Comp fees going up?


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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Some still do it, I know of 2 people that have been offered cheap membership deals if they played for another club. Thing is, the club results mean nothing to the vast majority of members, personally I couldn't give two hoots if my club team wins, gets beat, get relegated etc. I don't go scouring for league results and think "I should join xxxx course, they just won the league, it must be great". It such a small subset of the membership that is affected by league matches, to get in my clubs team you need to be scratch or better. Even then there have been a few scratch golfers that never get in.
Same here you don't get in the team off scratch. Our matches tee off at 5pm, most of the team are young and setting out on their working life or have young families. We would not get them all out for all matches if they had to pay for a meal. Not heard one complaint from members, most of whom get some pride from having good players at the club. Can see the other perspective though, just don't agree with it.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Some still do it, I know of 2 people that have been offered cheap membership deals if they played for another club. Thing is, the club results mean nothing to the vast majority of members, personally I couldn't give two hoots if my club team wins, gets beat, get relegated etc. I don't go scouring for league results and think "I should join xxxx course, they just won the league, it must be great". It such a small subset of the membership that is affected by league matches, to get in my clubs team you need to be scratch or better. Even then there have been a few scratch golfers that never get in.

I am another one who really does not care one way or another how a team gets on, I do not have that kind of relationship with the club. What I can say is that winning clubs with numerous scratch golfers and county players and league winning teams can market themselves as such and look to charge higher fees.

Just seen mentioned above the handicap matches. My old club had a social team that anyone could participate in and that was fun. My last club has the A and B teams (scratch was pretty much the minimum requirement to get in) then the C team that was an excuse for the great and the good of the club to go on jollies on the cheap and the only real option for everyone was the mixed team and they only played a few matches at weekends (where certain faces were always picked for the popular away courses) .


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Ours went up to £5 a year or so ago, £1 of That is for the twos. The reason they went up is that the club shop was built and funded by our pro. So he gets the money from gear but he runs the comps. The argument was that it had been £4 for years with no increase and he had staff to pay. Now here is the bummer. It is £5 for 18 hole and 9 hole comps. As one member said” why would you pay £5 for a pint and £5 for half a pint. Bottom line re the nine hole comps, no one goes in them.Last comp there was 4 people in the comp inc women. So now there’s less income. That couple with the fact that if you win owt, It has to be spent on the pro shop has upset a few folk.
Me I think £5 is fair enough but we also pay £5 towards our fuddle twice a week. So it’s a £15 a week comp money being paid out.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This is something I had never thought of before but why am I paying to subsidise someone's meal just because they are good at golf? I gain zero benefit from the club team (like 98% of the members I would guess) so why can't they pay for their own meals? Is it because they wouldn't play if they had to?
Most inter-club team comps in my area are mixed handicap. To get picked you just have to put your name down for the squad and ideally be at least reasonably good at playing matchplay to your handicap. There are one or two scratch team comps, obviously for the better golfer though you don’t have to be scratch or better to play in the team - but only one or two.

When I lived in Bristol I thoroughly enjoyed playing in the scratch foursomes league as well as for the stragglers. NB. I was never good enough for the club 1st team, but off 6 and with a good foursomes understanding with my best mate off 6 also, we could compete with pairs with significantly lower handicaps and so owe we’re often selected.
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Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Most inter-club team comps in my area/county/region are mixed handicap. To get picked you just have to put your name down for the squad and ideally be at least reasonably good at playing matchplay to your handicap. There are one or two scratch team comps, obviously for the better golfer though you don’t have to be scratch or better to play in the team - but only one or two.

That would be great, everyone gets a chance to play, no problem there. At my old club, it was very much best only (plus handicappers mainly) for the A & B teams and if your face fit you may be invited to play in the C team.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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Do your club not play in handicap matches?
No idea to be honest. I've been a member for 6 years but I've never heard of it. The email from the pro every week just mentions the team results and it's just the scratch team and the seniors team. Maybe there is a handicap team and I've just never heard of it. I wouldn't have the time to play in it anyway, maybe that's why I'd moan about subsidising others meals. Either that or because I'm Scottish.

One of my mates is actually in the team as well, I'm going to ask him in a couple of hours when we play if I'm paying for his meals or not. 😂

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We have competitions Sat and Sun. £5 entry, of which £3 goes to general club, the rest to prizes.

Club justifies it on the basis that Sat and Sun are the premium times, and so more valuable. Course almost but not quite full. Less than half full on weekdays. So turning away greenfees and outings groups at the weekend, when they could charge more than we contribute, they see as fair. I can see their point. We have a sub group of seniors that also play a competition on Tuesdays, and they dont play the club contribution. Generally retired so it suits them, and they like the quieter course.
I get that, but, and I don’t know how your club works, but we can play during comp times not being mandated to play in the comp, how would people feel if they had to pay £3 to the club to play at the exact same tee time as someone who wasn’t paying that?
Just playing devils advocate here.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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The 2 guys I played the Midweek Stableford with today both had 2s.....and didn't enter the 2s pot because they never get 2s.....
What can I say.........


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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We have competitions Sat and Sun. £5 entry, of which £3 goes to general club, the rest to prizes.

