How far do you REALLY hit it?

On the subject of yardages..... Isn't one of the key areas of reducing ones H/cap.. knowing the distance you hit EACH club.
There are the obvious sunday best yardages and the duffs but generally speaking consistency of distance should be the key.
Incidentally the driver is the only club in the bag that I don't have a consistant yardage but then if we hit all our drives the same length we wouldn't need a full set of clubs.
Just my opinion. :D
So what's the average carry for a six iron these days if the driver is sending the ball a taxi ride away !

I say carry because the six iron is a scoring club in my book and should be able to get a shot close to the target area on the green. Realistically what is the carry on this type of shot ?
it depends on the course and the conditions. myself i would say my average is about 160 yards at my local club, but playing other course i have been around the 150 marker and found that the green looks close so have opted to take say a 9 iron and flown over the green. does anyone else find that yardage markers tend to differ from course to course?
Yeah to be honest i take all yardage markers as a guide and usually just trust my instinct.

Usually pretty good with yardages, have to be to use an sa80!
I hit a good one over 280, had a 285 recently on the 3rd.
Well done. I had one recently that was well over 300 yards but still imagine that if all my drives were measured and an average taken, I might not want to know the result. Think of the mis-hits, the odd topped one or, my worst enemy, the duck-hook. They bring your average distance down fairly dramatically.
This will impress you or maybe not..Hit my three iron approx 229 yrds a couple of weeks ago. on the yellow tees on the 8th slightly wind assisted ! hitting driver bout 280 av at the mo had 4 or so 300 plus this year best being 325ish
Can anyone tell me how the length of a hole is measured. Is it along the ground and round all corners or as the crow flies and by the most direct route? I ask because I assume that this could be where some of the more exagerated driving estimates come from as you may drive the green on a 300 yard par 4 but if you have cut a corner off the hole and the length is not measured by the most direct route then you may have only hit it 230-240 yards.
can i just say madandra is speaking the honest, i seen both his drives he quoted,the 1 at the 11th he didn't realize i seen it
my average with the driver is about 250. I can hit a good one about 280 though. Someone said about six iron distance earlier- just over 160 yards for me.
I hit my 6 iron approx 170 I think.

To be honest I don't know my yardages (except 8/9 iron is about 150) and this is a real problem when I play different courses.

Instead I club from set points, ie 6 iron from silver birch, 9 iron from bunker etc.

This is mainly because I nver trust yardages at any course which I play at.

But this caddy lite thingy sounds interesting - can someone tell me more about it?
240 yds, allegedly.

Driving distance is a difficult stat to measure because (a) you need to have a decent set of figures to get an accurate average (I would say 50+ minimum) and (b) because it can be difficult to get an accurate measurement on your drives. SkyCaddie (which on my wish list) may prove invaluable in providing accurate measurements.

I believe (please correct if wrong) that the way you are supposed to measure DD is to select 2 holes at random prior to tee off. These holes should run in opposite directions to counteract the effect of wind.

Then there is the question of run which can be 0 yds if soggy or if you miss the fairway or 50+ yards if you bang it down the middle of a dry fairway.

Driving Distance is probably unique in golf stats because it is the only one which amateurs find hard to measure . You would expect the stats for those on the Pro Tours to be pretty accurate.

It is also not a stat to which I pay a great deal of attention. I (hcap 12) play regularly with a 3 handicapper. I usually hit the ball slightly further than him but he hits way more fairways than me. I would like to swap the extra 5 or 10 yds to be down the middle more often...

My stats for this year are:

Key stats for Andy Richmond (Hcap: 12)

Fairways Hit: 55% (Hcap Std: 9)
Greens In Reg: 25% (Hcap Std: 12)
Putts Per Round: 32.84 (Hcap Std: 12)
Sand Saves: 0% (Hcap Std: 28+)
Birdie Conversion: 15% (Hcap Std: 12)
Par Scrambles: 22% (Hcap Std: 13)
Driving Distance: 240 (Hcap Std: 7)
Penalties Per Round: 1.34 (Hcap Std: 14)

Rounds Recorded: 11
Date Range: Current Year: 01/01/2008 to 02/05/2008
Produced by Scoresaver 2.
I measured my clubs last week using my new sky caddy.

These were in a slight (5-10mph down wind - i.e. helping)

Lob Wedge 55 yards
Sand Wedge 80
52 degree wedge 90
PW 110
9 iron 120
8 iron 135
7 iron 150

I didn't have time to do the rest as I was rushing home for Chelsea v Man U

I hit 10 balls with each club and calculated it by taking the furthers and nearest points and calculating the average and by standing in the middle of the dispersion. Both ways were measured by Sky Caddie so I'm fairly happy they are accurate.

I was thinking that on a still day I'd probably lose about 5 yards per club and hitting into the wind about 10 yards (based on a similar wind speed and not a howling gale).

I plan to finish off the other clubs in my bag and repeat the process into a headwind so I have a good idea how far I hit in all conditions