Building lag


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I lied. I filmed my swing tonight, all 12 different ones. I still have no lag at all. Nadda, zilch, none. It is flipping depressing, and I am totally hacked off. Hitting it fine, but my hands are at best level with the ball, never in front. At this rate I will be giving up golf. I have put in two hours a day, for 8 days, minimum, and am no nearer to getting it right. I'm shanking less, but heck, I can hit my usual lag less swing and do that fine. And hit it longer, and straighter.

I now have a pause in my swing like Charles berkley, and am frightened to hit it at all.

Hacked off of Watford.
I am currently wondering what the point of this was. Golf is meant to be fun. This isn't.

Make sure you maintain a hinge in the back of your right hand at impact. This way your hands have to be ahead. I think your problem is flipping your wrists through the ball.

Try this drill: Take a hair comb and slide it down under your wristwatch on your left hand so that it lies over the back of your left hand and is held in place by your watch. Make some half swings and try to keep the hinge in your right hand as you strike the ball, the comb will stop your left wrist from bending or flipping forward. You will need to keep rotating your body through impact to square the clubface but make sure that the right wrist does not lose the hinge. When you get the feel of a crisp strike then do the same action with a full swing.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I am currently wondering what the point of this was. Golf is meant to be fun. This isn't.

My thoughts too Chris.....

You're hitting the ball better, higher, straighter and less shanks.
What exactly are you trying to fix?


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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My thoughts too Chris.....

You're hitting the ball better, higher, straighter and less shanks.
What exactly are you trying to fix?

I am wondering this myself.

The idea is to have a technically better swing, where I don't feel the need to change it every day. I am a bit like padraig, in that every day I have a little change, something I am fiddling with. I felt that if I had a few lessons, and had a direction, then I would be less in lined to tinker. However, once I have seen an impact position on video, where my hands are effectively behind my right leg at impact, then I need to change it, as I know this is wrong. But, I can't change it. At least, not by enough. It feels fine, I am striping it, I can hit it as hard as I want, and not lose it left, but that is no longer enough. having seen what is going on, I need to get this right. There are loads of people who find this easy.

I have never found sport to be difficult, I have natural hand eye co-ordination, I have rhythm, I don't get why this is so hard.

I figure that in the time I have devoted to this I could have learned to play the saxophone.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
What did your pro say Murph? Is he OK with your impact position? Surely 2 lessons isn't going to leave you fully recharged with a new swing.. doesn't it takes time for things to settle before you can impliment new parts?


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I agree, that two lessons isn't going to give me an awesome looking swing.

My pro is currently on holiday, and is back next Wednesday.

Lesson one moved the ball forward to the correct position. It took three weeks of playing and practice to get used to this, to the extent that it was natural, and I could hit it with a full swing. That said, I didn't practice as much as I could have done.

Lesson two looked at the results of lesson one, and the two things that stood out were I was getting stuck on the inside, and I had no lag. Hands at impact way behind the ball. I have a drill which is supposed to solve both. So far, it has fixed the being stuck on the inside, and I am now nicely on plane, with the butt of the club pointing at the ball. Fine.

But there is no lag. I have put stupid amounts of time into this, and at best, my hands are level with the ball at impact. In order to do this, I feel I am swinging more slowly, and have probably lost a heck of a lot of yardage.

There is not much point in having another lesson until I can fix this, as all I am doing is paying him to stand there and tell me the same as I can already see.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I agree, that two lessons isn't going to give me an awesome looking swing.

My pro is currently on holiday, and is back next Wednesday.

Lesson one moved the ball forward to the correct position. It took three weeks of playing and practice to get used to this, to the extent that it was natural, and I could hit it with a full swing. That said, I didn't practice as much as I could have done.

Lesson two looked at the results of lesson one, and the two things that stood out were I was getting stuck on the inside, and I had no lag. Hands at impact way behind the ball. I have a drill which is supposed to solve both. So far, it has fixed the being stuck on the inside, and I am now nicely on plane, with the butt of the club pointing at the ball. Fine.

