Random Irritations

Banks no longer doing currency exchanges for holiday money.
Banks, simply, not handling money anymore.
I still get a fair bit of cash payment.
I used to walk into town once a month and pay the credit card bill in cash..
Can't do that now...have to pay the cash in via the machine and then do a transfer.
being told 3 months into the financial year that your teams new business budget is £150K more than you agreed back in December
Rarely use a cash machine but last twice I've been stuck behind folk who appear to be applying for a second mortgage

Many people check their balance or change their pins

I knew someone who first of every month changed his pin on all his cards one by one
Card in, enter pin, cash only, select amount, get cash and walk away.
I don’t understand why it takes people so long.

Must be nice to know there is enough money in the account that you don’t need to check. Unfortunately that is not the case for many people.
I don't. I've got it on my laptop but have avoided getting it on my phone as I've got no need for it. I can't see any benefit that I would get from adding it to my phone.
The benefit is any time you want to know (a) how much money is in your account, or (b) if a payment you're expecting has gone in yet, or (c) you want to pay some of your credit card off; you can do it all within seconds. ??‍♂️
The benefit is any time you want to know (a) how much money is in your account, or (b) if a payment you're expecting has gone in yet, or (c) you want to pay some of your credit card off; you can do it all within seconds. ??‍♂️

a) I've normally got a rough idea. That's normally good enough for me. I can't think of the last time that I actually needed to know exactly how much was in my account.
b) that's never been so urgent that I couldn't either check it in the morning before I left the house or after I got home
c) don't have a credit card so not an issue.

As per my original post, banking on my phone has no tangible benefit for me personally. But I can understand that there are those that do find it useful.
The benefit is any time you want to know (a) how much money is in your account, or (b) if a payment you're expecting has gone in yet, or (c) you want to pay some of your credit card off; you can do it all within seconds. ??‍♂️
Looks like you need to sort out your financial affairs a bit better.
a) I know my approx account balance
b) If it hasn't gone through today, it probably will tomorrow
c) With a bit of jiggery pokery it gets paid off on the due date by DD.

Don't need a phone for any of that.
I don't. I've got it on my laptop but have avoided getting it on my phone as I've got no need for it. I can't see any benefit that I would get from adding it to my phone.

Paying in cheques
Knowing your balance
paying someone money

all anywhere in the world rather than booting up the old laptop

oh and another one.. sometimes they get you to use mobile banking to confirm things on online banking to check its you
Paying in cheques
Knowing your balance
paying someone money

all anywhere in the world rather than booting up the old laptop

oh and another one.. sometimes they get you to use mobile banking to confirm things on online banking to check its you

I go into my branch to pay in a cheque. When I'm home I'm in town several times a week for one reason or another. I receive approx 1 cheque per year, normally from my mother, so it's not a massive imposition to pay that in while I'm in town.

I've got very little need to know my exact balance. I know roughly what's in there and that's good enough for me.

I've never had to pay anyone money so urgently that I've had to do it immediately rather than waiting until I was at home later that day and on my laptop.

I've never had to use mobile banking to confirm anything for my online banking.

But as I said previously, for me there's no tangible benefit. I'm not trying to say that there's no benefit for others. Just refuting the original post about "everyone" having banking on their mobiles.
I go into my branch to pay in a cheque. When I'm home I'm in town several times a week for one reason or another. I receive approx 1 cheque per year, normally from my mother, so it's not a massive imposition to pay that in while I'm in town.

I've got very little need to know my exact balance. I know roughly what's in there and that's good enough for me.

I've never had to pay anyone money so urgently that I've had to do it immediately rather than waiting until I was at home later that day and on my laptop.

I've never had to use mobile banking to confirm anything for my online banking.

But as I said previously, for me there's no tangible benefit. I'm not trying to say that there's no benefit for others. Just refuting the original post about "everyone" having banking on their mobiles.

I've just cooked for 8 people, half of them paid me the money by bank transfer as they didn't have cash

Going to branch is a pain and you end up paying parking etc

A cheque paid in takes seconds and clears in 2 days which is always good

Does your online banking have a card reader? The mobile can do the same thing do you use that as a card reader to do banking whenever

It's payday for me today and I just log on my phone and move the money about to the other banks so I don't have it all in one place waiting for me to spend spend spend on golf stuff

The golf bank is looking healthy tho after 6 week break
being told 3 months into the financial year that your teams new business budget is £150K more than you agreed back in December
Covid reduced/elevated effects notwithstanding, that's one to bounce straight back to Management asking 'What additional resources and promotions are you going to provide to support the increase?'!
Paying in cheques
Knowing your balance
paying someone money

all anywhere in the world rather than booting up the old laptop

oh and another one.. sometimes they get you to use mobile banking to confirm things on online banking to check its you
How does Phone Banking help with paying in cheques? Though it's been many years since I've seen a cheque - it's all been online for ages!
I've just cooked for 8 people, half of them paid me the money by bank transfer as they didn't have cash - that's not a problem. Tell me how much I owe you and I'll transfer it before I arrive or when I get home. If I'm a good enough friend for you to cook for me then I'm a good enough friend to pay you either before or after by bank transfer if you don't want cash.

Going to branch is a pain and you end up paying parking etc - 3 hours free parking at Tesco. Can walk into town from there, normally combined with a trip to the butcher, fishmonger and greengrocer.

A cheque paid in takes seconds and clears in 2 days which is always good - I get to talk to the pretty young girl that works behind the counter in the bank and it doesn't take much more than seconds to do it in person, certainly not more than a couple of minutes and I'm in no rush

Does your online banking have a card reader? The mobile can do the same thing do you use that as a card reader to do banking whenever - yes I've got a card reader but I can do everything I want from my laptop or in branch.

It's payday for me today and I just log on my phone and move the money about to the other banks so I don't have it all in one place waiting for me to spend spend spend on golf stuff - when it's payday for me I log on to the laptop, pay myself and then transfer the money to Mrs Colch to put into her bill account. Or, if I'm offshore, Mrs Colch logs on to online banking, pays me and then transfers the money to her bill account.

The golf bank is looking healthy tho after 6 week break

Responses above in red.