I had a lesson today and... (rolling thread)


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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2nd lesson today. Concentrated on takeaway and reversing my loop. I have always took the club back really inside, and this has caused me to loop the clubhead really over the top on way down.

Difficult to describe how hard it is for me to take the club back on the outside, it feels like i have to push it fully away from me during the start of the backswing.

When I get it right, the loop naturally goes from outside on takeaway to inside on the takeaway and contact with the ball from the shallow approach feels so solid.

New on left, old on right.

That is exactly what I have been doing. Only realised a few weeks back. I feel I am playing for a huge slice, as the club feels like it is going straight out from the ball. Improvement in long game has been huge with much wider swing, but short irons are now going right, instead of drawing in.:eek:

I like the take away feeling that I am passing a ball to someone standing directly to my right, instead of right and behind me.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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2nd lesson today. Concentrated on takeaway and reversing my loop. I have always took the club back really inside, and this has caused me to loop the clubhead really over the top on way down.

Difficult to describe how hard it is for me to take the club back on the outside, it feels like i have to push it fully away from me during the start of the backswing.

When I get it right, the loop naturally goes from outside on takeaway to inside on the takeaway and contact with the ball from the shallow approach feels so solid.

New on left, old on right.


Did your pro have any comments about how you are progressing. I think, and am ready to be corrected, but the bottom photo on the left shows a very good position as the shaft is running / splitting the forearm perfectly. Certainly there seems to be a big improvement.


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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That is exactly what I have been doing. Only realised a few weeks back. I feel I am playing for a huge slice, as the club feels like it is going straight out from the ball. Improvement in long game has been huge with much wider swing, but short irons are now going right, instead of drawing in.:eek:

I like the take away feeling that I am passing a ball to someone standing directly to my right, instead of right and behind me.

Yeah what feels like straight back on takeaway is inside, so even if I tried to pass a ball to someone behind me it would be coming too far inside. I have to recalicbrate my brain to what inside and outside are on the takeaway, so really have to exaggerate the feeling.

All my shots were going right, big pushes. This is because I have always played with a held open club face to correct for my over the top and help me hit target. Now when I hit the ball from the inside more, the open club face means I push right. Next lesson if my takeaway is looking improved we are going to work on my release. When I tried to release a few times and actively close the club face, the ball went about 20 yards further than I normally hit my 7 iron, so quite exciting.

Did your pro have any comments about how you are progressing. I think, and am ready to be corrected, but the bottom photo on the left shows a very good position as the shaft is running / splitting the forearm perfectly. Certainly there seems to be a big improvement.

A big part of his coaching philosophy is getting me to become an expert on my own swing, so when I am practicing and playing I can understand why I hit the shot I did.

The video he sent me had a swing which was the highlight of the say 30 balls I hit, so until my next lesson in a few weeks that is the model I need to work on.

He is impressed with how large the change is, he said a pro can spend months grooving a 1 inch change on backswing or downswing, and I have changed my backswing by a few feet and my downswing by similar!

Deleted Member 1156

If you post on social media either on here or your blog or u- tube channel which you ask for responses and comments it would be nice if you respond, I can understand you not wanting more comments from some on here and wanting to concentrate on your latest lesson but maybe you shouldn't be so curt with some as you were with DFShow.

Everyone on here knows that Homer is an attention seeker with his blog, youtube channel and his social media activity. I really don't need to know about his health and employment issues and every thread turning into an in depth analysis of what he needs to do to get to single figures. If he doesn't want constructive criticism and advice then best he stops posting videos and comments online.

Deleted Member 1156

Alrite my first lesson in ages, get a good video review after each lesson, totally changing my swing and the new one feels so different...

Let me know what you think of change and if worth pursuing this.

New swing on left of each frame, old swing on right


It's hard to tell exactly from still images but the 'new' swing looks to be a big improvement. Keep working on it, the more balls you hit the more natural it will feel and you should see results pretty quickly :thup:

Deleted Member 1156

That's his old swing !:mad:

Bugger, I quoted the wrong set of pics! The yellow ones (new??) are much better, coming down on the inside instead of OTT.

