Adding onto someone else’s booking


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Jul 22, 2021
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What are the dos and don'ts when it comes to adding onto an existing booking ? I was told when I joined my previous club that yes add onto someone’s booking but give them a text just to say is it ok. At my last club everyone had there details on an app.

Reason I ask is there is this two ball that has maybe added onto mine maybe 6 times over the winter down the Troon links. I have always just ended up taking my name out and going to one of the other courses, just cause it’s usually quite quiet in the morning. I noticed there a lot older than me so it’s not as if we are in the same age group and would have stuff in common and to be honest I quite like my own company on a golf course.

Ended up playing with a two ball last winter and one of them was starting to phone me on weekends and wanting to talk on the phone for an hour and was inviting me to go on holiday. I am just no really looking to make any new friends as bad as that sounds i just prefer playing myself. I do play with a guy at my new club but he only plays 1 or 2 times a week so that’s fine.

So what should I do, feel as if there trying to push me off the tee time now cause I usually take my name off and there’s over an hours gap behind my name but they still insist on adding to my booking. Do I just go behind them, wouldn’t really bother me as it’s only a 2 ball or should I turn up and say look I don’t really have time to play in a 3 balk I’m just going to shoot off ahead?
What are the dos and don'ts when it comes to adding onto an existing booking ? I was told when I joined my previous club that yes add onto someone’s booking but give them a text just to say is it ok. At my last club everyone had there details on an app.

Reason I ask is there is this two ball that has maybe added onto mine maybe 6 times over the winter down the Troon links. I have always just ended up taking my name out and going to one of the other courses, just cause it’s usually quite quiet in the morning. I noticed there a lot older than me so it’s not as if we are in the same age group and would have stuff in common and to be honest I quite like my own company on a golf course.

Ended up playing with a two ball last winter and one of them was starting to phone me on weekends and wanting to talk on the phone for an hour and was inviting me to go on holiday. I am just no really looking to make any new friends as bad as that sounds i just prefer playing myself. I do play with a guy at my new club but he only plays 1 or 2 times a week so that’s fine.

So what should I do, feel as if there trying to push me off the tee time now cause I usually take my name off and there’s over an hours gap behind my name but they still insist on adding to my booking. Do I just go behind them, wouldn’t really bother me as it’s only a 2 ball or should I turn up and say look I don’t really have time to play in a 3 balk I’m just going to shoot off ahead?

Yeah just tell them you’ve got to be somewhere at a certain time so you’re just going blitz round enjoy your game fellas
Maybe it depends on the club. At my current place you just add your name. No need to message, no hand written notes passed between people. Add your name, turn up, crack on. It is a busy club and slots, weekends in particular, are at a premium. People expect others to join them at prime times and even at less busy times the luxury of a slot to yourself can not always be expected.
At my current club you can just join any group already on the list.

Similarly, I quite enjoy my own company. That works okay after 2.00 but the course is a bit busy for that that earlier. I shall probably book a slot and tee off around 6 this evening. I’d be amazed if anyone joins me.
Probably thought there's a fella on his own who will be glad of some company.

I would expect someone to add to my booking where I play, very busy all week and maybe more so midweek.

Sooner you get used to playing with other people the better, it will prevent this sort of stress. It's up to you if you talk to them or not.

Personally I never play solo golf, i Would rather spend the time on practice ground instead.
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Maybe it depends on the club. At my current place you just add your name. No need to message, no hand written notes passed between people. Add your name, turn up, crack on. It is a busy club and slots, weekends in particular, are at a premium. People expect others to join them at prime times and even at less busy times the luxury of a slot to yourself can not always be expected.

This and I've met some really interesting people doing that.

To the OP - just because someone is older than you doesn't mean you won't have an interesting round. You many even learn something.
It sounds like they are trying to be sociable and meet new people, you on the other hand prefer your own company. I’d let them join up and as others have said, “ guys I booked as a 1 early as I like a quick game due to family commitments after. I’m happy for you to add to my slots weekly but all I ask is that we split on the second hold so I can zap round and get away quickly “

How you ask will depend on how it’s received.
Probably thought there's a fella on his own who will be glad of some company.

I would expect someone to add to my booking where I play, very busy all week and maybe more so midweek.

Sooner you get used to playing with other people the better, it will prevent this sort of stress. It's up to you if you talk to them or not.

