Drinking Culture at Your Club

Mrs Wiggles

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Dec 5, 2018
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I only took up a golf a few months before I moved to Lincolnshire. The guys I played with would start with a coffee, and drop a little scotch in it. By the 9th they would crack open the cans. I am more responsible when it comes to drink driving, so I wouldn't have more than two cans. When I moved and joined my present club, I was surprised to find that nobody drinks at all when playing, and very few drink after as well. My friend back where I used to live ran a golf club, and during the summer sent out a green keeper on a buggy stacked with cold beer. I just wondered, what is the culture at your clubs ?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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you want a wooden spoon with that?
Probably find he usually plays with Judge Smales,. The club owner was Al Czervik, has Danny Noonan caddying for him and the 4 ball is completed with Wang and Bishop Pickering.

Oh and was it Karl the green keeper delivering the drinks...

Even bill Murray seems a more serious golfer than this clown and what he posts..


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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We have a buggy with a selection of ales and lagers that goes round.
And extra pound on your coffee and you can get a shot of whiskey in it.

Big drinking culture. Five and drive is alive. Very much a pub atmosphere and people enjoy it when they finish their round.
Summer comps can be an all day affair.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Everyone has to drive to my club and thankfully most have the intelligence not to drink and drive. I don't see anyone drinking out on the course, any cans in the bins tend to be from societies. The most popular drink at the moment will be coffee, it's cold, but in summer it will be soft drinks. Some people will have 1 beer but it's rare to see people having more than that.

I've been at clubs with a drinking culture, and a drink drive culture, but my current place doesn't have one.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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I know of only one person at my club that drinks alcohol on the course regularly during comps. We have three comps where we stop at our halfway hut for a snack and a drink where most player bring something alcoholic. There are however quite a few people that have more than they should after a comp considering they have to drive home. Personally I could not forgive myself if I hurt somebody or worse due to drink driving.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Even within the swindles I play in there are now very few players that have more than one alcoholic drink and quite a few that do not have one at all even though the drink is being paid for out of the kitty.

There are a few hardened drinkers I know at the club and there are also some that I know that have been done for drink driving on their way home from the club.

One guy who came to our club from another one was done whilst at the previous club because the steward phoned the police to advise them when he left the club.

On a personal note I was once breathalysed several hours after drinking two pints, the bag turned but the cop let me off with a stern warning because the incident I was involved in was not my fault.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I am quite happy to enjoy my golf completely without drinking before or during a round. A few days there have been bottles of beer on the course and a few pre-planned drinks afterwards, but that has been once or twice a year.

Personally it doesn’t add to the enjoyment for me and I don’t mind that I will always have my car at my own club or even if I went to an away day, I don’t mind driving.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Don't know anyone at my club that drinks during a round, even in the summer and to be honest think even the flask with a wee nip in is a thing of the past. The 19th atmosphere is a lot more reserved than it was and yes, there are still those that have more than they should and drive. As we're a one car family HID drops me off and picks me up so she can use the car while I play so I'm lucky that I have carte blanche to drink what I want. We have a great vibe amongst our weekend groups but it is not the same in any way to drinking in a pub


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
No one I know drinks on the course...

...some folk keep the bar profits up after, but that’s up to them... I don’t mind a few beers, but got a 20 mile drive home.

Saw a gang of lads at Celtic Manor once hitting the beer on the course once, one of them fell and broke his ankle. Not a good start to a weekend away


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Last club was a big drinking club. Not much on the course but definitely after, always a great atmosphere. Sadly though a fair % of the drinkers used to drive home.

Current clubs - one has a hardcore who drink aplenty but live within walking distance. Other club is more 'refined' and not much of a drinkers club.

Makes no odds to me as I'm a bit of a lightweight these days and usually drive anyway


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Last club was a big drinking club. Not much on the course but definitely after, always a great atmosphere. Sadly though a fair % of the drinkers used to drive home.

Current clubs - one has a hardcore who drink aplenty but live within walking distance. Other club is more 'refined' and not much of a drinkers club.

Makes no odds to me as I'm a bit of a lightweight these days and usually drive anyway
Sounds just like my club and me, locals really can put it away.
Got a bus pass now and stops right outside club so now and again I do have a few.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have a hardcore of big drinkers and the Sunday roll up can be a big session if the vibe is right and the banter is flowing. As I said from my perspective its not an issue but there are those that definitely have more than they should to drive.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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We’ve had one guy get caught drink driving 2 days on the trot by the same copper. 12month Ban and a HUGE fine.
Anyone that drinks and drives surely can’t have been directly affected by the results. As a teenager I had 3 very good friends die in the space of 6month due to drunk drivers. Shame on anyone that thinks any sort of booze and then jumping in the car is alright.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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With the exception of our "gents christmas comp" (which is a known p*ss-up and for which participants are brought by wife/partner/cab etc) I'm not aware of any drinking culture on the course. Don't see people doing it & don't see cans etc in the bins.

As regards the 19th generally, I suspect we are no better and no worse than any other establishment that sells alcohol. But if one looked around after a weekend swindle, whilst one would see some beer, one would see quite a lot of glasses of coke/soda/gunners on the tables - or pots of tea.


Jul 11, 2009
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We’ve had one guy get caught drink driving 2 days on the trot by the same copper. 12month Ban and a HUGE fine.
Anyone that drinks and drives surely can’t have been directly affected by the results. As a teenager I had 3 very good friends die in the space of 6month due to drunk drivers. Shame on anyone that thinks any sort of booze and then jumping in the car is alright.

That’s an amazingly lenient sentence for a one time offender let alone twice. The magistrates must’ve been drunk when they sentenced him!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I play sometimes on a Sunday morning and am always surprised how many cars have been left in the car park from the night before.
All with clubs ,trollies in .
If you know your having a drink just leave the car at home .
One lad told me he leaves his car because he has nowhere to leave his clubs if he gets a taxi there.
I said “ put clubs in a locker and we have a trolley she’d that charges your battery for an annual fee.
It’s a lot cheaper than taxis home and back to get the car.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Resort course and good weather means having a drink post round is the norm
I'll usually have a couple going round on social or comp days and a couple after if pp's are hanging around which they usually do
Most don't drink on the course but will happily shift it afterwards
Side bets normally pay for bar bill (winner buys drinks)
The island is getting stricker on drinking/driving but not as tight as UK yet
Several diff cultures to think about too


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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Resort course and good weather means having a drink post round is the norm
I'll usually have a couple going round on social or comp days and a couple after if pp's are hanging around which they usually do
Most don't drink on the course but will happily shift it afterwards
Side bets normally pay for bar bill (winner buys drinks)
The island is getting stricker on drinking/driving but not as tight as UK yet
Several diff cultures to think about too

What island is that? I know a couple of years ago when I went to Barbados drinking driving was the norm. Drinking and working seemed to be the norm too. Though I heard they was thinking of bringing breathalysers in.

Deleted member 18588

Officially drinking on our course is banned but unofficially a very small minority occasionally ignore that.

Personally I have never felt the urge to swig beer down me whilst playing. Mind you that may be due to not liking any canned beer/lager.

There's no doubt that post round consumption of alcohol has reduced significantly in my 37 years of membership. Far more soft drinks and tea or coffee sold now than used to be the case.

This is good news as back in the late eighties and early nineties we had several members done for drink driving having only just left the Club.