Rich, how much do you charge for IT lessons? :D


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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...it sort of wasn't. Had one in January and was the best the pro had seen my hit. Little warm up prior and was hitting wedges with pleasing accuracy. Was going to be on the new fangled launch monitor as well.
First hit, the S word. Then another, and another.
Guy tried his best but I had no control of my limbs it seemed. 30 yard pitch, scuff, etc. Wasted both of our time really and confidence taken a big knock. Had booked in for a comp this weekend also. Best find a way back onto the horse.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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...it sort of wasn't. Had one in January and was the best the pro had seen my hit. Little warm up prior and was hitting wedges with pleasing accuracy. Was going to be on the new fangled launch monitor as well.
First hit, the S word. Then another, and another.
Guy tried his best but I had no control of my limbs it seemed. 30 yard pitch, scuff, etc. Wasted both of our time really and confidence taken a big knock. Had booked in for a comp this weekend also. Best find a way back onto the horse.

You know this is golf, right? You could go up to the range tonight and flush everything.

We're inconsistent, you probably were over-thinking it cos you had the launch monitor, you got quick/twitchy and let it get the better of you. Get back on that horse and when you do try to slow down your whole routine, take your time, no one is going to take the little ball away from you and you don't hit anything going back.

You'll be fine, it has happened us all, shrug it off.


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Just finished my last of 6 lessons with a young pro/coach. He has changed my stance, left hand grip and take away. My last lesson was 9 holes with him to evaluate course management and see how I was doing in the field. He shot 3 under on the 9 holes and I shot 5 over which included a double on the 8th.

Really pleased with how the lessons have gone. Swing is much improved with a good penetrating flight no more hooks and some added distance. Played again after my lesson and shot 2 over through 9. Not actually got a handicap yet but will look to do it in the coming month. Wish I had had lessons years ago. Also got fitted for clubs which has made a decent difference as well.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Just finished my last of 6 lessons with a young pro/coach. He has changed my stance, left hand grip and take away. My last lesson was 9 holes with him to evaluate course management and see how I was doing in the field. He shot 3 under on the 9 holes and I shot 5 over which included a double on the 8th.

Really pleased with how the lessons have gone. Swing is much improved with a good penetrating flight no more hooks and some added distance. Played again after my lesson and shot 2 over through 9. Not actually got a handicap yet but will look to do it in the coming month. Wish I had had lessons years ago. Also got fitted for clubs which has made a decent difference as well.

Sounds like great progress - nice one. Get those cards in and when you do don't worry about what you're shooting. I know you're probably excited by 2 over after 9 but if you think you should have a single figure handicap after the 3 cards you could self destruct if things don't go your way. Just relax, play your game, get a number and then work on reducing it. If its 6 or 16 or 26 it doesn't matter, you'll soon chop it down in competition to the level you are at. Nothing like the cut-and-thrust of competition with a card in your hand or a great matchplay match - lots to look forward to!


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Sounds like great progress - nice one. Get those cards in and when you do don't worry about what you're shooting. I know you're probably excited by 2 over after 9 but if you think you should have a single figure handicap after the 3 cards you could self destruct if things don't go your way. Just relax, play your game, get a number and then work on reducing it. If its 6 or 16 or 26 it doesn't matter, you'll soon chop it down in competition to the level you are at. Nothing like the cut-and-thrust of competition with a card in your hand or a great matchplay match - lots to look forward to!

Yeah I think mid teens is more realistic but I need to keep pace as my 11 year old has just got his adult handicap of 33. That's what drove me to improve and have lessons, watching him play properly with a great swing and the progress he has made (only been playing 18 months) has been amazing.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Yeah I think mid teens is more realistic but I need to keep pace as my 11 year old has just got his adult handicap of 33. That's what drove me to improve and have lessons, watching him play properly with a great swing and the progress he has made (only been playing 18 months) has been amazing.

And wanting to beat the little show off.


