Drinking Culture at Your Club


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Totally agree. I really don't think anyone reports ALL those that drink and drive on a regular basis. Can you really see someone jobbing members in week in week out? I never personally monitor exactly who has drunk what in the 19th, so it's an assumption as to who was and wasn't fit to drive. I simply can't see anyone reporting EVERYONE which is the assumption of some of the replies on here and if they did I still think they'd be short of playing partners very quickly
Surely a clear conscience knowing you haven't just walked away from watching someone get behind the wheel of a car after having to much to drink meaning they're endangering everyone and potential loss of life for someone is more important than losing a few playing partners!

If you're that worried about losing playing partners may I suggest calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. They'll deal with the call and situation without you having to fret about losing the odd playing partner due to doing the right thing. Likewise though I'd question if I want to play with someone who drinks and drives or facilitates this by standing by allowing it to continue.

But there's the whole new dilemma shop them anonymously or keep quiet..


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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Drink driving is something that really winds me up, people say they are ok or can handle it, or just let other people do it like it is a minor thing. They probably get away with it a lot too, increasing their belief that it's not a problem. The issue is when it does go wrong and they seriously injure or kill someone. Having lost someone at a very young age to a drunk driver, my view is probably less tolerant than most, but I've seen what it can do.

I'd have absolutely no qualms about shopping people for drink driving. If it meant I have no friends at the club, so be it, I would leave the club and move on, I wouldn't want friends that are that selfish and irresponsible anyway.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Hardly anyone I play with has an alcoholic drink after a game even though some only live a very short distance from the club. I personally rarely ever drink any alcohol if I'm driving


Journeyman Pro
Nov 17, 2009
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With the exception of the previously noted Christmas Competition Day, hardly anyone at our place has an alcoholic drink during or after the round. I think because we are the second course of the club and the majority of the members are based in Glasgow they all have to get to Gailes, often a 50 minute drive, so taxi not really an option.
We have a few shot gun start days, roll and coffee before 18 holes, sit down lunch afterwards then presentation of prizes. You can almost guarantee that the main lounge will be almost empty within half an hour of the prizes being given out. Not like some other clubs I have been at where members will be there for the rest of the day.
Not sure if it has been mentioned yet but the drink drive limit being lower in Scotland may have a bearing too.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Just a query - and definitely not aimed at anyone in particular - but I am genuinely interested to find out ...

Of those who express the view they are content to "shop" people who have had a drink then got in their car - how many times have you actually done it, and in what circumstances? And do you know if anything happened as a result (ie did they get stopped/nicked etc?)


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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Just a query - and definitely not aimed at anyone in particular - but I am genuinely interested to find out ...

Of those who express the view they are content to "shop" people who have had a drink then got in their car - how many times have you actually done it, and in what circumstances? And do you know if anything happened as a result (ie did they get stopped/nicked etc?)

Fortunately, I have never needed to go that far, most of the people I associate with wouldn't even consider drink driving, on the rare occasions it has been contemplated, just having a chat with the person and helping them sort out a taxi or a lift has worked most of the time, in one instance it took the threat of reporting them to make them change their mind, but I would have gladly gone through with it. I would not have any qualms about doing it in future either.

In some peoples eyes I may be seen as a grass, or a villain, anyone claiming such is just trying to use peer pressure for their own selfish means, but I am completely comfortable that I am doing the right thing. Also, the people who think this way most likely never lost anyone to a drunk driver.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I've never had to shop anyone in socially as don't tend to drink a lot myself so usually I'll offer to stay sober and be designated driver and not even have 1 drink just stick to a coke or something.

Did go to a work party years ago where a lad got in his car drunk despite being told not to, didn't need to call the police as they were already outside the place and witness to it by the time they got in their car to follow and pull him over he'd crash into a wall about 500yards away then tried to run away,. Thankfully he got caught and banned for a long time. I would happily shop someone for it regardless if it affects people wanting to play golf with me


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Never had to go as far as a call, a warning that I would if alternative transport arrangements were not found has proved to be enough.


Jul 11, 2009
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I think where most people would be surprised is how often they’ve got in the car the morning after a session thinking they’re fine. If you’re pretty drunk on a night, you’re probably not under the limit until the next evening but many won’t ever entertain that idea.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I think where most people would be surprised is how often they’ve got in the car the morning after a session thinking they’re fine. If you’re pretty drunk on a night, you’re probably not under the limit until the next evening but many won’t ever entertain that idea.
Bought a decent home breathalyser for that very reason. Aside from all of the other risks, getting caught would cost me my whole career and so I am very careful both on the night (will not even have one) and the morning after. Have cancelled a couple of early morning rounds of golf because the breathalyser said no.


Sep 11, 2011
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I think where most people would be surprised is how often they’ve got in the car the morning after a session thinking they’re fine. If you’re pretty drunk on a night, you’re probably not under the limit until the next evening but many won’t ever entertain that idea.

A rough guide being one unit of alcohol processed in one hour.

As IanM says, times have changed. Back in the 80's each of our Sunday morning 4ball would have a hip flask in our bags in winter time. Several nips were taken on the way round, and a couple of beers for 2 of them in the bar afterwards. The other 2 would have a few more than 2 beers. Nowadays none of us have a hip flask, and only a couple have a beer afterwards.

Saturday afternoon roll-up it was a beer before, and 4 or 5 afterwards whilst playing snooker well into the evening. Taxi to and from the club.

Out here in Spain, a couple of shandies. D&D over here gets you a fine, unless you're well over or involved in an accident.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Once drove into the back of a Jaguar car years ago, he was in the wrong lane, tried to cut into other lane, slammed his anchors on. I hit the brakes and the weight of the caravan when I emergency brakes lifted back end, wheels locked and I hit back of Jag. My fault. Made more of a mess of my Montego than it did his Jag. But cost wise it would probably of cost more to repair his car than mine. He wanted to make no fuss of it. In fact he was apologetic. He would be, he had had a drink. He got in the car and drove off. I rang the police. They were not bothered. Said he is long gone. I told them his Reg number and that he was going home. Still not bothered. The whole event, the crash, ringing police, bogged me off. Often wonder if he was in the wrong lane because of drink, making the wrong decisions whilst driving because of drink.


Assistant Pro
Jun 6, 2015
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Very few at my club drink on course, there will be the odd one in summer, maybe having one at the HWH but that’s about it. Most people stop for a drink afterwards, but probably the majority drink tea & coffee (especially at this time of year) and those that drink alcohol tend only to have one if they’re driving.