I've been a big fan and advocate for the WHS since its launch as I can see its benefits and what it is trying to achieve.
However, a scenario played out this week which has caused me to reign in my praise for it and has caused some mild dissatisfaction about how the system is implemented and its wider 'global' use..
I played a round of golf with 2 friends this week on a neutral course in England; one friend is from Wales and the other from Scotland, both registered with their respective golf unions in their home countries.
I/we wanted to submit a card, as I like to do, however I was prevented from doing so because they are both members of clubs in their home countries and do not appear on the players to attest section on the EG app (despite this being a ‘World’ Handicap System…)
It then got me thinking how I can then record scores on courses when I play in Wales/Scotland/Ireland/Dubai etc (I won't be able to..) and how the whole system is geo-locked to the location of your home club!?!
Am I missing something?
I received a reply from EG:
"In this case you will need to remove the score intent by swiping left on it within the MyEG app as currently scores can only be verified by members of affiliated golf clubs in England or iGolf subscribers.
The R&A/USGA are working with the IT providers around the world to develop the ability to submit scores/look up handicaps anywhere in the world."
So it looks as if this is something that is being addressed.
EG did not mention how to go about submitting a card when playing outside of England, or with non-EG registered players. The options that members on here suggested about asking my local hcap sec to enter a record of the card would make sense but is open to abuse as they will have no idea whether the person signing the card is even real!?!
I do believe, once sorted and integrated fully, this system could be very good.