Deleted member 21258

Yeah I think mid teens is more realistic but I need to keep pace as my 11 year old has just got his adult handicap of 33. That's what drove me to improve and have lessons, watching him play properly with a great swing and the progress he has made (only been playing 18 months) has been amazing.

Assuming he continues playing, he is going to improve so much over the coming years, its a great ride to watch your children improving. Enjoy the ride and the days when he whips you!


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Lesson today having tried (and largely failed) to use the winter as a time to get on the range and try and get some improvement.

Had been struggling with the driver and long irons with pushes to the right and big, high, weak slices.

Issue was that I was getting trapped on the inside and in an effort not to come over the top I was getting really narrow in my swing. Spent ages just working on the takeaway and then the feeling of space on the downswing and made a huge difference. Everything was straight or a slight pull to the left but no damage done. Hoping to see less of the right hand side of our fairways this weekend.....


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Had a lesson a couple weekends ago. Swing is in a good place and swinging well. Coah liked what he saw only a couple of things to work on. Need to start the backswing slower and shorter. Had been rushing to start the swing which got me out of sync and would lead to some fats/thins if i didn't get it right.

Also need to work on committing to the downswing more, i would usually just take a casual swip at the ball. Trying to commit more and get through the ball faster, brings down my flight of the ball and a much better trajectory. Also need to keep my chest up throught impact to give enough space coming through.

Overall a great lesson with reasons to changes and already seeing an improvement. My coach stopped a guy on the range he knew and asked my to hit a couple shots and asked the guy what he thought my handicap was, he said 10 or below. Got to take confidence from that and put it into my game. I know its there somewhere just need to produce the goods.


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2009
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I didn't eve go for a lesson. I went to have my lies checked on my new clubs. After hitting a few good ones and a few bad ones, we had a quick chat about ball striking. I have always had slightly high hands (that's what cricket does for you...) and very keen to get into a better strike position. The club fitter, who's also a teachng Pro, gave me a nice takeaway tip and a good through the hit tip to improve strike.

While he went off to check the club lies I continued to hit balls and was striping it. So clubs are all good, strike is better and it cost me nothing, plus I found a teaching pro who gets what I want to improve and I will be looking for a couple of lessons with him in the future.

Funny how things turn out.

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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Had a lesson this morning, first one for about 18 months. Started in the bunker as I am having problems with weak chunks that fail to get out first time. The problem is that our course doesn't have many bunkers and no practice bunker so I get zero time in them other than when finding them on the course. The pro lengthened my swing and got me taking less sand so hopefully that will see an improvement.

I recently changed my swing from what was basically a one plane swing to rotating my wrists and wanted his view on it. I hit a few decent shots with my 7 iron but he got me rotating a lot earlier so that my hands were opposite my chest when my arms were parallel to the ground. Despite a few thins, the clean strikes seemed to go further and with a bit of draw.

Needing a new driver, we took out a Ping G400 SFT 12* with a senior shaft. Never played with a driver loft of over 10.5 before or had anything other than regular flex. It was a bit weird looking down at it as I teed it up for the first time but boy did I hit it well (for me anyway). Had no hesitation in placing an order and I have the demo model to play with over the weekend.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Had a lesson this morning, first one for about 18 months. Started in the bunker as I am having problems with weak chunks that fail to get out first time. The problem is that our course doesn't have many bunkers and no practice bunker so I get zero time in them other than when finding them on the course. The pro lengthened my swing and got me taking less sand so hopefully that will see an improvement.

I recently changed my swing from what was basically a one plane swing to rotating my wrists and wanted his view on it. I hit a few decent shots with my 7 iron but he got me rotating a lot earlier so that my hands were opposite my chest when my arms were parallel to the ground. Despite a few thins, the clean strikes seemed to go further and with a bit of draw.

Needing a new driver, we took out a Ping G400 SFT 12* with a senior shaft. Never played with a driver loft of over 10.5 before or had anything other than regular flex. It was a bit weird looking down at it as I teed it up for the first time but boy did I hit it well (for me anyway). Had no hesitation in placing an order and I have the demo model to play with over the weekend.

Sounds like a productive morning. Lots to work on as well