Argument on course


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Finding this an odd one to read.
From the OPs point of view. His first round behind them he walks off the course after there obviously not letting him through. he then reports it to the Right people.
Second time they give him a dirty looks after he is polite to them. And then threaten to send in an email about someone saying good morning to them. At that point whether people believe he has stopped to there level or not, he tells them to do one.
They don’t understand golf etiquette, they don’t understand manners and politeness. So ironically they then tell the OP he is ignorant. At this point I need a bigger head because I am smiling so much.
The problem for me ( and I don’t just mean these two golfers), some people see kindness, respect, politeness as a sign of weakness. I Am like this, I talk to people how they talk to me.If they want to be ignorant so can I.Sometimes, unfortunately it’s all they understand.
The conversation is about 1 player being held up, but what about the others behind. If the first players out are slow,You can bet the effect carries on behind to other groups for an age.
Me I think walking through is not the answer, the problem still persists. Two slow golfers. Does everyone walking through solve the problem.
If I was secretary of the course I would time when they are out and when they are back, if it is slow I would be having a talk to them. If needs be I would get all three in the office and tells them all about course etiquette and speed of play/ ready golf.

PS, not read 6 pages Of this thread


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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And some single players know this and rudely uses this as you must let me through or I'm reporting you to the committee type of attitude.
Why not on approaching the group when you catch them up saying "Good Morning Gents, How's the round going", and after niceties say "I'm own my own may I play through, no problem if not, I can just skip ahead if it's a problem".
This attitude works much better all round in my experience, than what happened here

So what you're suggesting is the single player politely asks if he could play through, especially as the group ahead may not be aware they are holding up the player behind. This sounds very grown up behaviour.

I think the OP has established a clear escalation strategy developed on the primary school playground:
1. Follow the group in silence, don't try to make contact with the group but quietly allow the anger to build so you are seeting by the 18th.
2. Complain to the chairman after the round, even though the chairman isn't responsible for managing pace of play.
3. Abuse the group, then complain to the chairman because they looked at you the wrong way.
4. Swear at the group for not letting you through, then force your way through.
5. Threaten the chairman that you will leave unless he does something about the slow group.
6. Have a rant about it to strangers on a golf forum.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Marshalls - for those clubs that have them, are they paid or volunteers? If volunteers, do they then miss their own golf that day?

Stretching my mind, I can only think of 2 occasions where I have seen a marshall out on a course, Gleneagles and Ganton. I can't think of anywhere in the NE of England where I have seen a course with them.

I've only encountered 2 north east courses with Marshalls
Both maybe 12....or more years ago
Matfen hall (they don't now)
Wynyard, a few times we played there at weekends in summer, Marshall in buggy used to drive around


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
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I've only encountered 2 north east courses with Marshalls
Both maybe 12....or more years ago
Matfen hall (they don't now)
Wynyard, a few times we played there at weekends in summer, Marshall in buggy used to drive around

Me and @evemccc had a couple in a buggy follow us for a few holes at Seaton Carew earlier this year. It was the Mizuno pairs thing and the other two lads were critically slow so we’d lost a hole on the group in front. Needless to say I shanked a tee shot on a par three right in front of them 🤦🏻🤣


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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Just taking the post as read but rather than standing silently on the same tee midway through a round I would’ve asked if I can tee off at the same time and race through before I complained to the committee. Not sure the response would’ve been any different but at least the most amicable effort will have been tried first.


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Jul 12, 2022
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I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.

Deleted member 23270

I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.
I'm absolutely gutted to read this. I thought we would get an update tomorrow about the massive punch up on the 5th tee!


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.
Can you not move your tee time back an hour too?

I was hoping to watch the highlights on social media next week.


Nov 9, 2016
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Aug 24, 2020
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I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.
Sounds like a win man.

