Building lag


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I'm :confused: now.

I thought the point of lag was to hold on to the angle as long as possible THEN almost fully release it near impact, to generate more clubhead speed. i.e. the club moves a long way just before impact as the hands hardly move at all, like a catapult.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'm :confused: now.

I thought the point of lag was to hold on to the angle as long as possible THEN almost fully release it near impact, to generate more clubhead speed. i.e. the club moves a long way just before impact as the hands hardly move at all, like a catapult.

Release is extension of the arms post impact (see Bobmac's picture a couple of posts back) nothing to do with the wrists which tend to unhinge naturally as the arms extend and proceed around the torso. Anything else is classed as flipping and is (at best) inconsistent.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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If I understand your question properly...
Why can you do it standing up straight but not bent over the ball?
When you do the drill I suggested, you are swinging at right angles to your bodyso the swing path is at 90 degrees to your torso.
When you bend forward to address the ball, the club isn't swung at the same angle relative to your torso. Plus the ball will be there and put you off. Its just a feeling...a drill

yes, you did understand the question (sorry about the convoluted prose).

So, if I understand the answer, it doesn't work when you're in the 'golfing' position because your arms are no longer at such an advantageous angle. Presumably this means that your torso inhibits the free movement of your arms which gives the lovely laggy feeling.

So what can I do in my swing to try and get it back ? hold my arms stretched out more like the old Canadian chappy ? Move the torso out of the way with a hip shift while leaving the arms behind ? Bend over more ????

It seems particularly cruel that we play the game in a way which makes it so hard to achieve what we want !



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Pendodave, if you do the baseball drill with the bat approx waist high you should (in theory) be able to duplicate it once you are bent over at the waist. Rather as I did with the 'bat' in the video above.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I had a bit of a eureka moment at the range today. Need to video it tomorrow to make sure, but I think it is coming.

It is to do with my wrists, and what they do as I take the club back. What I am doing now, and what I was doing yesterday, look the same at the top, but yesterday's version is bio mechanically impossible to return the club face square. Today's version feels closed (it isn't), but enables more lag. Was giving it some tonight, and not a shank in sight. Well, till I started chipping.

I will check tomorrow night, to see what it looks like. Will be disappointed if there isn't a sniff of a bit of lag.

In the mean time, nice video, but you need a more modern golf club.

Cheers James, (and bob), thanks for your input. I will get there in the end.


Tour Winner
Feb 17, 2011
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JO ...they had me laughing when i first saw those videos....BUT wow how easy is that to understand now :thup::clap:

When is the DVD out????????????????


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I had a bit of a eureka moment at the range today. Need to video it tomorrow to make sure, but I think it is coming.

It is to do with my wrists, and what they do as I take the club back. What I am doing now, and what I was doing yesterday, look the same at the top, but yesterday's version is bio mechanically impossible to return the club face square. Today's version feels closed (it isn't), but enables more lag. Was giving it some tonight, and not a shank in sight. Well, till I started chipping.

I will check tomorrow night, to see what it looks like. Will be disappointed if there isn't a sniff of a bit of lag.

In the mean time, nice video, but you need a more modern golf club.

Cheers James, (and bob), thanks for your input. I will get there in the end.

Quite ironic that you're now getting it just as 284 other forum members are getting more confused! :mad:


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Quite ironic that you're now getting it just as 284 other forum members are getting more confused! :mad:

Did I ask them to continue reading?

If they had lag, stop reading, if they didn't and don't want it, stop reading, if they didn't, and wanted to know how, probably best to stop reading too.

How easy can it be?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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One reason you may be getting the 'Jodralls' when trying to create lag is due to your wrist hinge. If you roll the wrists open in the backswing then you will need to roll them back with very good timing at impact, if you dont you may have an open clubface that leads the hozel into the ball, 'Sherman' city.

I prefer an up and down hinge of the wrists, this helps to keep the clubface square to the swingpath and requires less manipulation.

Generating lag only needs the wrists to hinge back, if you introduce a slight pause at the top of the backswing and keep the wrists relaxed than the clubshaft will set naturally. Dont do anything to remove the hinge as you come down. Someone earlier mentioned that their hands slowed down near impact, they are correct, they do and you cant stop them.

As you swing down the rotational forces pass from the torso to the shoulders, from the shoulders to the arms, arms to wrists, wrists to clubshaft, clubshaft to clubhead. As this force moves out to the shaft and clubhead the force will now be near to one ton, it will slow down your arm rotation as the forces move outwards. You will not be able to stop the lag in the shaft from unwinding, it will be too powerful. The way it will go wrong is if you either do not allow the wrists to hinge, manually remove the hinge too early, stop your body rotation or roll the wrists.

The Force that is transfered from torso to clubhead is called COAM (Cofficient Of Angular Momentum) It is much like an ice skater that goes into a spin, as they pull their arms in they speed up and as they let them out they slow down due to COAM being retained in the torso or released out to the arms.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I like the bit about ice skaters, I cant relate it to golf though (not knocking by the way just my limited thought process)

It explains how your arms slow down as the clubhead goes faster. It's the forces passing from your arms to the clubshaft. The ice skater spins fast as they keep the rotational forces in their torso. As they hold out their arms the forces pass out to their arms and hands from their body which slows down their rotation. This will be even more prounounced if the skater was holding weights in their hands.

If you are interested read up on COAM.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 30, 2011
North Ayrshire
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Murph, i've had the same problem for a while now and been working away trying to find a 'fix', the best method that works for me is to have a pronounced forward press as your kick start to taking the club back. Don't know the exact science of it but it works for me.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I lied. I filmed my swing tonight, all 12 different ones. I still have no lag at all. Nadda, zilch, none. It is flipping depressing, and I am totally hacked off. Hitting it fine, but my hands are at best level with the ball, never in front. At this rate I will be giving up golf. I have put in two hours a day, for 8 days, minimum, and am no nearer to getting it right. I'm shanking less, but heck, I can hit my usual lag less swing and do that fine. And hit it longer, and straighter.

I now have a pause in my swing like Charles berkley, and am frightened to hit it at all.

Hacked off of Watford.
I am currently wondering what the point of this was. Golf is meant to be fun. This isn't.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Murph do you own an impact bag? ..... or even better there's a training club called 'tour striker' which is apparently amazing for teaching correct impact. If you buy one and hate it I'll buy it off you.... there you go :)