What are you reading at the moment

Riotous Assembly by Tom Sharpe/Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy and this weekend I'll try and get though Catch 22 by Joseph Heller(if I'm not in tears laughing---WELL---something's got to take my mind off the golf!!!)
bloody cooking instructions for this meal for one,how come the packet is massive yet serving not enough for a child and the smallest writing known to man DONT even think its in ENGLISH,sod it i will prick film a nuke it on full power for 5mins.
Rising Steam. Back on form after his last book (which was a shocker). So sad they will be no more.

Which last one did you not like? Snuff I thought was very good, if somewhat darker in tone (which the Vimes saga seemed to go from Nightwatch) but very well written.
Only one that kind of disappointed me was "I Shall Wear Midnight". But I realise that this will be concluded with "The Shepherd's Crown". Then, as you say, no more.
Viper Series by Simon Gould

Thought Poulter' s book was very tame and overrated

If anyone's looking for a sports biography, I cannot recommend Paul McGrath' s highly enough, superb
The Forum

decent read with some unsavoury characters sprinkled with a few pretentious knobs - who MOI -:smirk:

It does tend to repeat itself halfway through the chapters but overall I pick it up daily.
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The Honourable Schoolboy by John Le Carre.

I'm a huge Le Carre fan and have ben working my way through his works.

Having just re-watched Tinker, Taylor, Soldier Spy for the, god knows how many times, I thought I'd better get the 2nd part of the Karla Trilogy before re-watching Smileys People again.
So there are a few threads lying around about What are you eating\drinking\listening too\watching so I though I'd start one about reading (at least I can't find one).

I've finished a book called The Axemans Jazz yesterday, about a series of murders around New Orleans in 1919, based on a true story too. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Snap. 200+ pages in and enjoying it.
I am reading The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt but finding it a bit of a chore. It just hasn't grabbed me, I'm hoping it's going to take an unexpected twist but looks increasingly unlikely!

Thats a great book FD! Horses for courses, for a better darkly comic western try 'The Thicket' by Joe Lansdale.