Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off

Where do you like your PP or FC to stand when teeing off

  • Somewhere In front of you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind ball

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • I don't care as long as they are quiet, still and out of the way

    Votes: 187 83.1%
  • I am now aware of HNSP etiquette and will be using it in the future

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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You have taken one sentence from my post and ignored the rest which conveniently fits your reply.

That aside, the assertion is correct. Standing in this place on the tee was a broadly accepted maxim over 30 years ago when I was taught to play. Everyone I play golf with knows this. Everyone at my club when I was a kid knew this. It was a universal truth.

I am not ignoring your view. I just know that you are wrong. Everyone disagreeing with this is wrong to a greater or lesser extent.

This frankly ridiculous thread can now be summarised as people that KNEW a thing for a fact 30 odd years ago because they experienced it first hand are being belittled and derided by another section of the forum membership who don't know said thing because they haven't heard of it, and consequently believe it must be codswallop, a view given credence by the apparent majority opinion on the subject.

It is not. And just because you have texted your Great Aunt Fanny and she can't remember it either is neither here nor there.

This thread is a vocal majority arguing around semantics and slating a minority who are in broad terms, quite correct. How some of the things have been said on this thread (as Bobmac sagaciously pointed out earlier) are the cause of the problem, rather than what has been posted.

And all for what? A petty issue about something that in the grand scheme of things, really doesn't matter....

I would also add that we (or at least I am) are referencing something from a time when golf was quite different in members clubs with far fewer members so less anecdotal evidence on hand, far more rules, more rigorous adherence to convention and consequently an average golf club in England was a much more formal environment. All relevant as a backdrop to this debate in my view.

To be fair, I pointed that out about 300 posts ago


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Re: Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off POLL

Stand out of my eyeline but anywhere you like. Keep still and keep quiet. Not rocket science is it and hardly worthy of the dross on the other thread


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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That is certainly a possiblity.

On doing some research into why caddies go to the right hand side of a tee i did a google search.
On the first page there are links to manuals on how to be a caddy and your responsibilities etc etc . As to where to stand on the tee , the right hand side is generally favoured . That to me suggests some sort of historical significance.
And this link from 1921 http://gsr.lib.msu.edu/1920s/1921/2112246.pdf makes interesting reading

Anyone else read this yet? - I'd be interested in thoughts on what is discussed in the 'Position of Tee-Box' section


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Just to add a little impetus to a dwindling thread: Where do you stand when the Captain pushes through on the first tee?


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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I don't care where my PP stands so long as he doesn't move and shuts the hell up!
Ideally he'd be somewhere down the middle of the fairway because not only will he not put me off but he'd also be in a very safe spot!
My brother always wants players to stand in front of him, I have no problem with that ................. why would I?
If it means moving a few feet to please a PP I don't have an issue with that at all.



Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Re: Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off POLL

Over 50 posts and I'm the only one who has voted for in front of me?

I bet if the legendary thread hadn't been rolling then there'd be plenty more.

I've never really thought about it before but in front is definitely the most sensible place.


Head Pro
Jul 17, 2013
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Anyone else read this yet? - I'd be interested in thoughts on what is discussed in the 'Position of Tee-Box' section

Definitely an interesting piece, but one which most golf clubs themselves seem to ignore. There is space to the right of the tee on about 60% of the holes at my course... This is where the path is, where I leave my bag and therefore where I stand. When the path is on the left hand side I do the same. I guess you know this though as I've mentioned it enough times.

I'm not sure how he can ascertain that "Almost all golfers" get fidgety when players stand behind them or on the line. Like I said before, so far it would seem that the opinion here (and from the R&A) is that behind the back is ok, and down the line only for ball spotting reasons, when it is the only place to stand or you are far enough back...

I guess this is the crux, as Snelly suggested (I think), maybe the people here aren't representative of the wider golfing world, but the evidence I have says people don't mind as I don't see people moving to the other side of the tee box when the path is on the left...and I agree with Hawkeye that it would be more likely to make me feel uncomfortable if they switched over. As someone mentioned a couple of pages ago (sorry, don't remember who) they tried this out on the course and got a lot of mystified looks.

this piece maybe backs up the thought that it is the "ideal" when building a golf course to have the path on the right, which actually I agree with. However I'd say it doesn't really matter and wouldn't expect a golf course to spend thousands trying to keep to this ideal.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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"maybe the people here aren't representative of the wider golfing world"

I can't for the life of me think why this would be the case!


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I'd argue that this very representative of the wider golfing world.

Even if 50 people have contributed here, how many non forummers have they played with? Then how many will those people have played with etc etc.

Also, the contributors cover the whole country and beyond, contributions by new golfers and experienced. Hi and low h'caps. Young and old. It's pretty diversified both directly and indirectly by association with non forum players.