One of the saddest things in all of this is that my wife struggles to remember what her mum was like pre dementia and her dad has been such a pig through this that her thoughts of him are permanently scarred. I think her mum going into a home early on would have protected her from at least some of this. It is a shame when good memories get tainted.Cheers LT,
I liken looking after someone with Dementia, as walking down a street passing many doors and wondering or trying to guess which one you will walk through. I say that as I was looking at care homes a Couple of weeks ago. Trying to anticipate walking through that door. I mentioned it to Missis T and she thought it was to early. I have always had a sneaking feeling that things with her father were at a worse stage than he and certainly MIL made out. missis T has Confirmed that.
Ave said it before and I will always say it, Missis Ts training as a nurse has massively helped to defuse situations. The person she saw last night reminded her of when she was a child, when he used to ” trip out” and scream and shout and bully them. Missis T seems to think the dementia has highlighted his personality. She totally understands his dementia Is nothing personal. But my fear is that although she is a tough cookie she may carry a few scars once this is done and dusted.
Ave said it before and I will say it again, this forum has been fantastic for advice and Tash is now googling Dementia forums.
All the best Tash.