

Sep 11, 2011
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Will they (whatever they are) help my game ?

I managed two bars today, and its made me feel a little squiffy(hic). Just about to try another, and probably a couple more bars afterwards(hic).

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Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I managed two bars today, and its made me feel a little squiffy(hic). Just about to try another, and probably a couple more bars afterwards(hic).

This post was brought to you courtesy of San Miguel.

And funded by not doing Aimpoint?


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I'm not doubting it works for many people! And who said £99 was a lot of money? Not me. I happily pay that to play a single round.

I would however need convincing before I changed my putting methodology as I consider putting and green reading to already be a strength, but could always be better as for everyone (apart from whoever said they now never misread a green!)

Also I do already read some putts through my feet - that definitely works (for me) when there's optical illusions.

It's an interesting thread and the more questions asked and answers given help us make sense of the system and form proper opinions. I'd like to think I'm open minded enough to consider it (although others obviously won't)


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Another thing that has surfaced more than once in this thread is the reading greens with your feet... and several have expressed doubts that their or (when you get right down to it) anyone's feet can be that sensitive to a slope.

Its not your feet that is sensitive to the slope... its those balance organs in your ears that are actually doing the sensing.

Well I suppose that is correct, but with Aimpoint you determine the % of slope through your feet, balance and where you weight is, as in the foot/leg on the slope will have more weight on it than the side that is up the slope, the stronger the slope the more weight on the down slope foot, hence you can get a read on what % the slope is.


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Where and how has it been proven ? Thousands of golfers around the world choose one type of shoe spike over another because they think it will help them play better. But that doesnt mean it does.

On the pros element, if we were to look coldly at the facts, while some known names can be cited, it is undeniable that the vast majority of the worlds best golfer dont use it. And from driven, no stone left untourned, seekers of every advantage, with great resources to do so, one would have to conclude that as a group, they dont rate it.

As I wrote, thousands of golfers the world over have chosen aimpoint as a method to read greens, calibrate speed and gain accuracy when putting, they, we are proof it works. Comparing golf spikes to Aimpoint is chalk and cheese.

The majority of the worlds golfers do not use it in competition, some do, a lot don't I'll give you that, but it will be interesting come 2019 and green books are banned just how many try Aimpoint, how many along with their caddies on practice days map out greens (not 100% sure they will be allowed to do that or not) and how many pros combine the two, as in their own books and the use of Aimpoint.


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Just out of curiosity, if you have a really sloping putt (6 fingers) does this mean only people from rural places like Somerset can use aimpoint? :mmm: :D

I think you spread your fingers slightly, imagining you do have an extra finger, but if you are putting across a 6% green, good luck with that as that will be one fierce sloped green.

Other Aimpointers will correct me if I'm wrong on the finger spread thing.


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Apologies if it’s been asked already but how does Aimpoint work on double breakers or putts with break at just the start or finish?
All I’m reading here is about putting on a level slope with the same gradient for the entirety of the putt, in reality there aren’t many of them in golf.

I checked my notes from the course and on double break putts you take a read from the middle. If the putt is over 20feet you split the putt in to thirds and take the larger reading to determine your line. So a putt that you may read as a 2 when you straddle the ball, a 3 at say 10 feet and the 2 at 20 feet, would be a 3 for your line.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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I don't think anyone who's done Aimpoint is trying to 'convince ' someone who's not done, or ever likely to do Aimpoint of anything. I'm sure those of us who've done it don't give a stuff what non believers really think and £99 really is nothing today.

Agree, None of us who have done it have said, You MUST do Aimpoint, and to be honest it’s got to the point now that if a newbie came on and started asking about AP I think I’d rather not bother as there are too many who are trying to knock it’s validity while we are trying to explain.


Jul 13, 2015
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I checked my notes from the course and on double break putts you take a read from the middle. If the putt is over 20feet you split the putt in to thirds and take the larger reading to determine your line. So a putt that you may read as a 2 when you straddle the ball, a 3 at say 10 feet and the 2 at 20 feet, would be a 3 for your line.

Or you could simplify it down to I see that as 2 foot break left to right.

Glad that Aimpoint works for you. I just believe it over complicated the putting process for me. I can see value in it for poor readers of the greens as it assists in seeing breaks.

Also at the end of the day if your mechanics break down no matter what system you use you ain't holing the putt!


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Or you could simplify it down to I see that as 2 foot break left to right.

Glad that Aimpoint works for you. I just believe it over complicated the putting process for me. I can see value in it for poor readers of the greens as it assists in seeing breaks.

Also at the end of the day if your mechanics break down no matter what system you use you ain't holing the putt!

Maybe not in this thread but in other Aimpoint threads, I've written, I wasn't a bad reader of greens, but chose to do the course to eliminate the holes where optical illusions played a big part in a misread. Also the beauty about Aimpoint is that when playing on different courses with unfamiliar greens Aimpoint helps a lot.

I mean after a period of playing you home course every week you get to know the green subtilties and while it is not a forgone conclusion you could step up to a putt and just swing and drop one in, you do get to know for any given putt the outcome of the ball roll, something you can't do on courses you haven't played.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Does it include tips on how to read the grain too? Played a few courses over the last year (home and abroad) where the grain had a noticeable effect. Planted enough doubt in my mind to affect my putting


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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I think you spread your fingers slightly, imagining you do have an extra finger, but if you are putting across a 6% green, good luck with that as that will be one fierce sloped green.

Other Aimpointers will correct me if I'm wrong on the finger spread thing.

You could just hold both hands in the air?


Jul 13, 2015
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Apparently we are poor green readers and have had to resort to Aimpoint.

I've read through the thread entirely again, where did anyone call you that?

Are two "low" handicap golfers not happy that some people are questioning aimpoint? Do you think that you or aimpoint are above being questioned on a golf forum?

Two single figure players are advocates, congratulations on that. I know several who are not so drop the "elitist" poop.

I think it's a great discussion.


Jul 13, 2015
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I thought you would bite 😂😂😂

Oh dear.

Spit the dummy of the thread so far. I'm still waiting for you to point out where anybody has claimed you are a poor readers of the green?

If you can't please close the lid of your box.

Thanks fella


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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😂 Spat dummy, far from it geezer, you’ve not paid much attention to your own posts then if you’ve re read the entire thread. Suggest you re read again to find your answer, and while you’re at it, get off your pedestal oh king amongst men.