Jacket and Tie nonsense !!!


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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Not really, it's a reduction ad absurdum argument. For instance if your work said you no longer need to wear a shirt and tie to the office, it doesn't mean they do away with all dress standards and people start coming to work in mankinis and flip flops.

No one is saying that all dress codes and standards are completely removed, just questioning were that line now stands. As others have pointed out, many professions don't require jacket and tie or suits. So more and more people won't own one or own one and rarely wear it. It doesn't have the same standing as it did once. I dare say many decades ago when every profession wore suits then it was no big deal. But now it is requiring people to dress up to a standard they don't anywhere else, which gives it an air of stuffiness.

If a club required you to don full morning suit with top hat, I'm sure you would think it was bit ridiculous. So the only difference is where we individually draw the line with respect of what it OTT to require people to wear.

I think we all agree that we would wear a suit if requires as it their rule. But I don't think it helps golf's image. The vast majority of clubs aren't stuffy at all but the general public think we are all like this

If my place of Work told me what level of attire was required I would dress to that level. I work shift. Suits during the day, dress down for nights. I’ve worked many a night shift if shorts and t shirt. As do many in the industry.

I don’t for one second think that we should need to wear jacket and tie for the meal after. But I think a suit is less of a stretch in imagination from what we wear on the course to say jean or tracksuits being worn for golf.

Imo, if you are able to accept a uniform (as such) is required for the course. Then One for off it isn’t difficult to follow.

That’s enough waffle from me.

Im off to buy a top had just in case my local muni has changed its rules for a pint 🍺🍻


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Our seniors matches require a jacket and tie.

I remember my first match, an away match to the Isle of Wight with a coach leaving at 6am. I went the wardrobe to get a jacket and realised all my jackets were 3 sizes too large for me( first time of having to wear one in nearly 10 years).

We do abandon jackets in hot weather but still wear club ties.


Nov 3, 2017
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Our seniors matches require a jacket and tie.

I .

This is in my opinion where the issue Is, it's a seniors match that I refer to, which strikes me that it's a bunch of dinosaurs who are continuing to uphold it, I'm probably the youngest player on the team.

Deleted Member 1156

In all of the threads on this subject I can't remember anyone saying they would refuse to wear a j & t and storm the club. All accept they have to be worn but just question their relevance today.

There are loads of people on here that have said in various threads that they would refuse to play at clubs where J&T are required. Fine, doesn't bother me but I certainly wouldn't refuse a game at a top club because of the dress code. In fact, I think it adds to the occasion.

Deleted member 18588

There are loads of people on here that have said in various threads that they would refuse to play at clubs where J&T are required. Fine, doesn't bother me but I certainly wouldn't refuse a game at a top club because of the dress code. In fact, I think it adds to the occasion.

Let me make it clear that I totally accept that it is the right of any Club to require their dress standards, both on and off the course, be adhered to. I would also happily comply.

However, in no way would I feel that it was adding to the experience.

I merely feel that it may be about time that thought be given to some rules being brought in line with current times.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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There are loads of people on here that have said in various threads that they would refuse to play at clubs where J&T are required. Fine, doesn't bother me but I certainly wouldn't refuse a game at a top club because of the dress code. In fact, I think it adds to the occasion.

They are entitled to choose not to play somewhere. They are not entitled to attend the club, knowing the dress code, and flout the club rules. Very different situation and I don't remember anyone ever stating they would do the latter.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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I’ve got a two round comp at Hollinwell this year. There’s a dinner of which I should wear a jacket and tie or caveat.

No thanks. You can stuff that, and your white sock rule up your Uranus. I’ll just play the golf taa. Obviously I’ll have to purchase white socks first if I play in shorts. But who owns white socks anymore? They are ghastly!

Deleted Member 1156

Adding to the occasion?? It's a game oh gowf no lunch with the Queen.

I can play a run of the mill course any day I want but it's not every day you get to play a Royal St Georges or a Muirfield. When I get the chance it doesn't bother me in the slightest that I have to dress up.

Deleted Member 1156

I’ve got a two round comp at Hollinwell this year. There’s a dinner of which I should wear a jacket and tie or caveat.

