Has Now Found His Wedgie
Just been and had a hit with both the new SIM driver & 3 wood, and Cobra Speedzone driver & 3 wood. Currently I have an M2, so was really surprised to find that I didn't like the feel of the SIM at all, both clubs just felt heavy in my hands compared to the M2 and the Speedzone. They do look nice at address but they just didn't cut it for me in the swing stakes. The Cobra clubs also look great at address, and felt a lot nicer to swing for me. It didn't help that tennis elbow has meant a lot of rest over the last few weeks, so I was swinging a bit like a baboon with some old swing habits creeping back in. It also didn't help that I warmed up with my M2 and the first shot of the day ripped 289 yds straight, although I failed miserably to replicate that on any subsequent shot with any of the drivers. The Cobra edged the two for average distance, coming in around 260yds on average against 240yds in the SIM, even with an unusual cutty swing today - my normal shot is a draw/ pull. As I said, the Cobra was much lighter, so the cut ties in with what I was told beforehand, that some people that hit draws were struggling a bit to get the face closed at impact. I'll go back and have another hit before buying - they're not actually available until next month anyway, but the Cobra's are damn sexy looking, and really crying out to me.