But there is no lag. I have put stupid amounts of time into this, and at best, my hands are level with the ball at impact. In order to do this, I feel I am swinging more slowly, and have probably lost a heck of a lot of yardage.

There is not much point in having another lesson until I can fix this, as all I am doing is paying him to stand there and tell me the same as I can already see.

I disagree he might spot something that can help go see him when you can then make the decision about how long you wait.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I have a lesson booked on Wednesday.

I also have a better video camera, which I will use tonight. Hopefully it will look a touch better, as my other vc is not that good for frame by frame advance. With the new one, I should be able to import it into the V1 software, and get more of a view on what is happening.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Without seeing your swing I still have a feeling you are releasing too early or flipping your wrists through impact. This is a problem many golfers suffer from and is caused by your brain wanting to get the ball airborne.

The best way to deal with it in my opinion is to work on maintaining the bend in your right wrist at impact, this makes it impossible to have your hands behind the ball at impact, it also creates better ball compression and lag.

Just trying to help here, I think its worth trying the drill I gave you earlier. Just try it with some easy half swings and make sure you rotate your body through to face the target.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Thanks SR, I will give this a go, as I am definitley losing the angles. It is better than it was, but then that's not saying much. I appreciate your help.

I may post a video tomorrow.

Then again, I might not.....


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Thanks SR, I will give this a go, as I am definitley losing the angles. It is better than it was, but then that's not saying much. I appreciate your help.

I may post a video tomorrow.

Then again, I might not.....


I have attached a link to a website from a guy called Greg Willis, he promotes something he called 'The Right Hand Drill' its along the lines that I have been explaining where you keep the bend in your right wrist through iompact, I think it will be of some help to you. There is also a link to a lesson where Greg is teaching someone how to do this drill. Please have a look and maybe give it a little try.. What do you have to lose other than 15 minutes trying out somthing different.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
(Many pros will tell you to do this, but some if not most never tell you to keep this position throughout the swing - probably because they don't do it themselves).

Pro knocking? one likes that!!! :whistle:

I thought Murph said that he's playing the ball quite forward in his stance, to get the hands in front will require a sustantial lateral weight shift in the downswing. Any over rotation of the hips/shoulders and he will be cutting across the ball with it forward. Sounds like a very passive 'arms only swing'. I'd suggest loss of distance is guaranteed.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Right now, I have not got a clue. I have some video, but it is stuck on a pos sony camcorder. I hate Sony. Really, really hate Sony. Even more than bill gates and apple combined.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Pro knocking? one likes that!!! :whistle:

I thought Murph said that he's playing the ball quite forward in his stance, to get the hands in front will require a sustantial lateral weight shift in the downswing. Any over rotation of the hips/shoulders and he will be cutting across the ball with it forward. Sounds like a very passive 'arms only swing'. I'd suggest loss of distance is guaranteed.

He said he had moved the ball forward to the correct position, from this I guess it was too far back.

Are you referring to my suggestion with the 'Passive arms only swing' ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
No I was going on what I thought he said when he was talking about his first lesson. I'd be interested to see his swing from face on, not that I'd comment on it of course................. :mad::mad:

Seriously though, whilst he's working with a pro I think it's best left alone.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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No I was going on what I thought he said when he was talking about his first lesson. I'd be interested to see his swing from face on, not that I'd comment on it of course................. :mad::mad:

Seriously though, whilst he's working with a pro I think it's best left alone.

He did ask for help and seems frustrated that his Pro is not sorting his problem. I think my suggestion would help him achieve what he wants.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
He did ask for help and seems frustrated that his Pro is not sorting his problem. I think my suggestion would help him achieve what he wants.

Sorry, crossed wires I was referring to myself. Your opinions are all valid ones Brian and I hope Murph finds the magic bullet.

....I just hope he's not using Homer's old pro! :whistle:


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Then I guess you are lucky. But have you seen slo mo video of your swing? How do you know you have it?

No not seen a vid. But have been told by several pro's I have one of the best hand releases they have ever seen in an am/golfer. Not that is does me much good though.