It’s usually into wind too, as 15 is basically a 3iron off the blues. In the Bowood bowl it’s just a hit and hope on 16.
No need for the middle bunkers at all.
The green design is also garbage as you can’t see the bottom of the hole.
I’m a big fan of bowood, and think it’s the best in Wiltshire but 16 is terrible
I've played bowood a number of times, and am also a big fan. I like the idea of 16 however I don't think it works not because of the centre line bunkers, but because they are paired with a very well protected green that requires a wedge in to hold. It means for most golfers it should be played as lay-up, lay-up, wedge onto green, as if you were to hit the green with a long club it would probably roll off anyway.
I think if the green were more get-able, it would be a better hole. without the centre bunkers it would be yet another 400y straightish par 4 on that course.
I'm not a fan of par 3s over 18 holes that are all the same length, I want to be challenged with different distances off the tee on par 3s.