Dress code in an AGM?


Assistant Pro
Jul 18, 2013
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I know we’ve done dress codes to death. But this is a bit of a different slant on it from what I experienced at the weekend.

Does your club insist on a specific dress code in excess of what is required in the clubhouse to attend the AGM?

Cards on the table, I’m of the opinion that dress codes are antiquated and border on the ridiculous. As long as it’s clean and doesn’t damage the course or the clubhouse, I couldn’t care less what anyone wears. That said, I comply if I want to play a course and/or have something to eat/drink in a clubhouse.

Our AGM was held on Saturday. A jacket was required to attend. I was in the bar at the time it started. If I had any interest in attending, I would have been refused entry due to not conforming with the dress requirements, despite meeting the dress requirements of the clubhouse. Mental.

It’s a strange one, that I hadn’t really given any thought to, since I had no intention of attending. However, I’ve just seen the report. 33 (well below 5%) members were in attendance. Looking at those elected, they accounted for more than 50% of those in attendance. It feels like another little club within a club. Taken slightly out of context it seems a bit weird to get dressed up with your mates to talk about a golf club. Unless of course, it’s designed to aid the procession of electing each other to the various committees…


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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No not for us. i’m a fan of certain levels of dress code on the course but this seems very old fashioned.

if anything it’s handing the porter to the old guard as it will put younger members off no doubt


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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For both Gents AGM and Club AGM we remain jacket and tie requested and preferred but not mandory. Nobody is excluded if they don’t have a jacket or tie.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2021
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My old club you were expected to wear a jacket and tie for presentations ect. For opens you would turn up in the evening in the correct attire for prize presentation. No show no prize 😂😂
My current club is so relaxed you probably won’t see a jacket. Two opposite sides of the spectrum.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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For both Gents AGM and Club AGM we remain jacket and tie requested and preferred but not mandory. Nobody is excluded if they don’t have a jacket or tie.
Not specifically aimed at your club but this sort of thing is so ridiculous.
Why have a "rule" and not enforce it?
I appreciate that it's a preferred/requested thing but if you're not going to turn people away if they're not jacketed up it's such a waste of time and effort making the rule in the first place....


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Not specifically aimed at your club but this sort of thing is so ridiculous.
Why have a "rule" and not enforce it?
I appreciate that it's a preferred/requested thing but if you're not going to turn people away if they're not jacketed up it's such a waste of time and effort making the rule in the first place....
Not really. I guess it’s just one of respect for the occasion - they are the most important meetings of the year for members and club. So not unlike an important business meeting
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Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Last one I attended there were chaps, including several over 60, in shorts and polos. It was a weekday evening.
Every committee member, and those being elected to committees, were in jacket and tie. They looked ridiculous - out of place - out of time - out of touch.

We have a dress codes for the course and the clubhouse, but they are not gender neutral.
If the committee could make the codes gender neutral, then much of what they seem to struggle with would disappear.
It would be very simple and easy to write, in my opinion.
Can't see how they would ever be able to say, "Jacket and tie preferred" for ladies as well as men, so this issue would never arise.
It seems to me that it is very difficult for some people to change their perception from their desired ideal of a 1970s country club to a 21st century golf club.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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7 Years ago I attended my first AGM at my new club, on entering the building to sign in I was greeted by one of the olds boys who said as I wasn't wearing a tie, would I mind taking one from a small pile of club tie's and wearing that. Fortunately I had on a shirt, though the colours clashed and I looked utterly ridiculous, but I now met the dress code. There was nothing in any of the AGM papers that said anything about a dress code and I could find nothing in the club standing orders (whats wrong with the word rule). In general you could it was smart casual in all parts of the club house at that time.

At that AGM, there had been a bit of a takeover from a more progressive breed and it was never an issue after that.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I get that and if my club wanted J&T at the AGM then I'd comply - if I attended which I probably wouldn't if they wanted J&T..
But going at it half-arsed is pointless....why bother?
Almost everyone will wear a J&T. I expect that we'll move from J&T preferred in the not too distant future as my club is keen to 'move with the times'...but as we all know - old habits die hard :rolleyes: Refusing entry is something I'd most definitely rail against.
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Deleted member 29109

Sounds like an old boys club making rules up to make sure it stays that way. They know the only people who will turn up with that dress code in place are the people they want there.

Next year table a motion to have the archaic dress codes rules changed.


Assistant Pro
Dec 11, 2013
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We have no specific AGM dress rules, just the usual 'smart casual' in the clubhouse. Our last AGM was inquorate as only 50 odd turned up, club rules require a minimum of 75. I am attending the County Union AGM for the first time in a fortnight, and I've been told that jacket and tie is a requirement there.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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The Directors who sit on the top table for the AGM ( Chairman, Finance Directors, Captains) wear jacket and tie. I’m a director, but sit with the rest of the members - in casual clothes. I’m up for reelections this year - musing, Should I wear a suit? polish my shoes? Should I put my medals on?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Almost everyone will wear a J&T. I expect that we'll move from J&T preferred in the not too distant future as my club is keen to 'move with the times'...but as we all know - old habits die hard :rolleyes: Refusing entry is something I'd most definitely rail against.
Made me smile a little. In our county league, when I started in about 2006, it was dinner afterwards with jacket and tie. Could not take your jacket off unless Captain did. However, over a decade ago, jacket and tie was ditched, and you just had dinner in your golf gear. So much better, and definitely less hassle.

I expect if your club are keen to move with the times, they are at least a decade behind already :)