Club justifies it on the basis that Sat and Sun are the premium times, and so more valuable. Course almost but not quite full. Less than half full on weekdays. So turning away greenfees and outings groups at the weekend, when they could charge more than we contribute, they see as fair. I can see their point. We have a sub group of seniors that also play a competition on Tuesdays, and they dont play the club contribution. Generally retired so it suits them, and they like the quieter course.

It wouldn’t surprise me if our club had a similar motivation, put the price up to make more money with the back up that it will reduce the numbers who enter the comps to free up tee times for others, including non members. A case of wanting to have their cake and eat it.

We had a new general manager come in last year, some very strange decisions have been made since then.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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This is something I had never thought of before but why am I paying to subsidise someone's meal just because they are good at golf? I gain zero benefit from the club team (like 98% of the members I would guess) so why can't they pay for their own meals? Is it because they wouldn't play if they had to?
Some of them are not even any good at golf. But I thank you for your contribution :)

There is a match next week at one of our relatively more illustrious neighbours. I didn't put my name down for it, but am on the distribution list. We have just had a reminder that it's collar and tie for the post-match meal. what a load of archaic nonsense.


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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A past club of mine was struggling financially and was losing every year on after match meals. At the AGM I raised why general membership was paying for this and you would have thought I'd shot Bambi. They couldn't understand why this would be questioned :rolleyes: .

Interesting that 2's is mandatory. I've not come across that before. Do people grumble about that or is it just accepted because it has always been that way?
Making the 2’s obligatory is unjust and unreasonable.

What is the difference in odds from a Plus 3 and a 30 handicap achieving a 2?


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Making the 2’s obligatory is unjust and unreasonable.

What is the difference in odds from a Plus 3 and a 30 handicap achieving a 2?
It is huge. A lot of our 20+ members do not enter it - quite reasonably - as they see it as simply a transfer payment from high handicapper to the 5 and better hcs.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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So do members not get any form of priority for tee times on non competition weekend days.
They do. Effectively the weekends are reserved for members. Competitions up to about 2pm normally. Casual golf after that, who OK, are not paying any extra fee, but again, its the mornings that are prime demand. The afternoons will be busy but not full. Its 7am to about 1pm that has people scrambling for slots once booking opens, and will be full.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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I get that, but, and I don’t know how your club works, but we can play during comp times not being mandated to play in the comp, how would people feel if they had to pay £3 to the club to play at the exact same tee time as someone who wasn’t paying that?
Just playing devils advocate here.
Thats a difference alright. The competition slots are competition only - no friendly games, so you cannot play in one of those before 2pm slots without entering the competition.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Some of them are not even any good at golf. But I thank you for your contribution :)

There is a match next week at one of our relatively more illustrious neighbours. I didn't put my name down for it, but am on the distribution list. We have just had a reminder that it's collar and tie for the post-match meal. what a load of archaic nonsense.

The Park...??


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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We have competitions Sat and Sun. £5 entry, of which £3 goes to general club, the rest to prizes.

Club justifies it on the basis that Sat and Sun are the premium times, and so more valuable. Course almost but not quite full. Less than half full on weekdays. So turning away greenfees and outings groups at the weekend, when they could charge more than we contribute, they see as fair. I can see their point. We have a sub group of seniors that also play a competition on Tuesdays, and they dont play the club contribution. Generally retired so it suits them, and they like the quieter course.
I guess you are a proprietary Club. So does the £3 go to the course owners? If so who do you pay your annual Membership subs to?


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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I guess you are a proprietary Club. So does the £3 go to the course owners? If so who do you pay your annual Membership subs to?
No. Member owned, not for profit club. The £3 goes into the same running of the club finances as our subs do. Effectively I guess its a £30-100 levy on the average member who wants to have the premium weekends mornings reserved 52 weeks a year for them. I guess it could be spread across all members as a sub increase, but most regard it as reasonable I think.
May 3, 2023
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We’ve just had an email from the club informing us that most comp entry fees are going up by £1 to £5 to specifically to generate more money for the club (currently the club takes £1).

It’s only a quid, but if you include a pint after each round (I play once a week in a comp), I’m spending £36 a month on top of the recently increased membership fee. £150 a month all in all.

Yes, comps aren’t compulsory, but it’s a huge reason why I’m a member of a club. I’m sure others are the same.

And again, the club haven’t consulted the membership on this. To me it seems counterintuitive because I’m guessing lots will feel the same and will vote with their feet, either by playing in fewer comps or not having a drink afterwards, I know I won’t be. And call me cynical but emailing this out on a bank holiday Monday and shortly after everyone has signed up for another year seems a little naughty.

What are the comp fees at your club?

Am I being unreasonable?
I can see both sides of the debate, our club charge £3 to cover comps, the vast majority of the total raised goes into the prize pot with a small percentage going to the pro for admin. My personal view is £5 is way too high, if like me you are paying a healthy annual premium to be a member, in our case around £1700, and if as is the case at our club , your pro is getting a very fair retainer, then to use any increase as a "Stealth" tax to cover either an increase in the Pro's wage, or other club initiatives is unfair. The comps should be run as a non profit aspect of the clubs service to members , you are paying for the privilege of being a member and in return the club should offer basic services run not for profit such as comps


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Ours are comp £3, two's sweep optional entry and is a £1.
I really don't understand why people think everything has to stay the same cost golf wise, when everything else in life is going up.