Ignore the folk on here on your case, obviously slow themselves ;)

Old Colner

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Aug 10, 2015
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I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.
They are probably waiting until it stops raining. 😀


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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I don’t know if the chairman has even got round to talking to them yet or anything but tomorrows game they have moved there tee time to an hour behind me. So I’m guessing something’s happened because they strike me as being very stubborn and I don’t see them moving off there own back.
Either way. They’re nowhere near you.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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We have 2 Marshalls, both paid and non-members.
They can be efficient but we still get backlogs.
The club has 2 types of player
1 type can't let you through quick enough, the other can't let you through..sadly the latter outnumber the former.
We also get problems on busy days - Saturdays with no comps, Bank Holidays etc.
With no booking system most of the time there is no control as to how many people are on the course at any time.
And when groups tee off the 1st as soon as the group in front are out of range- about 6 minutes - you get bottlenecks by the 3rd hole
It's not uncommon to get a group on the green, 1 on the fairway and 2 more on the tee.
If people waited a couple more minutes then things would flow much better but......
One of the main reasons members at my place voted to keep the ‘pandemic-introduced’ booking system. We too can get bottlenecks on our 3rd and 8 mins between tee times reduces bottlenecks.

We trialled 10min tee times a few times this year and that helped even more - almost stopped the bottlenecks and my experience was that it was rare for my group to be held up any where on the course -but with the obvious downside of reduced numbers of tee times in any given period.

Just this summer, we have also engaged a member to marshall the course on comp days - and he is good. Well respected member of long-standing (and who also marshalls at Hankley….those playing H4H may have had a chat with him 😉) who is quite comfortable ‘encouraging’ groups to play catch-up if they are falling behind.

We initiated the marshalling at the same time as introducing that we record our start and end time on our card, and also log it on a start sheet in clubhouse entrance lobby (for all to see).
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Jul 12, 2022
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I had a meeting yesterday with the captain and vice captain due to the two guys making a formal complaint about me. The meeting went well the two guys just said I had used bad language towards them so got the feeling the captain wasn’t that fussed to be honest and said he asked them if they would let me though if it happens again as a one ball has no right and they said yes.
I am sure I read on this thread that’s been done away with the one ball having no right ?
I wonder what would happen if they two guys had another two mates and all 4 set out first and cause absolute carnage on the course, people would end up playing a 6 hour round of golf.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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I had a meeting yesterday with the captain and vice captain due to the two guys making a formal complaint about me. The meeting went well the two guys just said I had used bad language towards them so got the feeling the captain wasn’t that fussed to be honest and said he asked them if they would let me though if it happens again as a one ball has no right and they said yes.
I am sure I read on this thread that’s been done away with the one ball having no right ?
I wonder what would happen if they two guys had another two mates and all 4 set out first and cause absolute carnage on the course, people would end up playing a 6 hour round of golf.

It’s been mentioned several times that, whilst the “single player has no standing” line disappeared from the R & A Rules of Golf about 20 years ago, some clubs still ask/expect members to adhere to it. Did you expressly ask the club what their stance is?

Because if you still don’t know the answer to that then this situation is no closer to being resolved.


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Jul 12, 2022
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It’s been mentioned several times that, whilst the “single player has no standing” line disappeared from the R & A Rules of Golf about 20 years ago, some clubs still ask/expect members to adhere to it. Did you expressly ask the club what their stance is?

Because if you still don’t know the answer to that then this situation is no closer to being resolved.
After the captain said a one ball has no right I didn’t see the point questioning him it’s obviously the way they run there course. If I have any more problems with the two guys I’ll just join another club it’s not the end of the world. Luckily in my area there’s quite a lot too choose from.


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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I doubt many clubs have actually made a formal decision about the standing of singles on their golf course and it's a matter of hopefully friendly negotiation when the need arises.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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After the captain said a one ball has no right I didn’t see the point questioning him it’s obviously the way they run there course. If I have any more problems with the two guys I’ll just join another club it’s not the end of the world. Luckily in my area there’s quite a lot too choose from.

Then your club is not helping.

For me, the way to have resolved this would have been for the club to sit the three of you down and mediated whilst you had an adult discussion. And during that process the club should have stated their position.

You’re absolutely no further forward.