Personally I never play solo golf, i Would rather spend the time on practice ground instead.
Same here, I've played once on my own this year and that was only because I was caddying later and wanted to try things.
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there are none - just put your name down if there's a gap
Same here. I don't tend to do it, unless I know at least one other person in the group. But I'm always happy for someone to join my group as long as their reputation doesn't precede them!
If there is a paper or computer based (eg BRS) system and a space is left blank, feel free to book it. If two (say) want to play on their own they should indicate match (say) or block the remaining place(s).
Every single tee slot has a value to the club whereby it might sell that slot to a visitor. I see nothing wrong with players booking in to unused slots.

How are you going to get to know other members at the club if you always change your booking if somebody else books in with you.

There is nothing wrong with being older, I know lots of single figure older players. You might learn something from them. When I first joined the club where I play the only way I could get out at the time I wanted was to play with the seniors swindle. I learnt an awful lot from some of them .
If there is a paper or computer based (eg BRS) system and a space is left blank, feel free to book it. If two (say) want to play on their own they should indicate match (say) or block the remaining place(s).

That would not be allowed where I play all anonymous bookings are removed. Although. as per your post. it is allowed in a club match.
Lots of replies above suggesting that the two ball are friendly older guys looking to be sociable, or filling up the tee sheet on a busy course.

However!!! Reading the original post, the course is quiet and the OP has withdrawn every time:

this two ball that has maybe added onto mine maybe 6 times over the winter down the Troon links. I have always just ended up taking my name out and going to one of the other courses, just cause it’s usually quite quiet in the morning.

They've done this 6 times (at least) in full knowledge that you will withdraw, even though the course is empty. Have you said / done anything to annoy these people or other members?

My conclusion: they don't like you, and they are sending you a subtle message to foxtrot oscar.

thats the tee sheet BRS i blanked out there names but there’s loads of spaces and they continue to jump on my time. I get maybe a single adding on to get to meet people but not a 2 ball who play together regularly.
Also I have nothing against older people just mentioned that because if they noticed me removing my name and starting on the next course they would see I am a lot younger than them. I am 40 and I wouldn’t particularly want to play with young guys 20 years younger than me, probably would have nothing in common. I originally thought maybe they thought I was someone else with the same name as they were adding there names to my booking quite regularly. I only play maybe once a week down Troon unless it’s winter and they seems to do it quite regularl.
Lots of replies above suggesting that the two ball are friendly older guys looking to be sociable, or filling up the tee sheet on a busy course.

However!!! Reading the original post, the course is quiet and the OP has withdrawn every time:

They've done this 6 times (at least) in full knowledge that you will withdraw, even though the course is empty. Have you said / done anything to annoy these people or other members?

My conclusion: they don't like you, and they are sending you a subtle message to foxtrot oscar.
No have never played with them and have only really played with two other people on a semi regular basis throughout winter last year. Never Had any words with anyone at golf and the odd game I’ve had with people they have always said they enjoyed my company and we should get a game again but I don’t play much down there.
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thats the tee sheet BRS i blanked out there names but there’s loads of spaces and they continue to jump on my time. I get maybe a single adding on to get to meet people but not a 2 ball who play together regularly.
Also I have nothing against older people just mentioned that because if they noticed me removing my name and starting on the next course they would see I am a lot younger than them. I am 40 and I wouldn’t particularly want to play with young guys 20 years younger than me, probably would have nothing in common. I originally thought maybe they thought I was someone else with the same name as they were adding there names to my booking quite regularly. I only play maybe once a week down Troon unless it’s winter and they seems to do it quite regularl.

Nothing in common, other than golf?

I still think its a bit weird to keep putting their name onto your booking, but equally the fact you keep taking your name off and playing elsewhere isnt helping the situation either. I'd leave it there, rock up and meet them on the first tee. Worst thing that could happen is you play on after the first hole, or you could get on and have a good social game.

Using age as a reason not to play with someone is a terrible excuse, I'm 36 and have enjoyed all the rounds ive played randomly with older people. They always have a story to tell.
Remove your name and add it to the next available time. Or just play with them.
G1z1 - have you ever thought that maybe golf isn't the game for you?;)
You don't want to waste time practising and want to be great at golf straight away, you don't want to abide by a club's rules by complying with their dress code, you want to spend as little time at the course - playing as fast as possible, you don't want to socialise with other members. Maybe you need to look at a more solitary pastime?