Membership cost increase

Just had the Agm report though, up to £1050, seniors and 30 to 35 abolished.. joining fee raised and reinstated, £1000. I'd suspect the 100 or so guys we had join the under 35 cat will all get gone at renewal as they were paying less than half price and no joining fee. Might actually go to the agm this year.
Just had the Agm report though, up to £1050, seniors and 30 to 35 abolished.. joining fee raised and reinstated, £1000. I'd suspect the 100 or so guys we had join the under 35 cat will all get gone at renewal as they were paying less than half price and no joining fee. Might actually go to the agm this year.

Can I ask what the subs went up to £1050 from please Patrick?
Just had the Agm report though, up to £1050, seniors and 30 to 35 abolished.. joining fee raised and reinstated, £1000. I'd suspect the 100 or so guys we had join the under 35 cat will all get gone at renewal as they were paying less than half price and no joining fee. Might actually go to the agm this year.
Seniors (reduction I assume) abolished, wonder how that will go down?
I've never understood why people who work for NHS, Police etc get big reductions in things like gym fees......seniors, same thing.

I don't think small discounts for hard working public servants is anything like giving well off retired folk a reduction on their golf fees when they play more than any other members.
Most won't be happy, but the removal of the under 35 section will placate the majority I suspect.

If they lose that 100 in the 30-35 discounted category and replace it with 100 full paying members plus joining fee, the club will be financially much better off. A few seniors may also walk which will only benefit the club financial further.

Sounds like a good business move, short term pain but long term gain.
So pre-2020 and the ‘Covid golf boom’, green fees were much cheaper than today, open comp entries were much cheaper and membership was cheaper, with often many offers to seek new members

But —- since the ‘golf boom’, many clubs re-introduced entrance fees, waiting lists came (back) into existence and were then often closed to hopeful wannabe members, green fees went through the roof….the average golfer was not benefiting

Now, as clubs face possibly a tough time ahead, members are having to fork out a load more money in subs, and lots more than ever before if they want to have an ‘away day’

Seems like the average golfer doesn’t win whatever happens ??‍♂️
I don't think small discounts for hard working public servants is anything like giving well off retired folk a reduction on their golf fees when they play more than any other members.
Why should certain workers get discounts, but not others? Well off retired folk?.....some are, some aren't....just like the rest of the population.
My (members) club is in the process of deciding what to do about our ageing and rather limited clubhouse. Nothing was off the table. All options considered. Impacts on members assessed - risk, cost and disruption etc. during any refurb/build and ongoing impact on membership in respect of paying for it, risk to financial stability, predictions on future membership and subs etc.

So VERY significant decision to be made.

So who makes it? We the members do. Special meeting called for board (members) to present why we need to do something and risks of not doing anything, then present the findings of a long period of working through options with planning, architects, interior designers, financing to lay out the options and make recommendations to membership. Feedback called for, summarised and provided back to us. And we - the members - are now voting on whether or not we accept the board recommendation.

We could say No. And if we did then the recommendation would be shelved and we’d go back to the drawing board. Nothing will be imposed.

But whatever decision is made it is the members who will make it and so it is the members who will OWN the decision and all that might subsequently happen in respect of, such as, any need to increase membership numbers and membership costs.

For me, in a members club this is what ownership means, and it’s nothing at all to do with whether or not I can sell my share.
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My (members) club is in the process of deciding what to do about our ageing and rather limited clubhouse. Nothing was off the table. All options considered. Impacts on members assessed - risk, cost and disruption etc. during any refurb/build and ongoing impact on membership in respect of paying for it, risk to financial stability, predictions on future membership and subs etc.

So VERY significant decision to be made.

So who makes it? We the members do. Special meeting called for board (members) to present findings of a long period of working through options with planning, architects, interior designers, financing to lay out the options and make recommendations to membership. Feedback called for, summarised and provided back to us. And we - the members - are now voting on whether or not we accept the board recommendation.

We could say No. And if we did then the recommendation would be shelved and we’d go back to the drawing board. Nothing will be imposed.

But whatever decision is made it is the members who will make it and so it is the members who will OWN the decision and all that might subsequently happen in respect of, such as, any need to increase membership numbers and membership costs.

For me, in a members club this is what ownership means.
One of the reasons I left my last club was because of decisions that had big consequences for the members were being made without input. The input eventually started to happen, but only after a LOT of people started demanding to know what was going on.