Music on the course

Not my cup oh yea , but C&W rocks.
Lifelong biker listening to heavy metal for decades and Country was a natural progression.
I do like a bit of peace and quiet when out and about though so like I said, not my thing but I wouldn’t moans at others for doing it.
Can't think of anything more awful. Simply don't like having others people's choice inflicted upon me (builders next door, please note!). And have always regarded "countryside" as being "entertainment" enough on its own - and doesnt need any musical enhancement. Hence I also hate those who take their musical boxes onto the hillsides & mountains. Keep music to where you can hear it properly ...
I these people who play their music while they're golfing demand that others stop talking or opening pockets on their bags or rustling sweet papers ......:unsure:
Do they insist on the HNSP...or shouldn't I go there..:unsure:
Incidentally, I was playing up at Alicante last summer - the whole course is surrounded by houses, but as you come back to the last few holes, there is a hotel adjacent to the 18th fairway. Must have been having a pool party there as we were playing, loud music, people enjoying themelves. Really did add a great vibe to the hole as we came down the fairway.

The music wasn't off-putting at all tbh - you can here it clearly enough on this vid.

Can't think of anything more awful. Simply don't like having others people's choice inflicted upon me (builders next door, please note!). And have always regarded "countryside" as being "entertainment" enough on its own - and doesnt need any musical enhancement. Hence I also hate those who take their musical boxes onto the hillsides & mountains. Keep music to where you can hear it properly ...

You should go round and tell them to buy a silent hammer next time they're making a nuisance of themselves.;)
I did recently get some bone constructor headphones (they go on the side of your head but not in your ear so you can still hear what's going on around you), next time I'm playing on my own I'd be tempted to stick those on and listen to some music on my way round. I couldn't bring myself to blare it out of a speaker though, I'd feel like a hooligan. ?
Nope. May listen to music at the range but never on the course and certainly without earphones. Aside from it being discourteous and against club rules I want to focus on what I am doing and also want to be aware of shouts of fore after an errant shot
Nope. May listen to music at the range but never on the course and certainly without earphones. Aside from it being discourteous and against club rules I want to focus on what I am doing and also want to be aware of shouts of fore after an errant shot

That's a bit unusual/random
Can you share the text of the 'no music' rule?
And do you happen to know what went on that drove the clubs decision to get it written down/formally banned?

(as a fun aside: are singing, humming and whistling a tune also banned, or just pre recorded tunes?)
That's a bit unusual/random
Can you share the text of the 'no music' rule?
And do you happen to know what went on that drove the clubs decision to get it written down/formally banned?

(as a fun aside: are singing, humming and whistling a tune also banned, or just pre recorded tunes?)
I doubt it, but they damn well should be. Judging by the sounds that some folk make, it would be kinder to put them out of their misery :)
Don't see any issue with listening to quiet music if by yourself and you ensure that your music can't be heard by any other player on the course.

As it happens if I want to really focus on playing each shot at a time I will sing to myself. My last two rounds were a final and a medal - and I was accompanied by Hazel O'Conner (Stay Now). Doesn't mean I don't speak to opponents or playing companions - well it works for me. :)
I’ve often listened to music at the range and while playing a quick 9 on my own but with headphones on so no one else can hear it, I’m not bothered if I hear music or even others talking when I play.
That's a bit unusual/random
Can you share the text of the 'no music' rule?
And do you happen to know what went on that drove the clubs decision to get it written down/formally banned?

(as a fun aside: are singing, humming and whistling a tune also banned, or just pre recorded tunes?)

No idea of the history but I assume it boils down to affecting other golfers if played directly through speakers attached to a bag, trolley or buggy and from a H&S perspective for headphones in case a player can't hear warnings of "fore"
I'm sure we all know that guy who complains if a sparrow farts on the next fairway. Imagine he'd have an aneurysm if faced with this.

In general I have a problem with people who think the world needs to benefit from their questionable taste in noise pollution. Cars with the windows down blaring out rap, snowboarders with backpacks spewing forth grime (it's always boarders, never skiers), that kind of thing.
Don't see any issue with listening to quiet music if by yourself and you ensure that your music can't be heard by any other player on the course.

As it happens if I want to really focus on playing each shot at a time I will sing to myself. My last two rounds were a final and a medal - and I was accompanied by Hazel O'Conner (Stay Now). Doesn't mean I don't speak to opponents or playing companions - well it works for me. :)
I do that sometimes. Sing to myself very quietly while walking down the fairways to get into a relaxed but focussed state of mind. This song is a favourite, it is meant to be sung softly.
I know only this first verse by heart.

Paham mae dicter, O Myfanwy,
Yn llenwi'th lygaid duon di?
A'th ruddiau tirion, O Myfanwy,
Heb wrido wrth fy ngweled i?
Pa le mae'r wên oedd ar dy wefus
Fu'n cynnau 'nghariad ffyddlon ffôl?
Pa le mae sain dy eiriau melys,
Fu'n denu'n nghalon ar dy ôl?
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