TV Series - What Are You Watching?

My lad 12 loves investigating police type shows

Will Trent is the current find 3 series to binge, surface another fav and the hunting party is ok bit same script so far 6 in

Severance season 2 3 shows in slow start like series 1
I have been watching 1883 (Paramount +) prequel to 2023 and Yellowstone, I have never watched either of these 2 and thought I might as well start at the beginning.

Great series about a wagon train crossing America with all the perils of landscape, weather, indians, thieves within the train, bandits, rustlers and hustlers.
1883 is excellent. 1923 I’m struggling with, extremely depressing and taking an absolute age to complete story arcs. I really don’t want be bothered but so much up in the air I don’t think I can leave it. Hopefully something good will happen in the next episode……