No thanks. You can stuff that, and your white sock rule up your Uranus. I’ll just play the golf taa. Obviously I’ll have to purchase white socks first if I play in shorts. But who owns white socks anymore? They are ghastly!

If you win then I assume you won't be attending the prize giving then?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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If J and T are the clubs rules then os be it.
just because something is old doesn’t make it bad.
Wasnt a big arguement for Brexit that “we want to rule ourselves like we used to?”

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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No thanks. You can stuff that, and your white sock rule up your Uranus. I’ll just play the golf taa. Obviously I’ll have to purchase white socks first if I play in shorts. But who owns white socks anymore? They are ghastly!

Black socks with shorts? I'm afraid I can't condone that :eek:. Pretty much everyone I see playing golf in shorts wears white socks. They may be ankle socks but they are white, perhaps up here to match our ghastly white legs :D


Tour Rookie
Mar 10, 2013
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This is in my opinion where the issue Is, it's a seniors match that I refer to, which strikes me that it's a bunch of dinosaurs who are continuing to uphold it, I'm probably the youngest player on the team.

What a patronising remark Cabby.
I happen to be 78 and , surprise surprise I still hold dear the right to have different views to the "yoof"of today both on and off the golf course.
I wear jeans , shorts and polo shirts ,not all at the same time !!
I would point out, I have been your age but you have not been mine.
Your views might change as you age.
Just as an aside, in the mid 50s I had terrible arguments with my Dad because he would not allow me to wear drain pipes and a fingertip drape jacket.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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What a patronising remark Cabby.
I happen to be 78 and , surprise surprise I still hold dear the right to have different views to the "yoof"of today both on and off the golf course.
I wear jeans , shorts and polo shirts ,not all at the same time !!
I would point out, I have been your age but you have not been mine.
Your views might change as you age.
Just as an aside, in the mid 50s I had terrible arguments with my Dad because he would not allow me to wear drain pipes and a fingertip drape jacket.

As Jeremy Clarkson so ably demonstrates, no one over the age of 30 should wear jeans ;)


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
We relaxed the dress code at our club a few years ago and the only times J&T are preferred are at the Presentation Night and Past Captains Dinner. Other than that it's all pretty relaxed.

Saying that, if I attended another course and their rules where J&T are required then I would wear them as I am a visitor to their club, it's their rules and you should respect that. If you don't, then don't play. The places where these are generally required now do tend to be the more traditional clubs and/or where they know there is a demand to play their course and so they can be more stringent in the implementation of their dress code.

I wouldn't wear jeans on the course as I think they're the most impractical trousers you could wear. Too hot in the summer and too heavy when it rains. There are far better practical alternatives out there.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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At those stuffy clubs why is there no equivalent of a Women's 'Jacket and tie'.
OOO these days.

I was on a previous clubs committees a few years ago. At the second meeting I attended another newbie asked if we could drop the tie code as he hated ties. All the men piped up and stated that they also hated ties. One of the ladies on the committee said that it looked smart and we should continue wearing them. The other blokes looked grim, she was a scary lady, but I suggested that if the ladies on the committee were happy to come to meetings in ties in future then we would continue to do the same, equality etc. The gradual smiles that crept around the table were a joy to watch. The ties were dropped.

In terms of dress codes, ladies have the better deal. Everything else relating to golf, not so much.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I love how this topic keeps coming up and always has exactly the same camps.

Camp 1: why do some still insist on wearing a jacket and tie?
Camp 2: why can't you just wear a jacket and tie and stop moaning?

Why do they always say it?? The point is to question why it still happens. I highly doubt anyone has plowed into a golf club refusing to wear a jacket and tie and demanded to be fed. :rofl: I think they just take the straw man argument because they can't justify it beyond "grr it's tradition, grumble grumble I hate change".

I think it's outdated, definitely. The occasions where I have to wear a tie are very, very few. Weddings, funerals, probably job interviews if I had one. That is it. I don't know why the clubhouse rules couldn't be on the same level as on-the-course rules - a shirt/polo with trousers, i.e. no jeans, would be smart and acceptable to everyone I would have thought.