

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Head Pro
Nov 2, 2015
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Finch and Shields both posted their Open Qualifier rounds this afternoon.
As far as videos go these were quite unentertaining. I guess serious tournament doesn't allow for the production quality and commentary they usually do.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Haha, we all know Biden is a fraud, liar and puppet but to claim he's a 6 handicap is without doubt the biggest lie a president has ever told.

I would put my house on him not being able to break 120, let alone beat Trump :ROFLMAO:
I guess that makes them two peas in a pod then.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Finch and Shields both posted their Open Qualifier rounds this afternoon.
As far as videos go these were quite unentertaining. I guess serious tournament doesn't allow for the production quality and commentary they usually do.
Yeah they undoubtedly would have had to keep up with the pace of play, whereas normally their videoed rounds take them quite a while and they'd let multiple groups through.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Yeah they undoubtedly would have had to keep up with the pace of play, whereas normally their videoed rounds take them quite a while and they'd let multiple groups through.

Maybe that's why he played better? Just getting on with the golf. He was saying on his podcast he only hit 2 bad shots all day really. Felt the rest of the round was really good apart from those 2 shots


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Maybe that's why he played better? Just getting on with the golf. He was saying on his podcast he only hit 2 bad shots all day really. Felt the rest of the round was really good apart from those 2 shots

Is this Rick who said he hit 2 bad shots all round?

Looked to me that he was pretty loose off the tee.
To give him his dues he managed to shoot a fairly decent score apart from blowing up again on the last for a triple.
Could have been a hell of a lot worse after the start he had.
Fair play to him for giving it another crack. Good to see a lot of the youtube guys give it a go. Its good content and would he a shame if he doesn't do it again soon.


Sep 17, 2023
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I went to Caldy on Monday and watched a few holes of Rick, he got the windier side of the draw, not that had any effect on his score.
I followed the group in front, (my mate was caddying for a local pro Tim Ford), a young member of Caldy Cam Walker was in the same group and qualified with -3, he did well to manage his game with the extra crowds that Shiels brought in between certain holes.
Pace of play was terrible, 5 hour rounds!
I'll probably venture up to West Lancs on Tuesday for Final Qualifying.


Club Champion
Aug 5, 2014
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Really good watch. Not sure if there's a better yt golf channel than Ionas right now

Troon looks so much better to my eye than last years Open preview yt vids
Agree that it was a great watch - she is so engaging with the people she is with.

She is probably on the top of my youtuber list to play with - having OldManPat there too would be a great 3-ball day out!.


Feb 25, 2024
North West UK
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Finch and Shields both posted their Open Qualifier rounds this afternoon.
As far as videos go these were quite unentertaining. I guess serious tournament doesn't allow for the production quality and commentary they usually do.

I'd say they were more aimed at being humble for their audience and maintaining followers after poor shows all round.


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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Finch and Shields both posted their Open Qualifier rounds this afternoon.
As far as videos go these were quite unentertaining. I guess serious tournament doesn't allow for the production quality and commentary they usually do.
To be honest I quite enjoyed the quiet, beats the inane ramblings and attempts at humour. Plus, you were able to sense the tension and size of the occasion a bit more I felt.

I’ve only watched the Shiels one fully (part way through Finch), and listened to his podcast last night. As someone else mentioned, he said he only hit 2 bad shots, but I’d disagree as there were a number of ‘fore right’!!! However, he did play very well on the back 9, 18th aside.

Fair play to them both though, hopefully they try again next year as it was interesting to watch.

I think the best way for them to qualify is to keep playing comps, not just in the run up to qualifying, but start now. You can’t expect to play a few comps/practice rounds in the run up and qualify first time. Their competitors will be playing competitive golf all year round.


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Just seen Part 1 - another excellent watch with Iona after the Butch interview.

She obviously chose the caddie well as they had a great rapport pretty much from the start.

He kind of admitted that he was a shy kind of guy early on (not telling his players what to do, just coaxing them) and they just grooved really well together in both play and chatting.

No spoilers please - I might not be able to watch Part 2 for a few days.
Must admit, I enjoyed the videos but that caddie would drive me mental.
Not so much in his advice which may well be good but I don't like people telling me to concentrate or take care.


Assistant Pro
Feb 14, 2016
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Kwon playing Gleaneagles is fun to watch. The course looks better than it was on TV 🙃 Their production is great even though filming themselves and swapping the camera.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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To be honest I quite enjoyed the quiet, beats the inane ramblings and attempts at humour. Plus, you were able to sense the tension and size of the occasion a bit more I felt.

I’ve only watched the Shiels one fully (part way through Finch), and listened to his podcast last night. As someone else mentioned, he said he only hit 2 bad shots, but I’d disagree as there were a number of ‘fore right’!!! However, he did play very well on the back 9, 18th aside.

Fair play to them both though, hopefully they try again next year as it was interesting to watch.

I think the best way for them to qualify is to keep playing comps, not just in the run up to qualifying, but start now. You can’t expect to play a few comps/practice rounds in the run up and qualify first time. Their competitors will be playing competitive golf all year round.

Rick could've done with a caddie to be honest, he looked very lost after the bad start. Credit to him to bounce back and shoot a respectable score though.

I feel his issue isn't technical or ability, it's his own arrogance and failure to accept the reality of his game.

To say he only hit 2 poor shots is delusional and he will never improve until he faces the truth. He hit a lot more bad shots than that. He was missing fairways with irons, missing greens with wedges and had a lot of poor chips and putts.

Also he needs to get himself fitter, the same goes for Peter Finch too. If they're serious they need to cut out the doughnuts and sausage rolls and get into the gym. They're not blessed with a lot of ability so have to work at their game and being in top shape will make a big difference. Would be great to see them take it seriously next year but I suspect Rick has made his money, enjoys his life and can keep the money coming in by remaining in the comfort zone. I think Finch has more to prove and will go again.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Not sure these guys will ever make the mark at qualifying. They need a season of playing week in, week out in decent local events. That will sharpen the game and at least make them competition ready but I don't think either ultimately is good enough