Head Pro
The tee shot that I always struggle with (and I've faced it at least a dozen times) is the 4th tee on the Europa Course at La Cala. It's the most intimidating tee shot for me. Long par 4 that plays much longer than it's yardage, the tee shot needs to be hit to a tiny sliver of fairway, anything left is a lost ball into a wide river bed ravine, and anything right is lost in a cliff face covered in overgrowth. And if you manage that, you have to cross back over the river ravine to try to hit the green.
It's consistently the hardest par 4 I've ever played, and most of it is down to how difficult the tee shot is.
Have tried playing it many ways. Have even tried hitting a driver left of the river to the fairway there, but it's completely blind going that way and have never ever found a ball in play despite some solid straight strikes (or so I thought).
It doesn't help either, that I always have to play it with a blinding hangover from the night before.
Wasn't the tee shot that did for me on that was the 2nd. Played it a few years ago in horrendous rain....put the tee shot in the middle of the fairway but then mistook a red post I could see at the very end of the fairway as the flag (didn't have a course guide) such was the strength of the rain. Nailed my second shot to within 2ft of the red post much to the mirth of my mates who all promptly played back across the river to the green. I did think as I lasered the post that my approach shot to the green was a bit shorter than I expected!!!