Monthly poll 2: when was the last time you changed your putter?

When was the last time you changed your putter?

  • More than 5 years ago

    Votes: 21 13.3%
  • 3-5 years ago

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • 1-3 years ago

    Votes: 43 27.2%
  • 6-12 months ago

    Votes: 25 15.8%
  • 3-6 months ago

    Votes: 16 10.1%
  • In the last 3 months

    Votes: 39 24.7%

  • Total voters
I didn't like the one I bought when I started plying again last year but after being lucky enough to be given a place in the BPP regional final, I ended up buying the one of the type I used there.
Bought the SeeMore at the beginning of the year and it will be staying for a good few years, not the most attractive but the results cant be ignored.
I had used the same Wilson 8813 for 20 years then this year I decided to have a change. I'm on my 4th since May.
The Poll answer is I've changed it within the last three months but in reply to the question in the OP (how often) then its about every 2-3 years
I changed mine last year, but that was the first time in probably 7 years and I expect this one will stay with me at least that long.
I have two that i used to flit about between
Odyssey Black 2 ball and a scottie cameron squareback 2.5 with a jumbo fat grip for when im taking my hands out of the equation

currently on the odyssey and been putting really well of late, hopefully dont need to go back to the scottie anytime soon as that is my club for when im putting poor
I had to go to a Roysa Red because I deposited my Odyssey 2-ball in the lake next to the 18th green at Pyrford for consistent bad behaviour. No way it was coming home with me again.
Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Select Black value club I will ever have as its now A PUTTER FOR LIFE...Got this approx 8-9 months ago BRAND NEW at about 40% off RRP........was happy with my Ping Anser 2 but for a few months had an urge to try this SC and luckily when the chance came along I couldnt turn it down.

I had to go to a Roysa Red because I deposited my Odyssey 2-ball in the lake next to the 18th green at Pyrford for consistent bad behaviour. No way it was coming home with me again.

Haha brilliant! I'm playing Pyrford over the weekend, I'll have a fish about for it.
Potentially tomorrow. Went to an Odyssey demo day yesterday and got fitted for the Tank #1. Heavy by a nice blade shape. Tempted as apparently I am more back and through than I thought and the #9 I have is for more of an arc (hence why I got it at the time)
Never been a "good" putter so have been searching for a magic wand for the past 5 years. As it's such a key club I may have to accept that I need to get a specialist fitting!
I can feel the wallet getting lighter as I type! :eek:
Love my putter and is the most consistent part of my game, it did misbehave a couple of weeks ago at an away match but blaming that on the very fluffy greens (our fringe was shorter than those greens)
Very rarely 3 putt and once you have that confidence with the putter it's a keeper, not changed for 2 years now
My driving on the other hands is a completely different story!
I haven't bought a new putter for over 10 years.

But I recently swapped a putter for an old one that I used to play with and so far its working out OK.
I have had an odysee two ball replica for about 10 years now. One of the discs have fallen off and the face is not perfect anymore.

My stats would suggest my putting need to improve and lessons and a new putter are not far away!!!!!
I've just changed (again) in the last 3 minutes...following Butch Harmon eye dominance theory...tried everything else!