Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off

Where do you like your PP or FC to stand when teeing off

  • Somewhere In front of you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind ball

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • I don't care as long as they are quiet, still and out of the way

    Votes: 187 83.1%
  • I am now aware of HNSP etiquette and will be using it in the future

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Where is this mythical place, it sounds like a vision in a dream, is it Xanadu?

Lol. I spoke to the owner and pro today, and words like "progressive" and "modern" were used repeatedly.. Right now this club suits my needs. I'm sure there are plenty who would prefer a more "traditional" club.. Different strokes for different folks..:thup:

Deleted member 15344

Lol. I spoke to the owner and pro today, and words like "progressive" and "modern" were used repeatedly.. Right now this club suits my needs. I'm sure there are plenty who would prefer a more "traditional" club.. Different strokes for different folks..:thup:

Good luck at your new club :thup:

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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I would hope that I'm not one of the guilty parties. I don't think that I've been abusive in any way, shape or form, but I am aware that sometimes offence is taken without any intention. If I have insulted anyone then please have my apologies. I think that this thread has stayed just on the right side of "banter" for the vast majority of its lifespan...:eek:

You don't manage golf courses for 25 years without getting a fair amount of abuse, one assault, two death threats and one threat on my family's safety. [and that was just the Ladies Section!]
I am pretty bomb proof and a few weekend warriors will wash straight off me.

I just felt the tone of a few replies to Hogan, myself and a new member were not really 'banter' and unusual for this otherwise excellent forum.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I havn't had my say yet ........ If someone could just tell me what this load of cobblers is about then I would like to post my opinion before the threads closed!

Deleted member 15344

I havn't had my say yet ........ If someone could just tell me what this load of cobblers is about then I would like to post my opinion before the threads closed!

Where do you stand when your FC tee off ? :thup:


Aug 19, 2011
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I believe this was explained to you in a PM by a member of the moderating team.
One moderator told me I could start a separate thread on the yips in post #387 in 'The Rules I would like to change' thread, which I did, but then another moderator said I couldn't and closed the thread! As a significant number of older long term players suffer from this affliction, surely it is of interest? At least more interesting than the load of garbage in this thread. A number of posters have correctly answered the OP's question, but they keep getting ignored!
Last edited:


Tour Winner
May 1, 2011
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That is was exactly the same as my take on it. So why are you not on the receiving end of the abuse I have been getting

My argument all along is with people on here telling me that the position where you stood on the tee was absolute rubbish, something that Hogan and I [and about 20 others on this thread] had somehow invented, set in stone and was something all golfers had to adhere to.


I have no idea and couldn't comment pal, I haven't followed this thread religiously and have only looked at it now and again. Apart from waiting for the 1000 post last night, which dragged on and on so I went to bed. We could have said what ever we wanted - no mods logged on at all :D

North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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You don't manage golf courses for 25 years without getting a fair amount of abuse, one assault, two death threats and one threat on my family's safety. [and that was just the Ladies Section!]
I am pretty bomb proof and a few weekend warriors will wash straight off me.

I just felt the tone of a few replies to Hogan, myself and a new member were not really 'banter' and unusual for this otherwise excellent forum.

The new member seemed pretty able to stand up for himself by playing the Category 1 card and saying some on here don't know much about etiquette. A very jokey reply to said new member then attributed to a bully by someone... who also extrapolated that those who don't adhere to this convention will also play slowly, be noisy and fail to call anyone through.

Pot... kettle...

It's been educational.

In many ways.

I'm happy to accept that this convention exists for some, but this thread illustrates that it is definitely not widely known or practised


Head Pro
Jul 17, 2013
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I might go as far as to concede that standing in front of the person teeing off could be seen as "best practice", but to me there is a cigarette paper between this and standing behind the opponent (behind his back) - backed up by the poll results (in that nobody really cares as long as you are quiet and still). As there is essentially not much difference between this and "best practice" it doesn't make sense to me to be crossing the tee box.

@SILH - part of this debate was the premise that you should stand in front as this is the best place for an FC, and if you don't stand there they might be too shy to let you know... What do you make of the pole results... Do you concede that generally people don't mind, so you're making this big effort for no reason.

i agree with a whoever wrote that the etiquette has evolved here. If we had another pole asking if you stood still and on the path next to your bag, but behind the players back...would you consider this bad etiquette I strongly believe the majority will say it is not.

North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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One moderator told me I could start a separate thread on the yips in post #387 in 'The Rules I would like to change' thread, which I did, but then another moderator said I couldn't and closed the thread! As a significant number of older long term players suffer from this affliction, surely it is of interest? At least more interesting than the load of garbage in this thread. A number of posters have correctly answered the OP's question, but they keep getting ignored!

A bit off topic Del...


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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One moderator told me I could start a separate thread on the yips in post #387 in 'The Rules I would like to change' thread, which I did, but then another moderator said I couldn't and closed the thread! As a significant number of older long term players suffer from this affliction, surely it is of interest? At least more interesting than the load of garbage in this thread. A number of posters have correctly answered the OP's question, but they keep getting ignored!

Del as discussed via PM, the subject of The Yips had been fully discussed, dissected , regurgitated and recycled as firelighters on the "rules we would like to see thread" over the previous few days and therefore was no valid reason to start up a new thread.

if you wish to vent your spleen further, please take it to PM


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I know my replies on this thread haven't always been serious but two genuine questions for SILH or DfT or anyone else on that side of the discussion/argument.

1) How do you deal with raised tees? At my place there are a couple that are 4-5 feet above the level of the surrounding ground. Would this fall under times when it was not practicable to stand facing the player?

2) If I am smoking while you tee off and I am facing you but upwind of you, would you rather I move to avoid smoke blowing in your direction or stay in the HNSP?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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from the usga Golf Etiquette 101.

Consideration for Other Players

No Disturbance or Distraction

Players should always show consideration for other players on the course and should not disturb their play by moving, talking or making any unnecessary noise.

Players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players.

On the teeing ground, a player should not tee his ball until it is his turn to play.

Players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when a player is about to play.