Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off

Where do you like your PP or FC to stand when teeing off

  • Somewhere In front of you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind ball

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • I don't care as long as they are quiet, still and out of the way

    Votes: 187 83.1%
  • I am now aware of HNSP etiquette and will be using it in the future

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters


Head Pro
Jul 17, 2013
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OK - but the video does demonstrate what I believe to be the correct etiquette.

Well that's your opinion also... Padraig says "Don't stand close to the ball or directly behind it" - pretty much as per the text below. He doesn't say you must stand infront. He does point the player to stand next to the bags which happen to be infront, but this also supports my opinion that people basically stand to the side next to their bags. It would have been interesting if the bags were on the other side...

I repeat - this is not my opinion - this is what I was taught and believe to be the correct etiquette.

I still believe this is your opinion, just because you were taught somthing and you think it is correct doesn't mean it isn't an opinion to me. It's your opinion based on what you were taught and believe to be correct.

You may be correct - but if you accept that some players just might feel uncomfortable about something you do during a round of golf and might feel unable to say anything about it - why not just try and avoid that possibility by making sure you don't do it. That's simply consideration for your fellow golfer.

It might be that many players feel uncomfortable about you standing in front of them and crossing the tee at every other hole to do it. I wouldn't like to second guess what makes people comfortable or not, so I do what everyone else does (I assume if people felt uncomfortable there would be a lot more crossing of tees) and stand to the side (front or back dpending on where the path is and stay still and quiet)... maybe this makes people uncomfortable but maybe your method does too...we'll never know... unless we get the opinions of a large number of golfers on a forum or something....oh...


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Whilst playing this morning I had a good think about this.
We stand at the side of the teebox nearest the previous green, that's where we leave our bags.
Sometimes it's facing the right hander, sometimes it's behind his back....
If Fragger and our playing partner Mark crossed over to the other side of the teebox ( to the facing position), I would actually find this quite intimidating, more so if a lefthander had just played and as I'm taking my position on the tee I have 2 or 3 people crossing behind me to scrutinise my style more closely from the other side.
I can't believe that there are many in the World who would actually change position just because a left or right hander is about to play. Can you honestly tell me that, in a 4 ball of 2 lefts and 2 rights, you would potentially cross the teebox 3 times on every tee.....? If so, how would the Greenkeepers feel if everyone did this all the time..? There would be a path of worn grass across the teebox within a few days, even in Summer.

Also, has it ever occurred that "conventions" change..? Is it possible that things have changed and you've missedthe boat...?Not saying anything has but to pronounce others as "stoopid" and "ignorant" doesn't endear oneself to anyone


Journeyman Pro
Feb 11, 2010
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Whilst playing this morning I had a good think about this.
We stand at the side of the teebox nearest the previous green, that's where we leave our bags.
Sometimes it's facing the right hander, sometimes it's behind his back....
If Fragger and our playing partner Mark crossed over to the other side of the teebox ( to the facing position), I would actually find this quite intimidating, more so if a lefthander had just played and as I'm taking my position on the tee I have 2 or 3 people crossing behind me to scrutinise my style more closely from the other side.
I can't believe that there are many in the World who would actually change position just because a left or right hander is about to play. Can you honestly tell me that, in a 4 ball of 2 lefts and 2 rights, you would potentially cross the teebox 3 times on every tee.....? If so, how would the Greenkeepers feel if everyone did this all the time..? There would be a path of worn grass across the teebox within a few days, even in Summer.

Also, has it ever occurred that "conventions" change..? Is it possible that things have changed and you've missedthe boat...?Not saying anything has but to pronounce others as "stoopid" and "ignorant" doesn't endear oneself to anyone

Good post Imurg :thup: ...it's about time you had one!

I think there are going to be a lot of people who are playing this weekend who will be analyzing where everyone stands on the tee box, and whether anyone crosses over to the other side for a leftie.......which means that this thread still has a couple of days at least to run and run


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Well that's your opinion also... Padraig says "Don't stand close to the ball or directly behind it" - pretty much as per the text below. He doesn't say you must stand infront. He does point the player to stand next to the bags which happen to be infront, but this also supports my opinion that people basically stand to the side next to their bags. It would have been interesting if the bags were on the other side...

I still believe this is your opinion, just because you were taught somthing and you think it is correct doesn't mean it isn't an opinion to me. It's your opinion based on what you were taught and believe to be correct.

It might be that many players feel uncomfortable about you standing in front of them and crossing the tee at every other hole to do it. I wouldn't like to second guess what makes people comfortable or not, so I do what everyone else does (I assume if people felt uncomfortable there would be a lot more crossing of tees) and stand to the side (front or back dpending on where the path is and stay still and quiet)... maybe this makes people uncomfortable but maybe your method does too...we'll never know... unless we get the opinions of a large number of golfers on a forum or something....oh...

I understand and get all of what you say - but I think you are missing the point about my simple belief in that there is (or at least was) etiquette in respect of a 'HNSP' and what is actually involved in putting this etiquette into practice - not a lot.

I'm going to give up now as we seem to be at the point where some understand and agree with what I'm on about - and others haven't heard of it so generally argue against it and dismiss it.

And this is the pity. Because if I am correct in what I have suggested then by the reactions of those here it would appear that a simple little bit of etiquette will be lost from how we play the game.

I'm out.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Because if I am correct in what I have suggested then by the reactions of those here it would appear that a simple little bit of etiquette will be lost from how we play the game..

As it seems the majority do not use this "convention" it would appear that, for the most part, it is been lost.
And is the game any less enjoyable because of this...?


