7 of my best 8 are now from this year, a new low for me after Fridays seniors at Tain of 3.1, but in reality I'm not a 3 handicap by any stretch of the imagination, under the old system id still be of 5, maybe 4 ish.
7 of my best 8 are now from this year, a new low for me after Fridays seniors at Tain of 3.1, but in reality I'm not a 3 handicap by any stretch of the imagination, under the old system id still be of 5, maybe 4 ish.
Many of us like routine. And it is disruptive when routines are forced to change because we feel we are losing control.
Some people of course love change and new things, and are great at looking forward to new opportunities and new schemes to get started.
My suspicion is that golf clubs members will tend to the former rather than the latter.
I personally like it. However I listened to Rick shiels postcast and the lady who was head of the change was on there and gave a good understanding
Guess it's down to a what people read up on and b the information from handicap secs
Ours is terrible. I mean the comp this week was Thursday and we still don't know the results / round not entered into whs which has to be done by midnight no?
You have no idea why the comp was not closed and have nevertheless condemned your Handicap Secretary. We had an evening "qualifier" on Wednesday. I was unable to finalise the competition on Wednesday. One player registered 30 points for the 9 holes which clearly had to be questioned and, as most people would have guessed he had entered Stableford points instead of gross scores. Another player, when contacted, was adamant that he had entered his scores online - the software showed next day that his score was entered at 9.26 on the day after the comp.
In my experience, that kind of thing is a regular occurrence. I don't know about other ISVs but Handicapmaster had already uploaded all the rest of the scores to WHS immediately after they were posted online. All the scores, including a corrected score for the 30 points claimant, were therefore in WHS long before midnight but the comp result could not be finalised until the next day.
Don't lose sight of the reality that Handicap Secretaries are pretty well all volunteers, have to deal with such situations, and do have a life outside of golf.
It would be interesting to see his rating report vs the rating team's report. Out of interest, what is the length and current rating?Oh and my fav. Doesn't agree with the course rating thinks it's too low .. so is emailing out to members that it's wrong and it will be challenged
It would be interesting to see his rating report vs the rating team's report. Out of interest, what is the length and current rating?
Even allowing for many tricky objects on the course (bunkers, penalty areas, high stimp greens etc) 74.2 is at the top end for the whites. 71.8 is not at all low for the yellows.
Good luck with his challenge![]()
Once you are above 5 you start getting extra shots , but the higher you get the more shots it looks like you get,. The slope is 134. I can only assume they think its easier or lower handicaps, which it is if you are long, but I'm not and the new layout is effectively 3 shots harder for me now than the old layout, the 3 par 5s i have to lay up on the young guys blast it over, used to be able to at least try and get on in twoI presume your slope is somewhere around the mid 120s then.
Vey similar where I play. At 10.7 I only go up (effectively) by 1
7 of my best 8 are now from this year, a new low for me after Fridays seniors at Tain of 3.1, but in reality I'm not a 3 handicap by any stretch of the imagination, under the old system id still be of 5, maybe 4 ish.
[/QUOTE]no index of 3 playing 3, for some reason at ours once you are below 5 index and playing handicap are the same
True, but even if I did, and it was accepted, it wouldn’t solve the problem. The person could be playing in opens, or be playing in inter club matches, etc.As you feel its reasonable there is nothing to stop you asking your comp committee to adopt your idea as a term of entry.
Yes. However would be a better reflection
With three cards it is already the lowest that counts, after adjustment down for any blow-out holes, with a further -2 adjustment. So it’s already 2 shots lower than the adjusted best of your three cards. Doesn’t seem excessively generous to me.
The principle of the new system is to make the game more accessible. Asking for more cards to get started makes it less accessible.
If clubs are bothered about this kind of thing maybe they could put limits on some comps. But clubs can’t want more members, more people playing the game, and in the same breath, make it harder for people to get started.
With handicaps becoming easier to get after July (golf England nomad handicap) almost anyone can sign a card now
So getting more cards in wouldn't be that much of an ask
With three cards it is already the lowest that counts, after adjustment down for any blow-out holes, with a further -2 adjustment. So it’s already 2 shots lower than the adjusted best of your three cards. Doesn’t seem excessively generous to me.
The principle of the new system is to make the game more accessible. Asking for more cards to get started makes it less accessible.
If clubs are bothered about this kind of thing maybe they could put limits on some comps. But clubs can’t want more members, more people playing the game, and in the same breath, make it harder for people to get started.
With respect to finding it hard to get people to sign a card - but such people should be able to play alongside competitors, and get a card in that way. Just that they can’t win competitions until they have a handicap worthy of the name. reasonable and inclusive IMO.Everyone’s circumstances are different. For some you are right but for others, who perhaps don’t play quite as often, some who are learning so don’t want to register every round as they will be being coached round and trying new things, and perhaps some who are finding it a bit harder to meet people to sign a card for them (especially with reduction of roll-ups) 8 rounds could take a while.
Would 8 rounds make a difference? I’ve just played my 7th. My index after 7 is actually 2.3 higher than it was after 3, as I’ve not got any substantially better rounds in after my 3, and lost the -2 adjustment.
It’s a good discussion and the points you are making are interesting. From my end of (in)experience, I think the system is pretty good and I can’t see the increased number of cards requirement before being allowed to compete making much difference.