My 8 hours with James

Shouldn't this thread be moved to the 'experts' section?

I use the word 'experts' very loosely............... :whistle:
Yes mate we are obviously not worthy of these "experts",why does the word deluded keep springing to mind? Or maybe its me!! After all why not waste 200 miles of fuel on a "golf lesson".....
I see that this thread has turned pathetic. Seriously, why bother if you have nothing to add to the discussion. :confused:

James, I applaud your willingness to give freely of your time..
PJ, I hope that the guidance knocks a couple more shots off your H/C..:thup:
Yes mate we are obviously not worthy of these "experts",why does the word deluded keep springing to mind? Or maybe its me!! After all why not waste 200 miles of fuel on a "golf lesson".....

Indeed, we are a bunch of amateurs of varying abilities that all think we are 'experts'. Anyone can use google to come up with videos and pictures of the golf swing but it takes a trained eye to progress someone to any higher level.
For what it's worth (probably not much), I think it's a shame that these threads always end up the same way. Fair play to James for giving up his time to help others. Whether you agree or not with what he's doing, it's childish that it always ends up with the 'why would you give up your time / are you pga qualified etc etc'. For me it's relatively interesting to see the images and the positions which James thinks are correct and it does cause a bit of good debate (and the usual back and forth between him and FH). I'm not saying I'd do the same, either with the positions he's talking about or indeed an 8 hour range session in the first place, but it shouldn't turn into a slagging match every time he does give up his time to help.
JO could be the best teacher in the world or he could ruin PJ for life.........but, PJ has gone to see him of his own free will (I'm presuming) so it is only him that can judge it's worth.

He may be imprisoned in JO's cellar and get sold off to Roma Gypsies :eek:
I for one enjoy these threads, basically I admire their honesty. Someone has very bravely gone public with their swing faults to help themselves improve. So pat on the back for that, and JO is helping them down the road, so pat on the back for that.
What is amusing is some old has beens who don't share their current game state offer up negativity
For what it's worth (probably not much), I think it's a shame that these threads always end up the same way. Fair play to James for giving up his time to help others. Whether you agree or not with what he's doing, it's childish that it always ends up with the 'why would you give up your time / are you pga qualified etc etc'. For me it's relatively interesting to see the images and the positions which James thinks are correct and it does cause a bit of good debate (and the usual back and forth between him and FH). I'm not saying I'd do the same, either with the positions he's talking about or indeed an 8 hour range session in the first place, but it shouldn't turn into a slagging match every time he does give up his time to help.

this + a billion:thup:
Add another +1 to JO for keeping this up - credit to you mate

Do you know that all those fantastic tower blocks that we go to work in, and the houses we live in,a nd the schools that we send our kids to spend most of their lives in - there is NO requirement for any formal qualification or membership of any professional body to be responsible for designing or constructing those buildings in the UK !?

There is a set of regulations that require you to be "competent" but the guidance on what might constitute is very loose. You don't have to be a Chartered Structural Engineer, nor necessarily have a degree, although it helps if you do/ are.

Now I might be outrageous here and suggest that building safety is more important than being sure that your golf swing is on plane. But obviously the PGA, it's members, and people that have "knocked it up with Jack" etc think it should be illegal to be taught golf by someone who is not a member of their little closed shop.

PGA teaching pro to explain to someone how a golf swing works -tosh.

Keep it up James
Robobum im back home safely after picking up my daughter from Ilfracombe.

Thanks for all the positive replys,really appreciated.:)

As for the negatives,please feel free to carry on with your snide remarks if you wish.:(
Robobum im back home safely after picking up my daughter from Ilfracombe.

Thanks for all the positive replys,really appreciated.:)

As for the negatives,please feel free to carry on with your snide remarks if you wish.:(

Phew ;)

On a serious note've just finished a year which has got you to your lowest h'cap yet. Why choose now to try something totally different?
The yellow line is the SHAFT PLANE.... when we swing a club we swing it up from the shaft plane to our SHOULDER PLANE which is the red line (because we swing the club up over our shoulder not around our waist).

The blue dot is where your hands should be at P2

From P2 your hands should swing more UP and not around behind you, so you need to follow the blue line with your hands whilst you make a 90 degree shoulder turn. This will put the club on (or closer to) the red line.

On the downswing the hands go back down the blue line (or just under it) so that we can return the club as best we can to the position it was in at address... on the yellow line. At the moment as your OTT your hands (and club) are nowhere near where they were at address.


Didn't want to make you look foolish - again. :whoo:

How the hands arrive into impact is of no value in this thread, I want PJ to feel like he gets the shaft closer to the shaft plane (yellow line) that's all there is too it. If you want to discuss impact (as per my PM) then open a thread in the expert section and we can discuss it.

First statement not required - though I can take it in the spirit it was meant.

But the second statement seems to rather contradict the one in the previous post.

Anyway, I'm not going to quibble about that because you didn't actually answer the question - a bit of a habit imo.

Jimbo_Sombrero is probably correct about the FH-JO 'net-play' at times and I agree I can be rather pedantic, but it's in an attempt to actually get a correct message across rather than an ambiguous one - quite hard by posts, I have to say! Much easier in person where an issue can be simply raised and resolver in 5 seconds. Indeed, having threads turn to junk isn't my aim!

As per your suggestion, I've created a separate thread - though not in the 'Experts' thread. Someone can move it there if they wish. I hope you actually get around to agreeing that the positions are vastly different in that thread. That, or a different one, will be the answer I had hoped to get in this thread.
Phew ;)

On a serious note've just finished a year which has got you to your lowest h'cap yet. Why choose now to try something totally different?

Its my short game that got me there,something ive really worked hard on.
My driving has been eratic to say the least.
Playing with Region recently made me realise my driving was not good enough.
I think I said in a previous thread he was much better than me but are handicaps were the same.
I used to fade the ball religiously up to about a year ago.
I decided then that I would like to try to straighten my shot,so I worked on setting up square.
I even had a draw shot if needed.
However all this made me inconsistent.
Im looking now at a stock fade that I can rely on.
Maybe it will work mate,maybe not.
I will work hard on it and see how it goes.
Thx for asking.