Major Champion
I have a good Bermuda story ?
For us all to hear?
I have a good Bermuda story ?
I'm sure BlueinMunich will agree with me that the 16th on Port Royal Bermuda is quite a daunting prospect. When we played it it was about 195 yards on the side of a cliff and a fairly stiff breeze blowing.
Now the greens have settled after the rework it’s superb.Stayed at the hotel but never got to play it, looked great.
I am 100% behind you. We've got to the point in one of our roll ups which attracts a wide range of players in terms of handicaps (low single figures - 28+) and ages (early 30's - 80+) where the older guys, and the higher handicappers can't make the carry over our third and with several par 3's at 200+ yards they can't reach it can't have been fun knowing you'd struggle to score on the hole. They moved it off the yellows and everyone is commenting how much more fun it is. The longer hitters now have to adjust clubbing, even off the tee as bunkers/ditches now in play more. Indeed over the winter the club moved all comps to the yellows and while a shorter course, the lack of run on the ball made it a challenge for all anywayForced long carries must be one of the things that most takes the enjoyment out of golf. What's the point when you know before you hit your tee shot that it can't make the fairway?
I'm a firm believer people should play the tees that suit their game and ability. Mixed tee competitions for handicap golf to allow everyone to compete fairly while playing a suitable course for them.
You are correct, I shouldn’t try to draw and research during work!It’s the 4th on the Europa Course at La Cala. Scroll up to the start of this thread, I nominated it too. But I didn’t include the good graphic like you did. It’s just a horrible looking tee shot and I rarely hit a good one on it !
Wow, ive seen a lot of spectacular cliff top golf holes. But not with that sea colour as the backdrop ! ?
Wow, ive seen a lot of spectacular cliff top golf holes. But not with that sea colour as the backdrop ! ?
The tee shot that I always struggle with (and I've faced it at least a dozen times) is the 4th tee on the Europa Course at La Cala. It's the most intimidating tee shot for me. Long par 4 that plays much longer than it's yardage, the tee shot needs to be hit to a tiny sliver of fairway, anything left is a lost ball into a wide river bed ravine, and anything right is lost in a cliff face covered in overgrowth. And if you manage that, you have to cross back over the river ravine to try to hit the green.
It's consistently the hardest par 4 I've ever played, and most of it is down to how difficult the tee shot is.
Have tried playing it many ways. Have even tried hitting a driver left of the river to the fairway there, but it's completely blind going that way and have never ever found a ball in play despite some solid straight strikes (or so I thought).
It doesn't help either, that I always have to play it with a blinding hangover from the night before.
If you ever get out to Bermuda, the 5th at Mid Ocean is not for the faint hearted;
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Looks terrible.