Presentations on the same day as the competition

Christ what next - arguing about a competition section setting up a Twitter account ?‍♂️
An(other?) example of your hypocrisy!

You haven't answered my question about willingness to pay 'equal' rates for your lad!

What is hypocritical about highlighting the fact that this forum is dominated by males - what a completely absurd point to make!!

I know there are way less females playing golf than men, but is that reflected accurately on here, or is it skewed to male domination - some of the responses to ny views suggest that it is.

So onto juniors, I think if they are capable, - ie can play to a standard compliant with the WHS, then they should be entitled to play in whatever competitions they choose. Should they pay the same membership rates as an adult- absolutely not, because they aren't in a position to earn a wage to allow them to pay those amounts of money. In modern society, many women earn the same wages or receive the same pensions / income as men - or at least they should - so why would they be expected to pay a reduced rate wit reduced membership benefiits, aside from the quite obvious sexual discrimination of course?
What is hypocritical about highlighting the fact that this forum is dominated by males - what a completely absurd point to make!!
The fact that you actually differentiate male and female forum members!
So onto juniors, I think if they are capable, - ie can play to a standard compliant with the WHS, then they should be entitled to play in whatever competitions they choose. Should they pay the same membership rates as an adult- absolutely not..
But that's (positive) discrimination! They are getting the same benefits as 'full' members, but paying less!
...In modern society, many women earn the same wages or receive the same pensions / income as men - or at least they should - so why would they be expected to pay a reduced rate with reduced membership benefiits, aside from the quite obvious sexual discrimination of course?
So 'stay at home wives/husbands', 'Homemakers', 'Family Raisers' or whatever anyone wants to call them should get reduced rates then! And that applies to both Women (who will be the vast majority) and Men. As they have the same 'funding handicap' that Juniors do. And for the same reason!

Basically, the hypocrisy is that you want 'equality' in some cases, but not others!
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Ok, if you can't see the problem, you are part of the problem.

Modern golf clubs should aspire to total equality, no ladies sections, no reduced memberships, no gents sections, just everybody out there playing golf together, with their friends - be they male or female. And as a result of that, there would not be a need for a social media account to provide the competetion results "Just for Men"
We've broached the subject but the Ladies do not want to lose their identity so we're happy as we are. We put on comps that are open to all and we get around 8 ladies playing.
Mixed comps very well supportted
The fact that you actually differentiate male and female forum members!

But that's (positive) discrimination! They are getting the same benefits as 'full' members, but paying less!

So 'stay at home wives/husbands', 'Homemakers', 'Family Raisers' or whatever anyone wants to call them should get reduced rates then! And that applies to both Women (who will be the vast majority) and Men. As they have the same 'funding handicap' that Juniors do. And for the same reason!

Basically, the hypocrisy is that you want 'equality' in some cases, but not others!

Ok, I'm not differentiating between male and female forum members, I'm asking why they appear to be few in number - but given some of the responses to my opinions, it's not hard to see why. Compared to some of the groups I frequent on facebook etc, I'd say this forum is vert much skewed to males interacting.

Homemakers and people on low income - Golf is expensive, but there are ways to reduce the cost and enjoy the game on a lower budget - most golf clubs will offer a variety of memberships (or green fees for the occasional golfer) - but there is no justification for doing this based on sex, that is sexism. I know a lot of blokes wont like that view, and I know a lot of ladies will be happy with their reduced memberships - but it is wrong. As I said before, there is no way I would expect parents to pay the same for a junior as a full member - and I know the vast majority would agree - if you want to call me a hypocrite for having that view, then fair do's.
Ok, I'm not differentiating between male and female forum members, I'm asking why they appear to be few in number - but given some of the responses to my opinions, it's not hard to see why. Compared to some of the groups I frequent on facebook etc, I'd say this forum is vert much skewed to males interacting.

Homemakers and people on low income - Golf is expensive, but there are ways to reduce the cost and enjoy the game on a lower budget - most golf clubs will offer a variety of memberships (or green fees for the occasional golfer) - but there is no justification for doing this based on sex, that is sexism. I know a lot of blokes wont like that view, and I know a lot of ladies will be happy with their reduced memberships - but it is wrong. As I said before, there is no way I would expect parents to pay the same for a junior as a full member - and I know the vast majority would agree - if you want to call me a hypocrite for having that view, then fair do's.
I've no problem with that - just that, any 'demanding' benefits of equality in a particular area are also prepred to forego any advantage of benefits in any other areas. Other it's not true equality.
Likewise, 'equality' is not actually equal (and those demanding it could be described as hypocritical/selfish) if it's only applied to a section of the membership, as opposed to across the entire membership, so the same 'rules' should apply to Juniors too - or risk the 'hypocrisy'/self interest labels! FWIW, I'm not suggesting that happens though.
Ok, I'm not differentiating between male and female forum members, I'm asking why they appear to be few in number - but given some of the responses to my opinions, it's not hard to see why. .

I have occasionally frequented a prostate cancer forum and they haven't had any female members as far as I recall - I wonder if I should deduce that it's because of the responses that men are giving on there as I'm struggling to see why??
My club does this for the Christmas comps, won it twice but didn't bother to stay for the presentation as I live 18 miles away and both times prizes given to those that came 2nd. It was annoying the first time, but it doesn't stop me entering as its only a couple of quid to enter.

I did ask one year about a refund of the entry fee, but I didn't get a reply from the committee ?