Rickg Memorial Trophy 2021

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Jun 25, 2012
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Due to the unprecedented times we find ourselves in, I have at this time been unable to bolt down a course for next year.

Discussions with a shortlist of clubs has obviously stuttered somewhat, but I'm hopeful that once we come out of this lockdown, and secretary's along with their committees return, decisions will be made and I'll be able to make an announcement.

However, I wish to make this announcement.

Jason Morris, who ran MidAm Golf, of which Rick played at events and knew many of the members that played within it, made a pledge to sponsor the 1st tee at Coventry in 2018 from monies raised for Rick's funeral, unfortunately this didn't transpire.

Jason has been in touch with myself recently, and fully explained to me, very openly and honestly, that he found himself in great financial difficulty, and that he has worked very hard to get out of the situation he found himself him, and can only now, after over 2 years, start to see things in a much better light, and with that, has just transferred the said figure of £225.00 to my account, which will be transferred to a new Just Giving Page when I have more details to build the page for the 2021 Charity Day in Rick's name and memory.

I'd like to publicly thank Jason for doing this, he has been through some tough times, but he never forgot about the pledge he made and has now honoured it, and for that he has my full respect.

It goes without question, that when I announce next years event, Jason, along with any previous members, and current if it's still going, of the MidAm Golf will be very welcome to attend, and whether if the MidAm is still going or not, the 1st tee next year will be sponsored by them in their name.

Thank you
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Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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I seem to have missed that news... crikey.. hope it all gets sorted, both from the Golf Day and Chap-himself perspective.

Same mate! Fish was an absolute gent to me on my first forum golf day, its a shame to see hes no longer around!

I wont dig any longer, but hope a return is possible for him!


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Unfortunately owing to the organisers sudden ,but permanent, departure from the forum, it is unlikely that this event will go ahead in its previous form.

Shame as it was a great day out in memory of not only a Forum Legend, but also a personal friend.

We are unable to discuss the circumstances of Fish’s departure, suffice to say the decision was made at the highest level and really didn’t have any other option.

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