Argument on course


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Jul 12, 2022
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I will try and keep this as short as possible. A Few weeks ago I got stuck behind a two ball, older golfers. Really slow and waiting on every hole and every fairway. On a tee box with them and they just continued to ignore me so I know by this point there not letting me through. It was cold and windy so just walked off cause I had planned to go gym anyway after golf.
I see chairman in car park tell him story and say can you have a word with them.
So two weeks go past a don’t remember what these two look like and a walk past two golfers on back 9 I say morning and they both draw me the dirtiest look you could imagine so I clicked on its they two and say do you have a problem one says I’m putting a email in about you. So i call them so and sos and walk to next hole.
Again say to chairman I called them a so and so but after they gave me a dirty look and I said morning, he also said first encounter the golfers said I was no where near them. So there obvious liars.
So this morning was the big one out behind them again won’t let me past I again am on a tee box with them so I say look guys I’m going to play through I’m faster. One goes you certainly are not playing through. I kid you not lol I didn’t really know what to say next so just said I am dropping a ball fast a hitting it quick it was a short par 3. So they are raging and calling me ignorant told them to F off and played through.
I don’t know what to do now chairman has told them they must let faster people play through and when I asked it was a straight no.
I am thinking about asking for my joining fee and money back just joined recently, unless chairman it going to take action against these two and I know the golf course isn’t mine and everyone has to come and go a little but honestly these are the two most ignorant people I’ve ever met on a golf course. Am I in the right or am I just biased? I just can’t see it from there side at all.
Hopefully this post isn’t too long.


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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I will try and keep this as short as possible. A Few weeks ago I got stuck behind a two ball, older golfers. Really slow and waiting on every hole and every fairway. On a tee box with them and they just continued to ignore me so I know by this point there not letting me through. It was cold and windy so just walked off cause I had planned to go gym anyway after golf.
I see chairman in car park tell him story and say can you have a word with them.
So two weeks go past a don’t remember what these two look like and a walk past two golfers on back 9 I say morning and they both draw me the dirtiest look you could imagine so I clicked on its they two and say do you have a problem one says I’m putting a email in about you. So i call them so and sos and walk to next hole.
Again say to chairman I called them a so and so but after they gave me a dirty look and I said morning, he also said first encounter the golfers said I was no where near them. So there obvious liars.
So this morning was the big one out behind them again won’t let me past I again am on a tee box with them so I say look guys I’m going to play through I’m faster. One goes you certainly are not playing through. I kid you not lol I didn’t really know what to say next so just said I am dropping a ball fast a hitting it quick it was a short par 3. So they are raging and calling me ignorant told them to F off and played through.
I don’t know what to do now chairman has told them they must let faster people play through and when I asked it was a straight no.
I am thinking about asking for my joining fee and money back just joined recently, unless chairman it going to take action against these two and I know the golf course isn’t mine and everyone has to come and go a little but honestly these are the two most ignorant people I’ve ever met on a golf course. Am I in the right or am I just biased? I just can’t see it from there side at all.
Hopefully this post isn’t too long.

I think you're within your right to be annoyed.

If you've reported it numerous times and no action is being taken I'd formally complain - or if they have taken action and its being ignored by these 2 - then further action is required.

Can you not book the tee before them in future?

Steve Wilkes

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Nov 9, 2020
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I will try and keep this as short as possible. A Few weeks ago I got stuck behind a two ball, older golfers. Really slow and waiting on every hole and every fairway. On a tee box with them and they just continued to ignore me so I know by this point there not letting me through. It was cold and windy so just walked off cause I had planned to go gym anyway after golf.
I see chairman in car park tell him story and say can you have a word with them.
So two weeks go past a don’t remember what these two look like and a walk past two golfers on back 9 I say morning and they both draw me the dirtiest look you could imagine so I clicked on its they two and say do you have a problem one says I’m putting a email in about you. So i call them so and sos and walk to next hole.
Again say to chairman I called them a so and so but after they gave me a dirty look and I said morning, he also said first encounter the golfers said I was no where near them. So there obvious liars.
So this morning was the big one out behind them again won’t let me past I again am on a tee box with them so I say look guys I’m going to play through I’m faster. One goes you certainly are not playing through. I kid you not lol I didn’t really know what to say next so just said I am dropping a ball fast a hitting it quick it was a short par 3. So they are raging and calling me ignorant told them to F off and played through.
I don’t know what to do now chairman has told them they must let faster people play through and when I asked it was a straight no.
I am thinking about asking for my joining fee and money back just joined recently, unless chairman it going to take action against these two and I know the golf course isn’t mine and everyone has to come and go a little but honestly these are the two most ignorant people I’ve ever met on a golf course. Am I in the right or am I just biased? I just can’t see it from there side at all.
Hopefully this post isn’t too long.
Go on then I'll bite, Even the way you wrote/put this, I make you almost fully to blame, the list of reasons is too long for me to state


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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The bare bones say they should’ve let you through in the first example and everything that follows (starting with you reporting them) simply doesn’t happen

They didn’t let you through and both sides seem to be pretty impolite and immovable with each other after that. Not much chance of repairing things now, hope something gets worked out though


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
The mistake you've made is bringing yourself down to their level. If they refuse to let you through after asking politely then don't swear or argue as you are giving them something to come back to you with. It's hard to define what is slow, but ask politely and if they don't let you through then, if there is room, miss a hole and go past them.
In discussion with them, I would also ask why they are not letting you through. Are they slow or are you fast? We had one poster on here who wanted to do 18 holes in ridiculously fast times. At the moment, we only have one half of the story.
Last edited:


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The only thing I would take care with is one of your actions - putting a ball down and hitting it without their agreement.
This could get you up before t committee where I play.

