Match Conceded then Deadline Extended

Surely it'll be at the discretion of the competition secretary or the relevant committee? What happened if the next round had managed to be played already? The issue clearly lies with the club delaying an extension to the completion date when it must have been aware of the delays caused by the weather.
Its not relevant to the actual question being asked, but do you know if any other matches had failed to be played? I would imagine for the deadline to be extended it would be several, but if its just yours then it could just be tough luck.

I think you did the honourable thing conceding, but "in the spirit of the game", certainly at the level we play I would be pretty disappointed in the opponent if he didnt contact you and see if something can be arranged before the new deadline.
If I’d made the concession there’s zero chance I’d ask my opponent to play once circumstances changed. If I’d received the concession I’d ask the committee to decide if I can offer to play the match (notwithstanding the rules say no)
Its not relevant to the actual question being asked, but do you know if any other matches had failed to be played? I would imagine for the deadline to be extended it would be several, but if its just yours then it could just be tough luck.

I think you did the honourable thing conceding, but "in the spirit of the game", certainly at the level we play I would be pretty disappointed in the opponent if he didnt contact you and see if something can be arranged before the new deadline.
Another seven matches had not been played. My club is very strict on (not) granting extensions for individual matches unless there are extraordinary circumstances…usually personal.

I’ll just reiterate, this situation does not involve me other than I am playing the lad who was given the concession…I just found it easier to describe by making it about me 😄

I also need to add that I do not know the details of the concession, other than time was running out, and whether or not any approaches have been made to play the match given the extension. I am confident that the lad given the concession would have tried to change things if his opponent could have played in the extension period.

I just wondered about the position in respect of the rules, and what forummers would do…i.e. How many would say tough; how many would try their best to play the match given the extension.
It is one of those odd situations and one would have thought that the much touted standards associated with golf would kick in. As the opponent, I would be asking you if you wanted to play the match as the deadline had been extended and certainly would accept an offer to play if a date can be arranged (on the understanding perhaps that if a date could not be fixed due to the opponent being unavailable, the concession would stand). I suppose, going forward, I could see the sense in all results being recorded and entered the day after the deadline passes to complete the matches to avoid such circumstances. Perhaps also an edict from the club to state that all concessions made due to being unable to arrange the match due to course closures are void. I would not have thought that you were the only one in this boat.
I probably wouldn't go asking the opponent to refix now.
But I'd hope in the "spirit" of the game that the opponent would contact yourself and the committee offering to play.
And even if some rule exists that the competition committee would use a bit of common sense and allow game to go ahead.
I agree it's not about you, BUT.....why did "you" concede? Why didn't the opposition concede to you? I am baffled by "your" generosity.
As said. I don’t know. There may have been other constraints that meant ‘I’ knew I could not play in any extension if one were granted - maybe I just couldn’t be bothered playing a reduced course in poor conditions. My question was the general one about the position under the rules and what folks might think they would do if I could have played in an extension period.
What the heck are you doing having knockouts with deadlines in the middle of winter?
How would you ensure the progression of a knockout competition without having deadlines?

Our winter knockouts are limited to 32 pairs per comp with 5-6 week windows to get matches played (more if both parties play earlier rounds well in advance of the deadlines) - more than enough time for anyone to get matches played, even with bad weather and a few course closures. Those deadlines are only extended in the event of a course closure during the week of the deadline that affects already booked in matches; and to ensure finals are played.
If it were me, once conceded it's done and I'm out of here.
Yep. Very strong possibility the party that conceded couldn't care less. I'm part-way through a winter pairs league and am looking forward to it being all over so I can concentrate on fun time social golf again.
How would you ensure the progression of a knockout competition without having deadlines?

Our winter knockouts are limited to 32 pairs per comp with 5-6 week windows to get matches played (more if both parties play earlier rounds well in advance of the deadlines) - more than enough time for anyone to get matches played, even with bad weather and a few course closures. Those deadlines are only extended in the event of a course closure during the week of the deadline that affects already booked in matches; and to ensure finals are played.
This seems to me to be the perfect approach and I agree with Rulie that there are far to many on here all too happy to advocate ignoring the Rules.
Yep. Very strong possibility the party that conceded couldn't care less. I'm part-way through a winter pairs league and am looking forward to it being all over so I can concentrate on fun time social golf again.
Pairs matches are always a royal pain in the bottom to sort. This time of year you find there is always one who can't carry or doesn't want to play as its too cold/wet etc and in the summer with holidays it is even harder. Glad I didn't enter our winter knockout this year (my partner and both forgot and missed the deadline but a blessing in disguise with the course closures etc
This seems to me to be the perfect approach and I agree with Rulie that there are far to many on here all too happy to advocate ignoring the Rules.
In matchplay, can one (both?) players ignore a rule breach and therefore the concession could be withdrawn? Not sure on the exact details on this so just asking the question.
How would you ensure the progression of a knockout competition without having deadlines?

Our winter knockouts are limited to 32 pairs per comp with 5-6 week windows to get matches played (more if both parties play earlier rounds well in advance of the deadlines) - more than enough time for anyone to get matches played, even with bad weather and a few course closures. Those deadlines are only extended in the event of a course closure during the week of the deadline that affects already booked in matches; and to ensure finals are played.
Do you think so? The first round of our one and only winter comp, a Greensomes knockout, was drawn in October and slated to be completed by mid-November. Looking at the draw sheet yesterday, only one first round match has been completed and the completion date for each round has been changed so many times the sheet is an inch thick with Tipex.

It is all weather related. The course opened yesterday, 11 holes, for only the second time since Christmas. In December, the course was open for odd days, thus making it quite difficult for anyone to arrange anything.

At this rate, the winter comp will likely not be over until summer, which is pretty much what happened in 23 also.
This obvious thing to do is for the tie to be played if both players can arrange a date in the extended timeframe.
It’s just a club comp it’s not playing for large amounts of money or anything that will seriously change anyone’s life good or bad.
This is one of the reasons I don’t play comps, it’s fine playing to the rules of the game, but when those rules have no flexibility to take into account something like this, then the rules aren’t fit for purpose.
It’s another thing I think is a blocker to people taking up golf (not this specific instance) these stupid inflexible rules and having to go cap in hand to a committee to ask to play a tie for what amount to £30 shop credit at the end of the day
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