What has ruined your game ?


Medal Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I honestly think that lessons should be off of a movable mat. Or even out of rough or nasty lies. You go for a lesson, and it is a perfectly flat lie on the range.Never happens on the course.Why us amateurs never can get the lesson range swing to show up during a round.Video your swing on the course versus the lesson swing.I bet you it never comes close to the range swings.It seems to me that most lessons now are about getting a certain type of camera look.But will not be golf course score effective.The old teachers that stressed impact and less look were the best imho.This squat ; turn ; slot stuff is for the birds


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I would honestly say this craze of shallowing the club has ruined me and millions of others. I honestly don’t even see the purpose of it if you can’t do it naturally. I think most golfers would play better on the steeper side versus manufacturing a shallow move
Thoughts ?
Wot now?

Deleted member 25172

Limited data set, but a bit of everything. Off the tee with the driver is the biggest culprit though. Strokes gained is benchmarked against a 5 handicapper.




Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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My brain, I think. Overthinking everything and the need to understand every tiny detail isn't really compatible with good golf. Knowing I'm capable of breaking 80 and seemingly never doing it drives me mad. I don't get angry on the course so much (not for long anyway) but a poor round leaves me depressed for a few days. If I putt badly my mind is racing over what I can do about it - should I change my grip, should I change my putter? Have tried both of those things and they didn't work. Wish I could just have a Dustin Johnson mindset and forget all the bad stuff immediately, I think I'd probably play better overall.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Limited data set, but a bit of everything. Off the tee with the driver is the biggest culprit though. Strokes gained is benchmarked against a 5 handicapper.

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View attachment 50447
Do you play of 9ish ?
Shotscope is a little broad brush in its analysis. The tee shot could be any mix of distance, direction, penalty shot. Is your course tight with obs ? How long do you carry a drive - strokes gained would be looking for about 240-250 for a 5hi. If you have that length typically, then maybe its more direction. Its a pity they just provide a crude number like that rather than the detail of what is actually making you an 8hi driver.

Deleted member 25172

Do you play of 9ish ?
Shotscope is a little broad brush in its analysis. The tee shot could be any mix of distance, direction, penalty shot. Is your course tight with obs ? How long do you carry a drive - strokes gained would be looking for about 240-250 for a 5hi. If you have that length typically, then maybe its more direction. Its a pity they just provide a crude number like that rather than the detail of what is actually making you an 8hi driver.
I do. Course is not tight, but I manage to lose balls from the tee anyway. You can see that 15% of my tee shots come with a penalty, so not great. In one of the rounds recorded I had 5 lost balls of the tee. 4 with the driver and 1 with the 3W. My "playing average" with the driver is 264 yards, but all of the data has only been collected since end end of October in cold damp conditions. Say I carry it about 240-245 in those conditions if I catch it properly. But I can also hit it 50 yards, killing a few nosy moles on the way.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!

Rotator Cuff injury that appeared in early Spring meant playing all season with pain and/or restricted movement.

Had to cry off some days out (Sunningdale etc😭) and in a couple of cases walk off.

Thankfully, it's on the way out and lazy few rounds have been pain free
I'm hoping that's the end of it


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Rotator Cuff injury that appeared in early Spring meant playing all season with pain and/or restricted movement.

Had to cry off some days out (Sunningdale etc😭) and in a couple of cases walk off.

Thankfully, it's on the way out and lazy few rounds have been pain free
I'm hoping that's the end of it

Nothing more depressing than having to walk off injured. 😢


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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My brain, I think. Overthinking everything and the need to understand every tiny detail isn't really compatible with good golf. Knowing I'm capable of breaking 80 and seemingly never doing it drives me mad. I don't get angry on the course so much (not for long anyway) but a poor round leaves me depressed for a few days. If I putt badly my mind is racing over what I can do about it - should I change my grip, should I change my putter? Have tried both of those things and they didn't work. Wish I could just have a Dustin Johnson mindset and forget all the bad stuff immediately, I think I'd probably play better overall.

Me too, self-inflicted head wobbles do me in primarily when tee markers are moved, so you never really know where you’ll be teeing off from until you get to that hole
Home club has an abundance of prepared teeing areas (great for letting the ground recover etc) but stupidly I find it tough to mentally accept changed length/line/elevation especially when a hole plays tougher


Active member
Jun 19, 2023
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On reflection, I'd say a lower back injury ruined my season this year. I was on a high in 2022. I genuinely couldn't go wrong. Heading for single figures. Confident with every club, and even flushing blades from 170 out. It was heaven every Saturday.

Snow came in over the winter, and I was clearing the driveway, and something popped just above my hips in my lower back. Couldn't move. Took me 40 mins to get into the house. Felt like my legs were going to fall off.

6 weeks of physio. Injury was in Nov, and it took me till Jan 2023 to swing a club (probably shouldn't have pushed it). Massive drop in swing speed, and confidence. Fear of injury played heavily on my mind all season, but now I'm lifting weights again, and got up to my normal speed, so fingers crossed I can carry it through to next season.

I still get the odd flare up, but I know how to manage it now with stretches and rest.