When it all goes wrong...

I've started taking a minimal set (4, 7, P) of old Mizuno blades out for half a round every couple of weeks and playing really simply, tapping it up the fairways (trying to anyway). After that, my G425s feel like cheating.
Same principle as cricketers practicing with one of those skinny 1/2 width bats.
Was murder yesterday as well, was hooking absolutely everything, the more I tried to fix it the worse it got ??
Going to get a lesson ?

When people try and stop a hook, they often stop turning for fear of it going left. The body stops, the arms/hands/club flips and wraps around you, which hits it left.
If you keep turning, the club cannot overtake you.
I find my inherent fault is swinging too fast, correction-swinging badly too fast. If I slow the backswing and make it fuller, ensuring the left shoulder comes under the chin, then I seem to get back on track.
Short fast swing is my nemesis.
If I slow the backswing and make it fuller, ensuring the left shoulder comes under the chin, then I seem to get back on track.
Trying to emulate Collin Morikawa's swing like this was working ok for me a few weeks ago. I'd forgotten that. Might try it again at the weekend.
I find my inherent fault is swinging too fast, correction-swinging badly too fast. If I slow the backswing and make it fuller, ensuring the left shoulder comes under the chin, then I seem to get back on track.
Short fast swing is my nemesis.
I think this is perfectly natural, you get confidence and then start to try and unleash. It really is a case of playing within yourself or I call it playing lazy… as in I just swing. I slip into these hard and fast swings and have to take a reset. I think also sometimes you have the issue when you force it … when in reality the best solution is to grip down the shaft of a longer club and play easy… (if only I would pay attention to my own observations ?‍♂️)
The driver is a different ball game though, that is swing everything at it .. and it should be set for that swing and it’s faults.
I find my inherent fault is swinging too fast, correction-swinging badly too fast. If I slow the backswing and make it fuller, ensuring the left shoulder comes under the chin, then I seem to get back on track.
Short fast swing is my nemesis.
I have the same problem. I'm playing later today and I'm going to remember this advice.
Mine is a simple reset that’s works enough to get me round a course safely.

Half practice swing with no tension in the wrists ensuring I find the bottom of the swing, second full swing repeating the same and a final one ensuring I turn the body and shift my weight to the leading side. I find this stops me getting handsy and gives an audio difference in the swing with tempo. Before the slow pace police get involved this routine takes no more than 30 seconds max and is normally done from behind the ball looking down the target line.
My playing partner last weekend in medal had 15 on first. He said he was giving up. I talked him round n said for HI it’s only a 7 ( par 5 first ). We had chat on 2nd tee just to take his mind off it. He then played next 17 holes in 3 under par nett n got a handicap reduction of 0.6. We all get caught up in what is a great game, but beating yourself up over it helps no one. Stay calm deep breath and if all else fails chewing gum...
The pen is mightier than the driver.

If I'm going through bogey / double bogey hell after 4-5 holes (I'm off 6, but it can apply to any standard or handicap), I get my pen and draw a line under the last score I put down. Its to draw a line under what has happened before. It usually helps me gird my loins, reset and go again. It works most of the time.
Didn't play great today, but I tried to swing back slowly and turn my left shoulder under my chin. Managed to shoot 83. The back nine was weird. I had eight fives and one three for a 43 which is eight over par. It was hot and humid, but not as bad as normal.
The pen is mightier than the driver.

If I'm going through bogey / double bogey hell after 4-5 holes (I'm off 6, but it can apply to any standard or handicap), I get my pen and draw a line under the last score I put down. Its to draw a line under what has happened before. It usually helps me gird my loins, reset and go again. It works most of the time.
Similar to some advice I read from Ian Poulter previously. He said that he often hears people say “right let’s get this sorted on the back 9 then” but by then it’s too late. So he draws lines under every 3 holes on his card
Had another weird round yesterday. I usually score well (38 to 40) on the front nine and then even bogey (44) on the back. I reversed the trend yesterday and shot 44-39. That's my best score on our final nine holes in months. Hope I can put together two good nines tomorrow and break 80.
On a day trip to St Andrews I went on the range to loosen up after a 150 mile drive.
Three wedges all went like a low duffed half shank [I never shank]
Three 8 irons went the same way
Three 6 irons exactly the same.
Three 4irons the same
My PP was caught between laughing hilariously and amazement.

Desperately grabbed the woods.......they were fine.
Putting was OK.

Strangely enough I played well for the round.
Funny old game.:unsure:
Well to follow on from this, I’ve had a 1 hour lesson and 1 half an hour lesson.
My ball striking was the best I’ve ever hit it, seems like it’s all confidence with me.
Ive invested just under £300 on a lessons package to keep me on track and hopefully improve.
I know I’ve got to put the work in as well to maintain it.
Boy giving me lessons plays of +5, never seen a ball hit like it, crazy good.
Well to follow on from this, I’ve had a 1 hour lesson and 1 half an hour lesson.
My ball striking was the best I’ve ever hit it, seems like it’s all confidence with me.
Ive invested just under £300 on a lessons package to keep me on track and hopefully improve.
I know I’ve got to put the work in as well to maintain it.
Boy giving me lessons plays of +5, never seen a ball hit like it, crazy good.
Where was that Brian, not a PGA pro then?