yourself and apply some manners

Deleted member 3432

Maybe they were 2 holes behind so they could let rip with the swearing and not have to worry about being dragged up in front of the committee!

Deleted member 15344

Our tees are always closed during a competition but any slot not taken during the comp can be used by people playing social golf. All the comps are in three balls so if the social group are in threes then everything follows pace of pay etiquette as detailed in the rules of golf but people going out at two balls in the middle of the comp or even at the end are told they can't expect to go through all playing the Comp. All the members agree that it's the best way to go about things


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Last tee time in comp was around 2.30, I couldn't play until around 3.15 due to prior engagements so we decided to go out after the comp, as lots of people tend to.
We didn't expect to catch them up as quickly as we did.

Seems a poor set up mate
Every club I've been a member at locally, could enter the comp in any tee time slot that you wanted
Never heard of fixed tee slots for comps
A bit antiquated
Considering modern working lives, shifts, time restraints, etc......

Your club just seems to keep giving 😉


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 4, 2015
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Last tee time in comp was around 2.30, I couldn't play until around 3.15 due to prior engagements so we decided to go out after the comp, as lots of people tend to.
We didn't expect to catch them up as quickly as we did.

That post wasn't aimed at you Beezerk, it was in reply to a post made by C&R.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Our tees are always closed during a competition but any slot not taken during the comp can be used by people playing social golf. All the comps are in three balls so if the social group are in threes then everything follows pace of pay etiquette as detailed in the rules of golf but people going out at two balls in the middle of the comp or even at the end are told they can't expect to go through all playing the Comp. All the members agree that it's the best way to go about things

This is the way it should be done IMO :thup:

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Interesting this as I've lost count of the amount of times I've had the words "Sorry, we would let you through but we're in the competition" thrown at me when out having a round on my own...

I'm quite quick when playing in a group, I'm even quicker when I'm on my own, it's almost as if "playing in the comp" affords them superior status over every other "paying" member...

On the flip side to that is that I'm "not" a paying member, I'm one of the greens staff and I get membership as part of my pay deal, being very conscious of this fact and being an all round 'nice bloke' I'm more than happy to tail along behind a comp and will 'happily' turn down any invite to play through... :thup:


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Seems a poor set up mate
Every club I've been a member at locally, could enter the comp in any tee time slot that you wanted
Never heard of fixed tee slots for comps
A bit antiquated
Considering modern working lives, shifts, time restraints, etc......

Your club just seems to keep giving 😉

How do you mean fixed tee slots? I don't understand your reply mate.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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How do you mean fixed tee slots? I don't understand your reply mate.

Fixed/designated/limited , inclusive even......
You said the "last" comp slot was 230

I'm saying at clubs I've been a member at, I'm free to play the comp at anytime through the day, any tee time, whilst there's enough daylight to get around


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Why would you want to play a sociable game on a Comp day anyway:confused:
You know the course will be full of Golfers trying to make a score and hopefully being able to concentrate on that without some inconsiderate players who are out for a friendly knock trying to force their way through them.:whistle:
I don't get it, I really don't.:rolleyes:
Now you're just being an idiot. :D Bloody hell, some of the trolls in this place.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Fixed/designated/limited , inclusive even......
You said the "last" comp slot was 230

I'm saying at clubs I've been a member at, I'm free to play the comp at anytime through the day, any tee time, whilst there's enough daylight to get around

We have a last off time partly at the request of the comp secretary who wants to be able to close off and still have his Saturday night out. We don't have huge numbers playing our comps so it does not bother anyone but I was talking with guys on Saturday, from Tyneside GC, who can have 180-190 in a comp. They must need all the light available to get that many golfers around so I suspect there are no restrictions there.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Interesting this as I've lost count of the amount of times I've had the words "Sorry, we would let you through but we're in the competition" thrown at me when out having a round on my own...

I'm quite quick when playing in a group, I'm even quicker when I'm on my own, it's almost as if "playing in the comp" affords them superior status over every other "paying" member...

On the flip side to that is that I'm "not" a paying member, I'm one of the greens staff and I get membership as part of my pay deal, being very conscious of this fact and being an all round 'nice bloke' I'm more than happy to tail along behind a comp and will 'happily' turn down any invite to play through... :thup:

In some clubs it sometimes does...most often in respect of 1st tee priority, but also when a group playing a match catches a group on a tee. The group teeing off will sometimes realise the group behind is probably playing a match and will ask 'are you playing a match?' if the answer is in the affirmative the match will be asked if they'd like to play through.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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We have a last off time partly at the request of the comp secretary who wants to be able to close off and still have his Saturday night out. We don't have huge numbers playing our comps so it does not bother anyone but I was talking with guys on Saturday, from Tyneside GC, who can have 180-190 in a comp. They must need all the light available to get that many golfers around so I suspect there are no restrictions there.

Can understand in a way from your clubs view, admin side, but I'm sure comps can be closed automatically via computer scoring system, or even closed the next day

But some clubs with huge membership numbers, like you've said, this can't work
Like Tyneside
Same at westerhope and city of Newcastle, where I've been a member at, big membership numbers, big comp entries
Plus, whickham, where stu and Dave play, have a huge turnout too


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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We have a last off time partly at the request of the comp secretary who wants to be able to close off and still have his Saturday night out. We don't have huge numbers playing our comps so it does not bother anyone but I was talking with guys on Saturday, from Tyneside GC, who can have 180-190 in a comp. They must need all the light available to get that many golfers around so I suspect there are no restrictions there.

Similar to our place I think, they started to put a cut off time on after entry closed. You used to be able to phone up the pro and get added on later but they stopped it this year for some reason.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Similar to our place I think, they started to put a cut off time on after entry closed. You used to be able to phone up the pro and get added on later but they stopped it this year for some reason.

You need to join a proper club mate 😜

Where you can play when you like, people wave you through, there's no shouting and fighting on the course, and no leather wedges😂😂


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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You need to join a proper club mate 😜

Where you can play when you like, people wave you through, there's no shouting and fighting on the course, and no leather wedges😂😂

No complaints from me mate, it's better than Coronation Street our place. I was only asking about being let through during a comp out of interest mate, if I'm not entered into it I wouldn't even contemplate bothering those who are competing.