Fancy playing in one of GM's 'Lexus Yorkshire Challenge' pairs this Sept?

This sounds great. Will be mailing tomorrow provided the works holiday calendar is clear and that dull people are allowed to enter :)
Good idea, but knowing my luck I'd probably randomly delete all the vaguely talented golfers or those with, how shall we put it, generous handicaps...

I don't think I like the tone of your post Jeremy.......... :whistle:
This sounds like an amazing opportunity, alas I could only apply for this upon receving guarantees that I would not have to play three rounds with anyone wearing Loudmouth trousers.

... Those are the terms upon which me and my sombrero come out to play!! :fore:
Dreams suitably crushed. Someone already on holiday for those days so I can't get the time off. I hate this job sometimes!! :(

Good luck everyone else :)
Can I just say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your book JezzE- a very insightful look into the golf world, excellent writing.

You're not only a handsome man but a powerful one as well...........

now for my entry:smirk:

seriously though, great opportunity but I wont be entering, good luck with whoever you pick, I'll expect to see trophy pictures:thup:
Sounds like you want me in the team badly Jezz. Send me an email explaining in less than 50 words why I should make the trip north :D

there has to be a LIKE button for posts like these :thup:

Ok il whinge and moan , wont be entering as its too far .................................:D Just Kidding

Great chance for lucky forumers again , well done GM :clap:
Sadly I suspect that my ability to be the last person standing in the bar each night is probably not the skill being looked for. Nor is my ability to ensure that everyone will have a solid hangover for every round.

Might need to see if I have remembered how to hit a golf ball after a few weeks off before I consider an email about my golfing 'skills'
Another Top Notch opportunity from GM Towers for the forum. So glad I joined!!

Have sent my 50 words in. Need to sit and wait to see if Father Christmas arrives early or not now ;)
Good idea, but knowing my luck I'd probably randomly delete all the vaguely talented golfers or those with, how shall we put it, generous handicaps...
I was thinking of entering as I am a natural in a flat cap, but the 'vaguely talented' and 'generous handicaps' rules me out.:(

Just a thought on this one.......

There have been a few good opportunities recently that have favoured those in the south, maybe preference should be given to our northern colleagues for this one?

If nothing else, it might stop them whinging for a bit ;)

Just a thought on this one.......

There have been a few good opportunities recently that have favoured those in the south, maybe preference should be given to our northern colleagues for this one?

If nothing else, it might stop them whinging for a bit ;)

All will be revealed later in the week...
Evening all,

I'm pleased to announce that the two forumers making up the GM team for the Lexus Yorkshire Challenge will be...

Hobbit and Riverdale

Congratulations to them, and commiserations and thanks to all who put themselves forward for this event but didn't come out of the hat on this occasion
Well done Hobbit and Riverdale :clap: Do us proud guys :thup:

Jezz, can you print their 50 words up, or even better, a sample of some of the others, no names needed, will be funny I bet to read some :whistle:
Just back from playing a league to Dubai match at Oakmere Park near Nottingham. Did Betterball 43pts and lost to 45pts!!

Checked email and found out the great news about the Lexus Yorkshire Challenge. Chuffed to bits and it softens the blow of losing tonight.

Thanks to Jezz and all at GM Towers. I've no problem with my 50 words being printed - but I guess I'll leave it to the GM guys to decide if they're happy to publish them