Dress Codes


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I had no idea what the dress code actually says so went looking at the websites for the three courses I play most often but none have one listed that I can find. Which is a bit weird because despite attracting players from all corners of the world, when I turn up to play everyone seems to be in golf attire. How on earth did they know!

Its the same in the clubhouse, all i see are folk sitting about in all manner of normal clothes just eating and drinking. Its as if they used some kind of extrasensory perception :unsure:


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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I adhere to whatever the club wants.

End of discussion.

If the club/course I'm playing doesn't want jeans guess what I won't be turning up in. Only exception is knee length socks with shorts, I'd just simply "boycott" that course. Won't entertain that, it's easier just wearing a light cotton pair of slacks!
This sounds about right to me !


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Impossible to say what I would change since every club is different anyway. My preference is a fairly relaxed code though. e.g. golf attire on the course, but no stupid rules about tucking your shirt in or having the right colour socks on. In the clubhouse, anything goes really, if you want to get changed into jeans, trainers and a plain t-shirt, then crack on. Maybe smart casual in the clubhouse, if you don't want ripped jeans and football shirts, but it wouldn't bother me personally.


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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I honestly dont care what someone wants to wear on the course, nor in the clubhouse for that matter.

Perhaps in the carpetted area of the bar I'd prefer if people changed from what they wore to play golf in but I wouldnt lose any sleep over it.

I'll wear my cotton traders England top during the rugby, which may technically be against any rules we have but it's the rugby and we have a full room to watch it.

I remember when I first started playing, around 8 years ago, I was in the bar after playing, sitting on my own eating lunch, and stood up to leave only to hear one old member say to his chums (under his breath) "look at that, shorts, sandals and no socks, shouldnt be allowed" I just laughed and carried on with my own business. But I did think I NEVER want to be someone like that, it's none of their business what I wear or anyone else for that matter.

When visiting other clubs I'll look at their codes and take the relevant clothing, but I'll push the boundaries if I can or they're just daft. Someone can approach me and tell me I dont adhere if they like, and I will be polite and listen. Manners dont cost anything.

Jacket and Tie? lose the tie and try a polo under the jacket, a local 'Royal' club did that when we played them last year. If it's good enough for them...


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Dress code on course, and some restrictions within the lounge, but stud bar slightly more relaxed. I have no problem with a dress code, and we have plenty of juniors.
This is like ours .
Spike bar very relaxed and jeans ,hoodies ok.
Main lounge is smart casual .
Everyone is happy with that.
Lounge is usually empty while spike bar is rammed.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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The worst one I have been to made us wear a tie to play snooker.
We were ok in polos in clubhouse until we went in the snooker room ,they had ties behind the bar just for the snooker room.
We Just laughed and put them on.


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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The worst one I have been to made us wear a tie to play snooker.
We were ok in polos in clubhouse until we went in the snooker room ,they had ties behind the bar just for the snooker room.
We Just laughed and put them on.
Thats hilarious! There isnt much you could do other than burst out laughing!!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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We have a clearly published code for on and off the course for visitors and members alike (https://www.royalascotgolfclub.co.uk/visitors/dress-code/). Still don't get what the hang up with white socks and shorts are and we have seniors who can spot a dress code violation, especially coloured socks at 400 yards and will usually cross two fairways to admonish the culprit. Fortunately they are a dying breed and a greater overall tolerance exists. Funny how the policy says no cargo trousers and how many members, especially in the winter seem to now be wearing them.

As for inside the clubhouse, it was a great idea to allow jeans (no trainers) and members are slowly feeling more comfy coming up after work for a drink especially in the summer in a nice shirt and jeans, sitting having a beer and putting cash behind the bar. If we can grow this it's good for the profit margin (and less of a subs hike)
No cargo shorts is something I never quite understood. You can have relatively smart cargo shorts, say plain brown or black ones for example, and they are so practical with the number of pockets they have, for tees, ball, card holder etc. I never knew why some courses don't like them.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I can feel the whole fabric of golf club society quaking at the thought of allowing people to wear anything other than what "golf" decides is the right thing to wear.
Casting the current dress codes to one side for a moment, what is the issue, apart from the possibility/probability of looking like a knob, of wearing whatever you feel comfortable wearing? Forget the rules for now, what is so offensive about someone wearing jeans or a hoodie or, shock/horror, a baseball cap worn back to front?
I don't care what people wear on the course. I just don't care.
It doesn't matter.
The only reason for dress codes is because they're in the rules. And they're only in the rules to preserve standards..
Doesn't that sound a bit elitist?
Putting in a barrier?
Most of these "standards" come from, what is really, a bygone era when you were judged, to an extent, by what you wore.
I'd wager that dress codes, these days, are there purely because it's the "way we've always done it"
Clothes are clothes. If someone wants to wear PJs and a gown to play then let them. They probably won't be able to swing very well but what are they damaging?
I'll adhere to any dress code enforced at any club I play at.
Doesn't mean I can't think of them as outdated, unnecessary and elitist.
With you until the PJs .
I really don’t like people out in pyjamas it just looks like they havnt even had a wash.
See them in Tesco full shopping trolley and getting the kids from school.
Might just be me but it’s just not right.

