Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off

Where do you like your PP or FC to stand when teeing off

  • Somewhere In front of you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind ball

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • I don't care as long as they are quiet, still and out of the way

    Votes: 187 83.1%
  • I am now aware of HNSP etiquette and will be using it in the future

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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IMHO, it's not so much the content of the OP and subsequent posts that some people have a problem with, it's the way it was offered.
Would this thread of had over 650 replies if the OP had read something like.....

Once upon a time when I first started playing golf, a senior player at our club taught me that where possible, the safest place to stand on the tee is facing the player and slightly back.
Is this still taught these days ?

I suspect there would have been about 20 replies and maybe a few would be more aware of where they stood on the tee.


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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IMHO, it's not so much the content of the OP and subsequent posts that some people have a problem with, it's the way it was offered.
Would this thread of had over 650 replies if the OP had read something like.....

I suspect there would have been about 20 replies and maybe a few would be more aware of where they stood on the tee.



Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I post it as I believe it shows the right place to be. IMHO that is the bast place to view a FP tee shot from, as it gives a different perspective from him/her should they not pick up the Ball flight .No it doesn't state that you should move for a left hander and I'd hope common sense to prevail .
I view this thread as not taking sides but one where some of us have explained that we were taught that standing in that position was good etiquette.
One of the games greatest player says he prefers players to stand there also so it must have crossed the pond at some stage.

I fully agree with the standing position as shown in the video. That has never been the discussion really. I think the discussion has really centred on certain posters and their insistance that there is only one place to stand, and if you aren't stood there then you are an ignorant oaf who hasn't played the game for very long and is probably a member at one of those pesky modern clubs where they actually encourage the lower classes to play the game.....;)

Anyhoo, I might make a model later showing where I think people should stand....:thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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What would you do if they were in front of you and making a noise in their bag that you can hear?

I tend to walk away from the ball , make a few practice swings while giving them that look my Wife gives me when I say "Is that a new pair of shoes"


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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DMZ?? What is that?

The fairway is a little different though, in that if that were the case, if I had ripped it slightly further, I would hang back and let my PP/FC get to their ball first. I wouldn't be close, and therefore, it doesn't matter where I stand. It only becomes an issue on the teebox because of the lack of space there normally is, compared to the massive fairway.

If someone is 10/15 yards away, as I would be on the fairway, I couldn't care less where they are.

It's an area of the network separated by a firewall, please god don't tell me there is a preferred place for me to stand in the data centre while I'm working? :D


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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IMHO, it's not so much the content of the OP and subsequent posts that some people have a problem with, it's the way it was offered.
Would this thread of had over 650 replies if the OP had read something like.....

I suspect there would have been about 20 replies and maybe a few would be more aware of where they stood on the tee.

Or Cared Bob.

I can't believe its gone to 69 pages... is the a shakes head smilie?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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it was the slight on peoples conduct that drew offence. then subsequent labelling of people as ignorant based on hearsay!


One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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My current course is closed, and my future course is not confirmed yet. My only other option to this thread is going shopping with my better half... I need to keep it going....

Best of luck :thup:

Our track is open with no rain forcast today or tomorrow :)

Would you like me to close the thread now?:D


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This is the whole point though (pulling hair out, whats left anyway...)

You didn't just "point it out".

You pointed it out and then carried on to say that everyone who doesn't do as you say has no sense of etiquette and is wrong!!

I am in the same place as you in respect of what hair I have not pulled out.

I certainly said that I thought it a rule of golfing etiquette to stand in the 'HNSP' wherever possible - and therefore by implication if you stand elsewhere when you could stand at the HNSP then you are in breach of etiquette. By extension were you to say that it is OK to stand elsewhere I would indeed say you were wrong.

And that really is all I said - and say. I believe that etiquette expects you to stand whenever possible in the 'HNSP'. However as many here do not believe that there is such a thing as the HNSP, or indeed that even if they do then it was never considered etiquette - then we are in stalemate.

Does what is stated by the R&A on this matter count as etiquette? If I am told (as I have been) that golfing etiquette is limited to what the R&A or USPGA cover under their section in the rule book on the rules of etiquette then I, and Arnold Palmer(from an earlier post), would beg to disagree.

I would hope that all would agree that, when the circumstances apply, any rule of etiquette should not be optional and at the discretion of the individual who is in breach.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Where you should stand on the tee is covered by the R&A in the Etiquette section of their rule book. I am more than happy to abide by that.

Everything else being expounded on this thread is nonsense IMO.

@ger147 - I can't now remember if what is in the R&A rules supports what I am saying or not :)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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@ SiLH

Apologies its a long thread so i may have forgotten if you've answered this already but...

What is it you fear/expect a player to do if he's standing behind your back (except snelly) that makes this position less desirable/optimum than facing you?

And what effect or impact does facing you carry that mitigates the risk of said player doing the same thing they would do behind your back?

@Slab - my point is that what you (and many others) say about where you could stand and associated risks and benefits, doesn't really matter in discussing whether or not there is one agreed 'HNSP'.

Most of the discussion here has been along the lines of 'you say I should stand there, but what's wrong with standing there, or there, or there?' when in fact that has all been besides the point - something that most seem to have missed.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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It doesn't.

Without changing my stance on the OP I would like to point out that in the R&A rules there is nowhere that it says that if I'm playing matchplay and my opponent is 2 up with 3 to play that I can't punch him unconscious and claim the match by default for him delaying play. However I'm fairly sure that almost everyone on here would agree that I can't do that. Just because it isn't specifically covered in the rules doesn't mean you can do it.

But just to be totally clear, where you stand when a PP or FC is hitting is covered and I maintain that SILH is wrong.