How to repair pitchmarks & other Etiquette.


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
Just though with the season taking off I should repost this thread on helping the course and each other. I know most know this but it can not hurt to repost.

<u> Repairing Pitch Marks </u>

As a courtesy to all golfers who follow us, and the course itself, it's important that all CTGA players do all we can to keep the course in as good condition as we would like it to be for us.

Below are the RIGHT WAY and the WRONG WAY to repair pitch marks. A pitch mark tool or tee should be used to effectively repair the damage. Never use the edge of a putter to repair your pitch mark, as this method cannot get the thatch layer and soil back to their original and preferred place.


Always remember, if your shot hits the green on the fly, there will be some damage. Find it, repair it, then look for and repair at least one other that someone else missed. If you notice any ball mark on the green that needs fixing, fix it.

Never stick your putter head into the cup to remove your ball from the hole as it could cause damage to the edges of the cup.

Never take your pull-cart across tees or greens, or across the fringe between the green and a greenside bunker. Always move your cart to a spot between the green and next tee box before proceeding to the green to putt.

<u> Bunkers and Rakes </u>

When going into a bunker to hit a shot, you should enter from the lower edge of the bunker (A)....never enter from a high edge (B).

After hitting out of bunkers, they should always be raked smooth for the players who follow. When raking the bunker, you should first fill in the deep ruts made by your feet and club, then smooth the sand as evenly as possible. Try to avoid leaving rake teeth marks in the sand.

When finished raking, the rake should be positioned in the bunker, at the side nearest the rough (C), and in such a way that the handle can be easily accessible).


<u> Additional Reminders </u>

* Always replace fairway divots.
* Put your discarded waste paper, drink containers, discarded cigarette butts, etc., in the course receptacles provided.
* Sunflower seeds, cigarettes and tobacco chew may be necessary for some golfers. If they are for you, avoid leaving any parts of them on tee boxes or putting greens.
* Let's be conscientious about our game and make it more fun for all golfers.

Good Post Parmo. Very little I'd argue the toss over there.

And I'll re-itterate something I've mentioned in the other thread.

I think instead of courses requireing a Handicap certificate. Players should turn up at courses with a Card of Course Competence, where the player has had to do not only a theory test but a practical test with his home courses pro to show an understanding of good course ettiquete, basic rules knowledge etc.

At the end of the Test/Exam the Pro would go through any wrong answer to correct the player before issuing a card of course competence. And like with any examination a certain standard of competence must be obtained before a card is issued.

I think any Pro could do this for the price of an average Hour long lesson, say £30 - £35.
Parmo - something that article doesn't cover regarding bunker raking - when a lot of players rake a bunker all they do is scrape the sand in a backwards motion as they reverse out of the trap. Eventually this will leave little sand at the base of the bunker as it is all raked out towards the bunker edges.

Always agreed with what Cernunnos has posted, before any h'cap is issued this "competency" test should be passed.
Good stuff Parmo.

However, I don't have the problem of having to repair pitchmarks at my course.
Not because I don't hit the greens (H'cap standard 9 according to SS2)
No. The reason is our greens are already rock hard and even a wedge coming in from 3 miles high barely leaves a bent blade of grass.
Roll on summer - pitching 30 yards short again.
And I agree with the "theory test"!!

But in these economic times clubs will want all the revenue they can get so turning someone away because they havn't got the card just isn't going to happen.
Think on it Imurg. Each club would gain the 30 for issuing a card of competence & this would negate any Handicap necessity in my way of thinking. It would be certainly easir for player to get hold of one of these cards than obtain an official handicap certificate. And it would actually serve a practical purpose.

Infact it would mean more players through the gates & Up the driveway & onto the first tee.

How many of us here don't have a handicap certificate but know what we are doing on the corse, regardless of skill & ability as players.

If we were to say turn up at for instance StEndoc, we'd need a handicap certificate (Mine is no-longer valid). My Other half would need a Handicap certificate. Yet both of us know how to handle ourselves on a course don't make fools of ourselves & would be a good customer. Which is all the course really wants.

For the Price of a lesson we could sit a short exam & have a a photocard issued that we could show anywhere to show course competence & so would actually help courses get the sort of players onto the tees they need so long as we can pay the green fees.
I may be wrong but I'm sure that Sweden issue you with some sort of card to say that you can play golf after taking some sort of playing test!
Some clubs provide special rake holders.

There is some different opinions of where to leave the rake as regards to bunkers, whether fairway or greenside bunkers.

General concensus is in lie of play of a hole whether in the bunker or outer edge away from & paralel to fairway & in line of play.

The main issue as I see it is occurances of ball striking either the shaft or the head of the rake & causeing the ball to enter the bunker when it otherwise wouldn't or bouncing out or staying in when it might have done the oposite in each case.

I'm sure someone had said the R&A or another governing body had come up with a directive about placement of bunker rakes.

EDIT: here's what I've found so far

Can't find anything from the R&A so far. It all seems to be USGA unfortunately
What sort of reply? Positive? none commital? or just dismissive.

Hope it was a positive one. As pitchmarks are an issue, especially on certain courses.

Yeah he said "Cheers steve, like it" not sure if that was for sending him the picture or making him look cool with his Iphone.

Lets hope he uses it.
Good post Parmo, I've always repaired pitch marks the wrong way then! And I agree, every course should have the poster on the noticeboard in a prominent position. Even one in the loos above urinals.

There is no rule on where to place rakes (in or out of bunker ).

It is down to the committee of each course to decide how they want it done and to make this available to all players ie. posted somewhere in the clubhouse