
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Some fair points there and I think you could park a lot of these issues squarely at David Cameron's door, he misjudged 2 referendums very badly, came out with all the wrong rhetoric at the wrong time, austerity politics was disastrous, shockingly bad politician playing games for his own political gain. May can only be better.

Brexit is so huge for Scotland and appears horribly misjudged, ill-informed, xenophobic and inward looking that something has to be done even if its just sabre rattling from Holyrood. Scotland does/did well out of EU and needs EU immigrants, feeling is without it UK will never support Scotland like EU does. Feeling is EU doesn't look down its nose at you and tell you to shut-up as the should be deferrent annoying little partner, Scots have a political voice at the moment and powers that be down south dont like it. Despite its faults EU treats all members fairly equally.

Even after Maggie's carnage through former industrial heartlands and poll tax nonsense the nationalist vote only ran at around 20-25% because Labour were strong. They are now going nowhere under Corbyn so look set to stay down in Scotland too and with leaders like Dugdale is it any wonder?
SNP have filled a Labour vacuum, played a canny political game with free this and that for everyone and stood up for Scots, that's undeniable, it is popularism politics and I think they'll get found out at some stage medium term but with their anti Tory rhetoric they'll continue to do well short term and could win Indyref2 should it get called. If May blocked that it will be seen as undemocratic and only drive a bigger wedge in there.

I feel if Labour were still a credible force and led by someone like Tony Blair this wouldn't have ever come about imo - neither Indyref nor Brexit. Not a Blair fan especially and Lefties might not like it but a successful centrist Labour party is essential for the UK to survive I think.

Some very good points here and agree with most of what you say.

if it wasn't for the EU, it would take hours to get to; Tain, Royal Dornoch, even Fortrose;)

Deleted member 15344

Why do you think it only comes down to money?

It's more about aesthetics as far as I'm concerned. The UK isn't a particularly pleasant or appealing prospect.

Because in the real world money is what will keep a country afloat

If Scotland did go independent would they be able to be financially secure as a country without bail outs or increasing taxes ? It appears the financial forecast from the last independent vote was massively out to the point that if the vote was a yes they would right now be in very big financial trouble without having someone to bail them out.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Well the UK has left the EU with no-one having a clue about what state the UK economy will be in in 2yrs time - never mind 5yrs or 10yrs. A complete leap in the dark. So some undecided of the Scottish electorate who previously thought 'No - too risky - stay with stable UK and in the EU' could well now think 'ah what the heck...might as well'.

And if the UK economy runs into serious problems who is going to bail the UK out? Our chancellor of the exchequer running to the European Central Bank for help?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Well the UK has left the EU with no-one having a clue about what state the UK economy will be in in 2yrs time - never mind 5yrs or 10yrs. A complete leap in the dark. So some undecided of the Scottish electorate who previously thought 'No - too risky - stay with stable UK and in the EU' could well now think 'ah what the heck...might as well'.

And if the UK economy runs into serious problems who is going to bail the UK out? Our chancellor of the exchequer running to the European Central Bank for help?

Are you suggesting any UK Government has ever been able to predict what the UK economy will be like in 2/5/10 years time.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Theresa May need do nothing, if she wants to prevent another Indy referendum. All May needs to do is get on with the business of government – the “blocking” will be done by the presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament, who would be legally obliged to strike down any legislation that is outwith the legal competence of Holyrood (as former presiding officer, the SNP’s Trica Marwick did last December over attempts by MSPs to amend the UK Governments Trades Union Bill)

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Theresa May need do nothing, if she wants to prevent another Indy referendum. All May needs to do is get on with the business of government – the “blocking” will be done by the presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament, who would be legally obliged to strike down any legislation that is outwith the legal competence of Holyrood (as former presiding officer, the SNP’s Trica Marwick did last December over attempts by MSPs to amend the UK Governments Trades Union Bill)

You seem to be forgetting that the Scottish parliament is governed by Scottish law which embraces many EU laws.
That bit could become quite interesting.


Assistant Pro
Dec 11, 2014
Bedale N Yorks
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I dont understand all the fuss, even if the vote went in favour of independence there is no way a Scottish government could possibly enact it..Using figures IF Scotland Could and did stay in the EU AND the rest of the UK had a hard Brexit that would mean Scotland throwing away a market for about 2/3 of her exports in exchange for one that only takes about 1/7th just dosent make economic sense to anybody thinking logically.


Sep 11, 2011
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Well we will have to consider debt free UDI in that case.;)


with a budget deficit of 9.4%, which is 2% worse than Greece.


I'm sure the EU would welcome Scotland with open arms, closely followed by Berlin imposing the sort of fiscal control they did on Greece. And that's independence???



Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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with a budget deficit of 9.4%, which is 2% worse than Greece.


I'm sure the EU would welcome Scotland with open arms, closely followed by Berlin imposing the sort of fiscal control they did on Greece. And that's independence???


That's far too near the truth to be plausible