Random Irritations

obviously nothing political about your post

Back in yer box please

So basically any post that indicates or mentions a politician is, by it's very nature, political? Is that right? Because other than a vague reference to someone that has an orange face, there is nothing political there unless you want to read it that way.

Better get on that Covid thread.

Give your heid a wobble man.
To be fair to Disney they are bringing in all the series from Star as we now.

Whilst this is true they already had the cash there to make it and had more subscriptions from lockdown

Netflix you can understand more and broad load of people interested

Disney plus is more a niche market .. unless u like Disney films, or star wars marvel etc

I'll keep as daughter just getting into Disney so worth it

For me it's jumped £50 a year to £80 as I got the £50 first year deal
obviously nothing political about your post

Back in yer box please

What political about what I posted ?

He has incited a riot ? The post was about his actions and what has happened because of what he has said - no political leanings at all ?
Whats political about the antics of a golfer making the news?

Surely allowed to discuss this on a golfing forum as he is bringing the game into disrepute.
is there a special way of doing this

just start a new thread in “the lounge” section mate
we’d love to hear your views on brexit, trump, white socks and overrated Kent links courses*

*only kidding about the first 2 as the forum police don’t allow political discussions - it gets a bit heated
Was going to suggest it safe to maybe talk about old episodes of Trumpton, but then I realised the very inference in the title and was there not a Mayor of the god forsaken place?

All the members of the Fire Brigade were white and probably very middle class. And there was definitely nepotism involved as Pugh got his brother a job there.