Money List Winner
Do I know better?
Yes, I believe I do.
I've put it on here before, we input our own score online either as we go or at the end of the round. Our verification that the score is correct is our signature.
This is further verified by a playing partner completing our card, which they sign. Once the player is happy, the marker uploads a photo.
Whilst many of us would correctly complete our own card, to suggest that a hundred plus players in every comp at every club would all do so is lunacy in my view.
I'm afraid you've lost me again.
You said "This stuff trying to justify players marking and submitting their own cards is crazy" and you then go on to describe how you input your own score as you go round. If you are inputting your score online as your round progresses, is that not marking or completing your own card?
Please be kind to someone of my years.