Major Champion
I think it’s important for the board of a members club to appreciate that while some decisions they have to make may appear relatively insignificant and therefore within their remit to decide with minimal recourse to the views of the membership, some of these decisions may well feel very important to some members.One of the reasons I left my last club was because of decisions that had big consequences for the members were being made without input. The input eventually started to happen, but only after a LOT of people started demanding to know what was going on.
It’s just the nature of us humans. We all take slightly different views on what is important and significant, and what is not. It’s a tricky balancing act because a membership elects members to a board to make decisions on behalf of the membership as well as looking after the best interests of the club and the membership. And sometimes a board will get that wrong. Transparency, clarity and openness about the decision making remains key. I believe that my club and board try very hard on that, but still of course members will moan and bicker. And that’s fine, because that’s life - and it indicates that the membership cares about their club.