But it’s their choice of course.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Thats hilarious! There isnt much you could do other than burst out laughing!!
Yes ,thing is some of the members were watching us .
My mate is an awesome player and knocked a 96 in his first visit with his tie tucked in his shirt pocket.
Some commented on his game he replied.” If I had brought my bow tie I might have got that last black.”


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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No cargo shorts is something I never quite understood. You can have relatively smart cargo shorts, say plain brown or black ones for example, and they are so practical with the number of pockets they have, for tees, ball, card holder etc. I never knew why some courses don't like them.
Me to stupid rule that my club also has???


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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No cargo shorts is something I never quite understood. You can have relatively smart cargo shorts, say plain brown or black ones for example, and they are so practical with the number of pockets they have, for tees, ball, card holder etc. I never knew why some courses don't like them.

Cargo shorts and trousers look smart until you’ve had them on for longer than 30 seconds, then the pockets look like they have a pound of fruit in each and they look like you’re ready for a trek up the Andies

I still don’t have any problem if someone else wants to wear them, there’s lots of fashion failures in and around a golf club


Head Pro
Apr 5, 2010
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More than happy with your standard dress standards on the course being upheld and any appropriate golf wear should be allowed (Whether collared or not, if its designed for golf, its fit for purpose). In the club house, short of a major event or special occasion don't understand what the fuss is. If you are in there supporting the club and spending money who cares. I personally love the new styles such as trainer style shoes and golf hoodies!

Bxm Foxy

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Nov 13, 2018
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No cargo shorts is something I never quite understood. You can have relatively smart cargo shorts, say plain brown or black ones for example, and they are so practical with the number of pockets they have, for tees, ball, card holder etc. I never knew why some courses don't like them.
Agree, look smart and practical too.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
We relaxed the clubhouse dress code a few years ago and so jeans, trainers, etc. are allowed in the club now but we do ask that people don't wear football shirts (or "colours" as they are called in Glasgow) but you even see that on some pubs as well, and no jeans on the course. TBH I've never understood wanting to wear jeans on the course. I wear them when generally going around but I consider them pretty impractical for golf. Too hot in warm weather, soak up water and get really heavy when it's wet. Also, many jeans now are far more expensive than any golfing trousers I buy.
As has been said, you want to make it easier for people to pop in for a drink/meal in the clubhouse without thinking they have to get changed first. We now see more families sitting down for something to eat as a result.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I can feel the whole fabric of golf club society quaking at the thought of allowing people to wear anything other than what "golf" decides is the right thing to wear.
Casting the current dress codes to one side for a moment, what is the issue, apart from the possibility/probability of looking like a knob, of wearing whatever you feel comfortable wearing? Forget the rules for now, what is so offensive about someone wearing jeans or a hoodie or, shock/horror, a baseball cap worn back to front?
I don't care what people wear on the course. I just don't care.
It doesn't matter.
The only reason for dress codes is because they're in the rules. And they're only in the rules to preserve standards..
Doesn't that sound a bit elitist?
Putting in a barrier?
Most of these "standards" come from, what is really, a bygone era when you were judged, to an extent, by what you wore.
I'd wager that dress codes, these days, are there purely because it's the "way we've always done it"
Clothes are clothes. If someone wants to wear PJs and a gown to play then let them. They probably won't be able to swing very well but what are they damaging?
I'll adhere to any dress code enforced at any club I play at.
Doesn't mean I can't think of them as outdated, unnecessary and elitist.
Sums it up perfectly for me.

I'll adhere to whatever dress code I need to at any club I play. I do think many are unbelievably outdated and pointless though which is why I'm happy our clubs is fairly relaxed. Certainly only real major issue I have is long socks if I'm invited somewhere and I have to wear those I'd rather sweat my Jacobs off in a pair of trousers

Bxm Foxy

Active member
Nov 13, 2018
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Sums it up perfectly for me.

I'll adhere to whatever dress code I need to at any club I play. I do think many are unbelievably outdated and pointless though which is why I'm happy our clubs is fairly relaxed. Certainly only real major issue I have is long socks if I'm invited somewhere and I have to wear those I'd rather sweat my Jacobs off in a pair of trousers
There is nothing as bad as a pair of long socks with shorts!!!