Personally I would have just walked past them to the next tee.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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In all the years that I played, and I will get back on the course one day, I never say a club pay anything more than lip service to slow play. The club will huff and puff but actually do nothing about it, especially if those in question are established or popular members.

I only started relaxing more on the course when I settled it in my head that I was never going to play through and the people I played with were never going to let anyone through and so I set myself to the pace of the course on that day and ignored everything else.


Nov 27, 2023
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This does happen, but, luckily in my experience, not too often.

For me, golf really isn't worth arguing about. When I encounter this type of behaviour I just skip a hole or two and get on with enjoying the fresh air.

Life's too short & all that IMO.


Nov 27, 2023
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The mistake you've made is bringing yourself down to their level. If they refuse to let you through after asking politely then don't swear or argue as you are giving them something to come back to you with. It's hard to define what is slow, but ask politely and if they don't let you through then, if there is room, miss a hole and go past them.
In discussion with them, I would also ask why they are not letting you through. Are they slow or are you fast? We had one poster on here who wanted to do 18 holes in ridiculourly fast times. At the moment, we only have one half of the story.
Totally agree & if there isn't room to miss a hole, then there probably isn't much point in being let through anyway! Play 2 balls and enjoy the practice.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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This does happen, but, luckily in my experience, not too often.

For me, golf really isn't worth arguing about. When I encounter this type of behaviour I just skip a hole or two and get on with enjoying the fresh air.

Life's too short & all that IMO.

Totally agree. If it was getting to me being stuck and not played through on a casual round and it was getting to me, I just found another hole and bypassed the group in question making sure I was not jumping in front of anyone else whilst doing it.

Sadly experience has told me that many clubs have a significant number of members who think that they own the course or have a higher level of entitlement to other people and there is no point in arguing with them and, sadly, if you happen to pick an argument with the wrong person who has standing in the club, you can easily find yourself isolated or frozen out of the club and most people I have seen do that have ended up leaving the club at the end of that year.


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Jul 12, 2022
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I forgot to say these two guys get first tee time so there’s no one in front of them. I did try and get first time from BRS but it’s impossible.
They might be slow at golf but getting the first tee time there lightning fast


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I forgot to say these two guys get first tee time so there’s no one in front of them. I did try and get first time from BRS but it’s impossible.
They might be slow at golf but getting the first tee time there lightning fast
I'd refer them to this.
R&A Pace of Play
And, if you wish to, also refer it to the Chairman, or the Captain.
If they mumbled at you second time around, it seems like somebody has had a word with them so I would suggest you go back to the Chairman and explain confrontation #2. But always keep your temper and don't get involved in an argument.

Red devil

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Sep 26, 2021
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As frustrating as it is and it most certainly is. Telling them to F off gives them the moral high ground should the chairman come calling. I'd apologise for that but maybe add "but you can sense my frustration at their intransigence "
I'm not a very good player but am improving. I know my capabilities and don't take it as a slight to let someone through.


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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I forgot to say these two guys get first tee time so there’s no one in front of them. I did try and get first time from BRS but it’s impossible.
They might be slow at golf but getting the first tee time there lightning fast
So there's NO ONE else on the course at this point and you waited right behind them for hours?


Active member
Jul 12, 2022
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So there's NO ONE else on the course at this point and you waited right behind them for hours?
No first encounter I probably was held up for an hour then just walked off, I just kept thinking next hole surly they will let me pass.
Today was only maybe 40 mins then I basically forced my was through.
My course you can’t really jump around holes except for one part and it would mean missing 6 holes out and I really don’t see why a slower party would want a faster player right behind them when the course is almost empty.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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No first encounter I probably was held up for an hour then just walked off, I just kept thinking next hole surly they will let me pass.
Today was only maybe 40 mins then I basically forced my was through.
My course you can’t really jump around holes except for one part and it would mean missing 6 holes out and I really don’t see why a slower party would want a faster player right behind them when the course is almost empty.

I don't understand why people want faster people behind them either

I played last week and a 4 ball of visitors had just teed off (later than their time)

The marshal goes "dw their good players" yeah good doesn't always mean prompt players ..

Our 3 ball waited until our time and went , on 6 the marshall goes to us (we hadn't said anything just been waiting most shots) they are going in at the 9th for a coffee so they will let you through then

Painfully waiting on the 9th to play our shots into the green whilst they lined up the putts like it was the Ryder cup .. thankfully they did go in. Our 3 ball, our mates in the 3 ball behind got through and then they then reappeared .. when we were teeing off on 17 we saw them walking to the tee on 13

I mean when we were putting out on 11th hole they had teed off 10th ..

Our other 3 ball was playing their approach to 16 so they weren't holding them up

That's just slow.. and being told on 6 "they will let you through on 9" made it longer than needed to be..

For me it's when you walk up to the tee and the group is JUST walking off the tee (nobody in front) it's just lacking self awareness to not step aside on the fairway

Deleted member 23270

Sounds like the 3 most ignorant players on a golf course to me. First instance complain to the office. Second instance formal letter/email to the office. Forcing your way through is absolutely not the thing to do. Just walk on to the next hole if there is nobody in front.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I forgot to say these two guys get first tee time so there’s no one in front of them. I did try and get first time from BRS but it’s impossible.
They might be slow at golf but getting the first tee time there lightning fast

So why not start on the 2nd? Get way from the landing area of their first shots tee long before they arrive at the first tee.


Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2010
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surely if you are behind the only other people on the course you walk through, when safe to do so.

eg: when you get to the tee and they are still teeing off, walk down the hole and whilst they are putting out you can tee off on the next hole.