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I'm going to give up now as we seem to be at the point where some understand and agree with what I'm on about - and others haven't heard of it so generally argue against it and dismiss it.

I'm out.

You just can't help yourself can you? Your implication from the above statement is that anyone who is disagreeing with you simply does not understand what you are saying. Let me be clear, I understand completely what you are saying. I simply do not agree with it. I am not ill mannered, nor am I ill educated. I make every effort to ensure that I do not hinder my PP or FC whilst on the tee box.

I should also point out that I am not trying to change your mind. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion.

In my mind it is the simplest of tasks.... I will follow the path to the tee box, then I will stand on the path, behind the tee markers, out of immediate sight, making no noise and not moving. Simple and elegant.


Head Pro
Jul 17, 2013
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I understand and get all of what you say - but I think you are missing the point about my simple belief in that there is (or at least was) etiquette in respect of a 'HNSP' and what is actually involved in putting this etiquette into practice - not a lot.

I'm going to give up now as we seem to be at the point where some understand and agree with what I'm on about - and others haven't heard of it so generally argue against it and dismiss it.

And this is the pity. Because if I am correct in what I have suggested then by the reactions of those here it would appear that a simple little bit of etiquette will be lost from how we play the game.

I'm out.

That's a shame (I'm not being sarcastic either) Maybe your belief of this past etiquette is correct... I'm not going to argue with you there. What the R&A says now doesn't back this up.

My issue is that you seem to think the world is a worse place for this. I think pretty much all on here have pretty much said that you should respect your FCs, stay quiet and move if requested. This doesn't sound like a terrible world to me.

You're correct, there isn't much effort involved in putting your ettiquette into practice, but are you the arbiter of what makes people feel uncomfortable? It seems that from the small sample of the forum, I get the general feeling nobody minds if you stand next to your bag behind the players back. Many have a issue with behind the line and I think most wouldn't do this.

Maybe we should set up a vote on how many people would feel comfortable with FCs folling you across greens to get in front of you all the time... as IMurg suggests, this might make people uncomfortable as well...


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I understand and get all of what you say - but I think you are missing the point about my simple belief in that there is (or at least was) etiquette in respect of a 'HNSP' and what is actually involved in putting this etiquette into practice - not a lot.

I'm going to give up now as we seem to be at the point where some understand and agree with what I'm on about - and others haven't heard of it so generally argue against it and dismiss it.

And this is the pity. Because if I am correct in what I have suggested then by the reactions of those here it would appear that a simple little bit of etiquette will be lost from how we play the game.

I'm out.

Whilst polite and well worded, this post is pretty insulting (along with others of yours in this thread).

You seem to take real objection when your POV is not agreed with. That's sad.


Aug 5, 2011
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Whilst playing this morning I had a good think about this.
We stand at the side of the teebox nearest the previous green, that's where we leave our bags.
Sometimes it's facing the right hander, sometimes it's behind his back....
If Fragger and our playing partner Mark crossed over to the other side of the teebox ( to the facing position), I would actually find this quite intimidating,
more so if a lefthander had just played and as I'm taking my position on the tee I have 2 or 3 people crossing behind me to scrutinise my style more closely from the other side.
I can't believe that there are many in the World who would actually change position just because a left or right hander is about to play. Can you honestly tell me that, in a 4 ball of 2 lefts and 2 rights, you would potentially cross the teebox 3 times on every tee.....? If so, how would the Greenkeepers feel if everyone did this all the time..? There would be a path of worn grass across the teebox within a few days, even in Summer.

Also, has it ever occurred that "conventions" change..? Is it possible that things have changed and you've missedthe boat...?Not saying anything has but to pronounce others as "stoopid" and "ignorant" doesn't endear oneself to anyone

exactly! we have similar, I know they are out my way and its actually less of a distraction than 3 FC's standing opposite me in loud garish colours trying to act like trees...unsuccessfully :whistle:


Whilst polite and well worded, this post is pretty insulting (along with others of yours in this thread).

That is a contradiction in terms and I disagree. How anyone can be insulted (a strong term) by the posts in question is beyond me.

I think SILH has debated this subject quite fairly really.

All that said, this whole subject is a mountain made from a molehill.

In summary, based on historical best practice, everyone should really stand where he stated as it was traditionally the right thing to do. However, it is clear from this thread that this is something that has now in general terms, disappeared from club golf. If this is the case, I think it is a bit of a shame but no big deal really. Stand wherever and keep quiet and still seems to be fair enough.

The disappearance of this quirk though is based on an interesting assumption which is - are the members of this forum deemed to be an accurate representation of the golfing community in the UK. I would suggest not but that is the subject for a whole new thread.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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Was chatting to my MiL about this subject, a lady who took up this great game nearly 60 years ago, and one of the first things she was taught was to "Stand over there ( as in the video ) and never never stand behind the player teeing off "
This game is a changing for sure .


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Was chatting to my MiL about this subject, a lady who took up this great game nearly 60 years ago, and one of the first things she was taught was to "Stand over there ( as in the video ) and never never stand behind the player teeing off "
This game is a changing for sure .

And what was her definition of behind?:D

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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are the members of this forum deemed to be an accurate representation of the golfing community in the UK. .

I bloody hope not judging by the fact that this thread has generated so much interest. The conversation in all clubhouses must be riveting if it was the case....


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Re: Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off POLL

It just gets better and better. Voted Don't care provided they out of the way, still and quiet. Do not think this will make over 700 replies but I may be wrong