Could this be done?

Great idea all this.

I think just a regional stableford followed by a final stableford over 2 rounds.
Even with 12 regions with 3 going through it would still only be 36 finalists

Why not put a sticky poll up? "If you want to play in a forum event, which region do you want to sign-up for"?

Judge numbers based responses as to whether sub regions are needed, or boundaries moved
As an alternative as GM are working with HDID on the Titleist OOM what if they could somehow produce a separate ranking for Forumers that could be used to whittle down to a Forum top 16 and they qualified for an end of season matchplay weekend with the winner crowned forum champion? That way there's only the logistics for the final event

I like this idea, but only as I'm doing okay in the HDID Titleist OOM. :thup: ;)
Here's my tuppence worth.........I think I like this idea more than the OOM idea. It could be said that I've got too much time on my hands but this evening some beer has helped me to realise that this could be a brilliant event. To keep as much of a matchplayI would go for 32 small regional events playing stableford. Top 2 from each event qualify for regional playoffs against a neighbouring region. Winner of Region 1 v Runner Up Region 2. Winner of Region 2 v Runner Up Region 1 etc. The map shows 23 regions. Add in Northern Ireland as 24 and maybe Republic of Ireland split into two more depending on numbers and we're up to 26. That leaves the ability to split the top 6 busiest regions into two and make it up to 32 regions. Obviously borders could be moved depending on numbers.

Regional Map.jpg

As I said. I think I might have too much time on my hands.
Forgot to add. Final in a central location with 32 qualifiers from the regional events playing stableford in 8 x 4 balls in the morning and then match play in the afternoon to decide the overall winner.....1st v 2nd, 3rd v 4th etc all the way down to 31st v 32nd to decide final placings.
Poker- how would matchplay work on such a large scale on one day?

In the early rounds where there are lots more players if you played in 4-balls, over 18 holes it's possible to play x3 matches of 6 hole matchplay

You'd play 6 holes matchplay against each player - much shorter format but would help play lots of matches early on
You could always make the whole thing a bit easier by doing it in 3 stages.

Stage 1. Local regional qualifiers - East SCO, West SCO, N IRE, EIRE, NW, NE, East MIDS, West MIDS, SW,SE, North Wales, South Wales. - (or any regional splits as required.)

Stage 2. Large regional Final - Winners of each region play winners of neighbouring region - East SCO vs West SCO, N IRE vs EIRE, NW vs NE, East MIDS vs West MIDS, SW vs SE, South Wales vs North Wales

Stage 3. Finals day at a central venue - 18 holes of Stableford or Medal to be followed by 18 holes of Matchplay for the top 2. The 4 others could play 18 holes of Stableford or Medal to finalise the placings (scores form the morning to be counted as well.)

Everyone who enters pays a tenner. This could be used to pay the travel/Hotel costs for all the Finalists (which should make it easier for our Irish and Scottish friends to attend).
Bluewolf, you read my mind £10.00 entry non refundable, to subsidise the travel expenses for us who make it to the later stages.:whistle:
Given how hard it is to get two golfers from the same club to play a singles knock out, in a six week window, I'd say this won't work. Bung in travel, fitness, form, weather, holidays, etc, and hardly any matches will get played.
Given how hard it is to get two golfers from the same club to play a singles knock out, in a six week window, I'd say this won't work. Bung in travel, fitness, form, weather, holidays, etc, and hardly any matches will get played.

I would say if people are keen then it would happen, it'll be like the Kevin Costner baseball film, "Build it and they will come", scenario, as long as it gets organised people will enter and play.
How about:-

Matchplay could be a possibility, based on a knockout format.

If entries were open until say January 1[SUP]st[/SUP]. Even if we had 256 entrants nationally (doubtful)after 1 month (March) Say April down to (128),month 2 (64) , month 3 (32), month 4 (16) by August it may be down to approx 8 individuals who could compete at a final in September/October.

8 in q/finals (morning), 4 in semis (afternoon), finals the next day.

Qualifiers – Once all the entrants (who have paid £10-15) are in we can then work out the regions (not before). We can also work out how many areas to have depending upon interest.

The main thing is, as long as people realise that in some of the later rounds, they may have to travel 2+hours, we should be ok. Each region will also have a “geographical” captain who will be responsible for draws etc


Between Cumbria and North wales and including the north west may be 1 area.

Round 1

People are drawn against their nearest competitor on a north-south basis (of all regions), but you don’tplay people in the same club, as no fun in that.

Round 2, after all results are in a plan is drawn by the “captain”, then he does the same again. And keep doing that until each area (say 8 areas) have 8 people to send to the finals weekend.

So, ideally if there were 4 people who were in Cumbria they could play each other, same in north wales to avoid excessive travelling in the early rounds. After that you may have to travel possibly 1-2 hours, but most of us will do that. Also, as stated, if the home guy pays the green fees for the away guy, they only have to pay their petrol. Not bad.

As long as everyone knows what is likely going forward, there should be no problem. You cant cater to everyone in this geographically, but you can try to cut down on it, by early rounds being local games.

Cut off the applications in January, gives a few weeks to sort out the regions and the draws for first matches in March.
BTW shouldn't one of the two threads going on be stopped?
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....then proceed to beat Pieman

How dare you! Right, that's it. I have slapped you round the face with my nice cabretta leather FJ glove and challenged you to a golfing match play duel! :ears: This is it everyone, the first match in the first round of the South East Region qualifiers! :one: :thup: